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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Mr Logic

    Joey Barton

    I don't see what Joey would have to gain from saying Wenger talked to him if it didn't happen, except perhaps to prop up his own delusions. I don't think he's that delusioned.
  2. Hope he stays on the bench tuesday night no matter how he feels.
  3. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Don't take the answer of one poster to be representative of the whole. I'd have been happy with 2 goals or just a couple of assists.
  4. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    You could pretty much post this about twenty times a day (minimum) throughout the board.
  5. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Lose 28-0 without a GK Look again.. (Had an uneasy feeling I'd missed something. )
  6. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'd like to at least try out the following... http://s1.postimage.org/pxk65osv9/Field.jpg
  7. Yeah, Simpson's not as bad as some would have you believe. He's not great either mind.
  8. Saved our asses today, that's his job tbh but he did it well.
  9. Raylor has been looking more of a defender than Simpson the last couple of games it has to be said, but I'm not sure I'd drop our only natural right back. That said I don't see Pardew having the balls to throw Santon in for a debut against Spurs, despite the fact I think he absolutely has to.
  10. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Did he ask for his account with the club to be deleted, too?
  11. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm hearing he's thrown a strop. Swore at Pardew and kicked a water bottle clear across the changing rooms.
  12. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Wish I'd said that, pretty much how I'm thinking.
  13. Read a few more accounts. Denied a penalty, denied a goal.. haven't seen the stats yet but my guess is they had way more attempts than us by the end of the game. Oh, and Krul saved our ass on more than one occasion.
  14. I'm just repeating what the commentaters were waffling on about. I know fuck all about the rules.
  15. As I understand it, it's because the player was completely out of play when he stopped the ball (headed it back) on the line.
  16. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Look, he apparently wanted to hold on to the lead. It made us vulnerable and tired the players quicker as Wolves attacked more and more. They had a legitimate penalty turned down and it was almost sheer luck they didn't score a second, which would have been a third had that penalty been given. We played pretty much the same game at QPR and got away with a draw by the skin of our teeth and looked poor into the bargain. Today could have easily been a loss and we looked dire at times in that second half. He's the manager, and if he can't work out what is quite plain to us - that makes us all wrong and he's got it right? Cabaye was close to fucked and had all but lost any semblance of running the midfield, but that was due to Pardews 2nd half gameplan imo. Had he brought Marveaux or Ben Arfa on the moment Ba took that knock everyone in the team would have had an outlet to aim for and relieve pressure, regaining momentum in attack. Guthrie was the correct decision once Cabaye had peaked, but it never needed to happen imo. When Ba got that bad knock he should have made two changes there and then. Given that the QPR game and West Brom last year has apparently taught him nothing I'm sad to say we won't maintain anything like this position in the table once the season starts getting tricky.
  17. http://s3.postimage.org/mdhqr9adb/Image1.jpg Can't complain too much.
  18. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    He seriously worries me sometimes. I keep thinking back to when he wouldn't play Tevez and Mascherano at West Ham. He makes some bizzare decisions at times. What's he trying to prove? Guthrie was kind of understandable as Cabaye had run out of steam a bit, but Lovens was a complete fucking mystery in relation to the other players on the bench. What message has he sent to Marveaux and Ben Arfa? Did he learn nothing from the QPR game?
  19. There it is, been coming for a long time. Cunts. Pardew, tit...
  20. International break coming up, Sa. Ameobi, Ben Arfa, Marveaux on the bench... looks round... Lovens on you go.
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