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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Can't really dispute any of your comments, except the one I bolded, which I feel is a bit unfair. The squad he took over were shell-shocked from the Allardyce Total Non-football style with some pretty hard fixtures right on the horizon. The time to have gained an accurate perspective would have been at the end of this season. Anyway it is all academic now, the horse has bolted so to speak.
  2. The statement said: "NUFC wished, at all times, to keep any dispute that it had with Kevin Keegan private.. "It is therefore disappointing that information has reached the media through unnamed sources and a briefing has been given by the League Managers Association that could give rise to a misleading impression amongst the club's fans"Newcastle United have no desire to engage in a war of words, but inaccurate reporting of factual matters and inaccurate allegations have to be corrected. "It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, on appointment on January 16, 2008, agreed to report to a director of football and to the board. "It is a fact that Kevin Keegan worked within that structure from January 16, 2008 until his resignation. "It is a fact that Kevin Keegan, as manager, had specific duties in that he was responsible for the training, coaching, selection and motivation of the team. "It is a fact that Kevin Keegan was allowed to manage his specific duties without any interference from any board member. "It is a fact that Kevin Keegan agreed only to deal with the media in relation to club matters relating to the team and not to communicate with the media in relation to the acquisition or disposal of players. "It is a fact that NUFC is a business and operates, like all businesses, with financial constraints. "It is a fact that NUFC's financial constraints inform its transfer dealings. "The board of NUFC have responsibility to ensure that the club is able to meet its commitments, which include the wages and the transfer fees for players. "The structure at NUFC is clear, and has been clear from January 16, 2008." This is an awful release from the club, the whole thing stinks of defensiveness and blame avoidance. (The bit in bold seems to be suggesting Keegan had nothing to do with transfers (ie. identification of targets) in his job remit, which dozens of other statements from club representatives over the last 6 months have all said the opposite.) They're digging their grave deeper, incredible decision to release such a statement. Hoping that he sells now to this Indian group, Keegan backed into 14-1 to be next Newcastle manager, (heard on radio).
  3. Emotions are like runaway horses leading the coach, you're pretty damn sure there is going to be one hell of a crash you just don't know where. It's how a mob is so easily manipulated and in the aftermath of the bloodshed you can see them slinking home wondering what the hell just happened. Emotions replace reason. Right now some of the board is in mob mentality.
  4. Agree with this on the face of it.
  5. That's rubbish. Don't act as if you're smart please. Exactly. smart people realise the extent of the problem were in, any top football manager wouldnt put up with what keegan has. They've pushed him out through incompetent decisions. Just so you can see the reasoning behind that statement..
  6. For the thinking supporter Keegan will get the backlash, for the others... Ashley will.
  7. Council get in on the act from .com Newcastle councillors last night (Wednesday September 3 2008) unanimously passed a notice motion calling for an end to the ongoing uncertainty over the position of Kevin Keegan as manager of Newcastle United. There was cross-party support for a notice of motion, tabled by Councillor Nick Forbes, which stated: “Council notes the continued confusion over Kevin Keegan’s position at Newcastle United. “Council recognises the widespread public support for Kevin Keegan, and knows how much he means to Newcastle United fans. Council believes that he is an asset to the club, the city and the wider community and expresses its support for his continuation in the role of manager. “Council regrets the adverse publicity being caused as a result of the current situation and urges Newcastle United (which has been awarded freedom of the city by the council) and Kevin Keegan to come to a mutually acceptable agreement which will allow Mr Keegan to remain in post and manage the team effectively.” Coun Nick Forbes, Leader of the Labour group, who proposed the motion, said: “Kevin Keegan is an asset to the club, to the city and the wider community. The whole council is united in hoping that both parties will come to a mutually acceptable agreement to allow him to stay in post and have freedom to manage the team effectively.” Coun David Faulkner, Deputy Leader of Newcastle City Council and Executive Member for Policy Development and Co-ordination, who seconded the motion, said: “This is an issue that is more than just a contractual issue between employer and employee. Because of the special place of Newcastle United in our community, it affects the reputation of the club and to an extent the city. We hope that it can be resolved soon and that Kevin Keegan stays, with his position both clarified and enhanced.” ---------- I see no way out of this for Ashley unless he is more stubborn that the proverbial bull
  8. I'm gutted too, make no mistake about that. But on this occasion I blame Keegan, he could have gritted his teeth and got on with it, setting out his points and claims over the course of the season in an effort to gain whatever it was he felt he needed. To walk out on the club at this point of time makes a mockery of the statement that he loves the club and the fans. He has a track record of being emotional and impulsive, and many times that has worked in his favour - but not this time. It doesn't really matter how untenable he felt his position was he should have faced up to it and seen it out another way. This way we are fucked. Ashley will get the backlash, team spirit will be all but destroyed. The manager (Keegan) who could get those players playing at 110% plus with enjoyment and fun has gone. Once again he's considered himself first and the ramifications second.
  9. We don't have a bored, stupid cunt? I'm sure we do somewhere.
  10. What did you hope he would do in the half a season he has been with us?
  11. Never met one of them that didn't have fond memories of him. If they're lambasting him it must be some form of sour grapes he left them?
  12. Curbishley obviously thought it was important. Course he is talking about picking the team so it's a slightly different case. Or is it? Rambling into the realms of pure speculation I'm guessing Keegan hasn't been given any of his targets and we've just got scouting team ones in. For instance. Keegan wants SWP, knows the lad and knows he can get the best out of him again. He's also shown tapes of Ignacio Gonzalez, says he's interested, could be a good squad filler. We all know what the outcome to that scenario is. Add to that the selling of Milner which has to have been based on getting player 'x' as replacement but player 'x' never arrived. Possible players being offered about for sale without his knowledge. Yes you can say Keegan picks the team, but it would be from a carefully selected pool of players, selected by someone else.
  13. Wonder what they'd look like after a couple of months playing for Allardyce? IMO Keegan gets minimum 10% extra from any player he works with, don't underestimate that factor.
  14. Reading between the lines of both statements it looks like they've reached the stage of irreconcilable differences to me, and are now fighting over To Pay or Not To Pay. Anything but good news. Sincerely hope I am wrong.
  15. Excess wealth began the ruination of football long ago. The takeover of Chelsea by Abramovich was the first of the more serious nails in the coffin that is the English Premier League. This latest buyout sounds the death knell for the sport as we know it. More money discrepancy between the elite and also-rans = Less competition within a league = more boredom = tomorrow kids will get their 'kicks' elswhere. As the teams of the EPL import more and more foreign players, (and it's not just about the wages or transfer pries, they're technically better as often as not), the national team suffers also. In the future, relatively poorer countries could well dominant world football. Give it 24 years we could see some real changes. We already see a change in the dominant countries of old, England and Germany for example. They are no where near same strength in depth they once were. When did you ever see Germany making sure they tied up Polish born players to their National team. France have been doing similar with a lot of African born players. Its because if they had to pick 100% French players they'd be a much weaker, average team. Put a cap on the amount of debt allowed, limit clubs to 5 or 6 foreign players on the pitch at any one time, put a cap on wages. Would any, or a combination, of these help save the game? Will there be moves to stop it? Maybe if the likes of England or Germany don't qualify for a significant amount of competitions. How long before their FA put pressure on FIFA to bring back a foreign player or similar rule or cap TV money or some other radical measure. They have to make moves to fix it now or it could well be the end of football as we know it.
  16. Mr Logic

    Frank Gilmour

    quite simply the most hypocritical thing I've seen in ages. I don't see him saying anywhere that the views are anybody else's other than his own by the way. Hasn't the club asked you for views on things DAve ? Please tell us the difference. Neither the club or the press have ever asked me for my views on NUFC, either for publication or for any other reason. Do you understand the meaning of the word ASSOCIATION? I can't see why it bothers you. I can only presume you are pissed off because it isn't you ? Frank has never said he is speaking for the supporters, he only gives his own views and does it because he is asked for them. Its more the fact that he claims to represent some sort of supporters club, which no-one I know of has ever been involved with/been associated with/ever heard about. He also happens to spout exactly what the southern media expect a stereotypical "crying on the telly geordie fan" to say. He's very rarely complimentary about the club, why do the press never ask him for comments when there's something positive happening at the club? ["Oh, but that never happens" I hear you cry] It's interesting that you should comment on this thread NE5, particularly that you should be 'defending' the guy, as my original post was going to make some tenuous allegation that YOU are Frank Gilmour...but that would be too far fetched he doesn't "claim" anything, from what I have seen. Its the same as Mark Jensen of the mag, they are telephoned and asked for their views. Now I'm not Frank Gilmour, but I know that Mark Jensen gets asked for his views. And no, I'm not Mark either. Thats all there is to it. These people don't write the lines, they are just asked for their opinions. But we know Mark Jensen by assosciation with The Mag, which we've all heard of and probably occasionally read. However who has heard of the Independent Newcastle United Supporters Association, what is it, and, by association once more, who the fuck is Frank Gilmour? I've never heard of the Independent Newcastle United Supporters Association except when it appears before or after Frank Gilmours name. Yet one is forced to assume that the Independent Newcastle United Supporters Association must be really big and well known as every member of the press corp has Frank Gilmours phone number. I'm wasting my time, aren't I?
  17. That's plausible enough to be true, and fixable - so I'll cling to it as the truth. Keegan might just be gambling on getting more control over transfers. He should have it anyway.
  18. Mr Logic


    This. (Gutted if they can't resolve it.)
  19. Just drove past Keegans house, there is one lone supporter there with a flag draped over the gates. "Don't leave KK." Also 4 press with obligatory cameras etc.
  20. Frank Gilmour, of the Independent Newcastle United Supporters' Association, said: "It's an absolute farce, you cannot run a football club like this." How come this bloke is always quoted, no-one knows who the fuck he is do they?
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