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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If he ever read this thread, he'd be on the first flight back to France.
  2. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The prospect of what he said being true was not what I want to hear I guess.
  3. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    You. Be nicer. Please. My bodyguard.
  4. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Wasn't talking, I was typing. Did you mean stop typing? Damn me for having an opinion that varies from your view.
  5. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Feck me, Pardew can be a complete dickhead at times. I'm sure he was deadly serious when he said that like. Doesn't really matter if he was serious or not when listening/watching. It's how it looks in print.
  6. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Feck me, Pardew can be a complete dickhead at times.
  7. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Still have not made my mind up about this guy. At times he appears clueless, the most recent example being the QPR game, yet at others he seems to have produced a good disciplined performance - almost tailor-made for the opposition. Did he fear QPR and feel we could bypass the midfield and unsettle their defence with two big forwards? Then why was Cabaye told to play so deep with Tiote. It compressed the midfield and played into QPR's hands, Cabye and Tiote were frequently so close as to make a pass almost insignificant in terms of relieving pressure. Then of course he changed nothing until the 75th minuts (or thereabouts)? Poor show. On to Villa, they did not press us much, we had time and space. Cabaye played further forward, continually finding space and often with an eye for a swift pass to attack. It was like chalk and cheese compared to the previous game. The jury's still out for me but as I said in a previous post, I think he (Pardew) may lack confidence in his own decisions. (Actually, I called him a coward.) He errs on the side of caution and appears to favour certain traits way beyond their actual merit.
  8. You read the ZonalMarking article on them? Link? http://www.zonalmarking.net/2011/09/18/napoli-3-1-milan-counter-attack-and-cavani-hattrick/
  9. Seems to me Pardew just says whatever the hell he wants to the camera, (based on who knows what but probably team/player psychology), and then what he does, in actual fact, may well have little relation to his soundbytes.
  10. Rather childish of me but a big hope for this season is finishing above Liverpool.
  11. Not what we need at all anymore. Someone like Suarez though...
  12. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Can hardly wait to see this guy play again.
  13. I've got a lot of respect for Wenger as a coach. Never liked his whinging though. Quite a perverse delight seeing the Arse shipping goals like no tomorrow.
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