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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. That statement as a standalone I tend to rather agree with, but in the case of this thread it almost seems out of place. The NUSC is releasing press statements which are neither reasoned nor helpful. They're more blind prejudice and inflammatory.
  2. Quoted OP in full, I'd forgotten much of that.. how potentially rosy it all looked back then. But the point I note from the first club statement re: appointments. It does seem pretty clear there, with hindsight employed.. Dennis will assist the Board on football-related matters, including the development of the Club's Academy and player recruitment. He will report to the Chairman. Tony and Jeff will also assist in player recruitment. The arrival of these three new recruits follows on from the recent appointment of Kevin Keegan as manager. Kevin will be responsible for all matters related to the First Team. I was actually looking for the post regarding the club meeting fans representatives, as I'd been thinking how that had been short-lived and now instead of meeting with fans to hear their points of view and concerns they have a lynch mob masquerading as an official supporters club.
  3. They've lost any credibility with that one sentence, farcical now if it wasn't before.
  4. That's the bit that always gets me, it's the media that keep repeating this ad nauseum until everyone believes it's the truth and mock the supporters because they think we're arrogant and deluded.. But I don't believe the average supporter thinks like that at all, and just about all clubs fans sing 'We're the loyalist supporters the world has ever seen.'
  5. Mr Logic


    Completely fail to see how revelling in anothers misfortune could possible benefit in any way, especially as it is in opposition to the widely accepted concept of 'What goes around comes around', or, 'As you sow, so shall you reap.' Considering the state of our own club empathy might be a far more appropriate response.
  6. You got your wish, and their morale is rock bottom, well, next to ours probably.
  7. How? Most of them appeared to be as gutted as the fans were that he'd gone. If you're referencing the possibility that one or two of them might think he's gone because he never wanted them in the first place then he'll easy talk his way round that.
  8. Mr Logic

    Joe Kinnear

    Hell's teeth. If true, , It's fucking shocking!
  9. Well I was talking to Oldtype, you weren't supposed to get the point. Oldtype said it may have been down to lack of quality in the Sth Korean side, I pointed out they'd looked good 4 years earlier under another manager. (Though it might have been 11 different players, don't know about that.)
  10. Fingers crossed this is true http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/sport/3717635.More_bidders_waiting_in_the_wings_for_Magpies/ 'While the sportswear magnate will not sell unless he is able to recoup the £250m he has invested in buying out the former regime and reducing Newcastle’s debt, sources close to the negotiating process claim he will not sell to the highest bidder unless guarantees relating to the level of financial backing beyond the purchase price are met. ' Aye, that's what I'd seen elsewhere to make me think he cared. He could have a soft spot for the club at the same time as thinking the fans are illiterate cunts who don't know what side their bread is buttered on, couldn't he?
  11. (The anonymous Nigerian consortium fronted by Chris Nathaniel, an agent who handles media rights for Rio Ferdinand and John Terry among others, is not among them despite their claim, refuted by sources with knowledge of the negotiations, to have lodged a £300 million bid last week.)
  12. I think he will care to a degree, I hope he does, but how much would that be influenced by a difference of, say, £50m
  13. Yesterday the seven genuine bidders received a sales prospectus detailing the club's financial position from Seymour Pierce, the investment bankers engaged to handle the sale, having signed confidentiality agreements. Seven! Wow, that's a lot of interest, and the seven do not include any Nigerians. Wonder if it goes to highest bidder or closest bid with a good plan attached. Contrary to reports circulating, no target figure has been set. So he was never asking 400m, more paper bollocks.
  14. We don't actually know what those well publicised talks were about, do we? We can assume it was about coming back if we want.
  15. You looked exciting under Guus Hiddink just 4 years earlier though.
  16. Only other retards will think we are retards so that should be of no concern whatsoever. Anyone with experience of life in general should appreciate that it's vocal minorities that get attention and that they are very rarely a true reflection of the greater feelings. There seems to be more concern as to wether we are a laughing stock than the fact that we are second bottom in the league. However if I read my first paragraph again then the second can't be the actual situation either. What was the point in my post again?
  17. I don't know what to think..
  18. Why bother? Everyone had made their mind up on Tuesday 2nd September 2008. If thats the level of debate the majority of fans can muster, fuck em. I blame the media and video consoles. No, no, it's the parents. Firstly their genes and then their standards, nature and nurture.
  19. Look at the thread on Don Hutchinson, some supposedly older posters in there.
  20. Joe Kinnear will still be manager as we avoid the drop by 2 points on the last day of the season after Ashley scares off buyer after buyer.
  21. Pretty sure Kinnear was just passing a comment about how any new owners would have their own choices as to who would be manager. He just happened to use two names that he thought might be top of that list/popular choices. Ashley has probably been telling him anything just to get him to agree to look after the titanic club for a while, there's no buyer on the horizon except Nigerians who have never spoken to Keegan because they couldn't find out what golf course he's on. The Nigerians might or might not have raised £500 quid so far. Ashley is thinking of putting the asking price up by another 10% just to see if he can raise some interest among the eskimos Yupik, Inuit and Aleut who, up until now, had been more interested in fishing and thinking up new names for snow.
  22. Mr Logic

    Joe Kinnear

    Just glad we got someone, he's an interim manager so it's not a tragedy.
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