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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Give us a clue. The positive stupidity or the negative stupidity.
  2. yeah very good pro he keeps his head down and works, very limited as a player though Not sure about limited, like. He is. Lets not fool ourselves. I agree with his professionalism, work rate and fitness though. And he is an above average dribbler/carrier of the ball (as pure dribbling, none efficiency involved @ assist/goal) If you're definition of a limited footballer is anyone who's not good enough to play for a top four club then yes, Jonas is limited. If he had CL standard finishing and assist levels he wouldn't be here, he'd be at Chelsea or Inter Milan. My definition of a limited winger would be one that can't cross, pass or shoot. Think he's going to look better with the better players (and movement) around him. One of the reasons he's often frustrated us, imo, is he doesn't cope too well with being doubled up on. The less that happens the more he'll shine. That reverse pass through to Ben Arfa's run surprised the hell out of me anyway.
  3. Have to see how they close us down, if they're in our face it will be no walk in the park.
  4. You mean a publicity stunt by the two people who text David Craig and send him bacon sandwiches. The same people who were forced to admit they lied to us via the media. Stop excusing them man, it's beyond embarrassing. There was supposedly a helicopter there, but I think everyone knew there was no chance of it happening and that was probably the idea as Pardew said he knew long before then nobody would be getting signed, much to his annoyance. Reading through the Ruiz thread it's still unclear really. There are quotes from Ruiz's agent saying we made a move, but even that doesn't prove there was real intent. Pretty much everything else could be down to manipulation of the press as far as I can see. But I repeat, why would Ashley/Dekka go to such lengths. They don't seem to care how they offend the fans in any other area.
  5. Why bother going to the length of trying to sign Ruiz, seriously, just to try and appease fans? Doesn't really seem to fit Ashley's MO, hardnosed decision maker unconcerned with what others think. I agree with you, but do you think Pardew knew their intentions. He either strung us along worthy of a BAFTA, or was strung along just as much as we were.
  6. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Why you decide to keep him baffles me & others far greater. Is it purely up to me like? People seem to have a good time conversing with him. Anyway, seeing as you're so bothered by it, I've added a poll somewhere. You/admin, you know what i meant. Good time? He pollutes the forum with his bile and brings out the worst in people and brings it down to his level, it resembles RTG any time he posts; didn't think this forum wanted to go down that route. If people want to converse with muppets they can go join RTG, plenty of choice there and the same shit is churned out over and over, be like a pig and cover themselves in it, drown in it for all I care, just sick of decent toon fans drawn in by this wanker. Are we allowed to freely abuse him? If not its like putting a biscuit on the end of a dogs nose and if it dares move punching it in the face. You are free to rise above it, ignore his posts and move on. If no-one answered his posts he'd sharp lose interest in baiting.
  7. Mr Logic

    Alan Pardew

    Who's jacked Grumpy's account?
  8. Nice to read a post like that Chez, offering a different and considered perspective so different to the usual histrionics.
  9. Aligupter is going to get an ulcer reading all these comments.
  10. Loved the passing, so good to see it flowing like that after the turgid hoofball we played so frequently under so many managers. Here's to more of the same. Relegation battle?
  11. Glad to see him back on form. Not flawless, as someone said, but getting there. Almost beginning to look forward to those November fixtures now with a glimmer of hope.
  12. Not finished improving, more to come I think.
  13. Stats show we were all over them. Good to see. Football First tonight I wonder.
  14. Obertan could have released that earlier for Best or squared to Barfa. Poor choice, otherwise he's been doing better overall.
  15. Mr Logic

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pretty sure some of our posters would be happy to see him without clothes.
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