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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic


    That's dumb. People were only complaining because the thread was closed IMMEDIATELY after the match finished. Just give it 5 or so minutes, alert people, open up a new thread and then close this thread.


    Now we'll have mega-threads, with the beginning 5 or so pages filled with predictions, expected formation etc. etc. It'll be annoying for anyone who hasn't posted in the thread before to find out when it actually becomes the 'match' thread, and then of course having to search through and find out when the 'post-match' part of the thread actually starts.


    The forum as it is now is already starting to be clustered with uberthreads which go on for 10+ pages. It's a real deterrent for anyone who hasn't posted in that particular thread to see that there's been that much discussion going on already. I thought this forum (and the mods) were against uberthreads of that kind?


    Edit - Better yet, you don't even have to lock threads, just leave them open but post a link to a 'match thread' or 'post match thread' in the pre-match thread and direct people there.


    Without doubt the most sensible post I've read in a long time.

  2. Not to be too cynical about this but we are their customers now and it stands to reason they will want to create as large a 'feel-good' factor as possible.


    Make friends with the natives and have them tell all their friends about us too. Which, of course, is as cynical a view as it gets.


    Hopefully a lot of good will come of it and, at the end of the day, if success comes on the pitch everyone will have got what they wanted. Ashley will have a more valuable business producing greater amounts of money and the fans will be delirious with silver-ware.

  3. Well you have to know I could do that. Internet is a wonderful place for research.


    Unfortunatley I'm not sure where your desk is and at 1,000 words I might have to pad it a bit. :)




    Did the club ever try a Fans Liaison Officer, or some such title? I know they have press officers but as most of us don't believe what we read in the press it might be better if they were given a new brief.

  4. Comments last night from Keane re Hearts keeper:


    Sunderland have already seen a £5million offer knocked back by Hearts, but reports have claimed that a £9million bid is in the offing.


    Gordon's agent is unaware of any increased offer for the Scotland international, who has been valued in the £10million category.


    Though Keane has admitted he would be prepared to spend that sum on a player, he says he is no longer looking to sign Gordon.


    "No," Keane told reporters after the friendly win at Darlington when asked if he would continue his interest in the keeper.


    "Anyway, we already have two very good goalkeepers at the club, so it is not an issue.


    "I will now be looking to strengthen other areas in the squad."


    The Sunderland manager also confirmed he is still hoping to add at least two more players to his squad after making five new signings to date.





    That statement in bold is sure to improve the morale of his current keepers considering he was interested in this guy but has apparently seen sense and decided he's too expensive.

  5. Chelsea have the wrong policy.


    2 years left on contract = sell over-hyped greedy b****** to someone stupid enough to pay those wages. Cash in. Then bring in someone cheaper who actually wants to play for the club.


    No one would pay half what he's on apart from Chelsea.


    Original article claims Terry was on 68k. I think an awful lot of clubs would have paid 70, 75, 80k a week for John Terry.

  6. I Googled it after I said that, went to a Reg Vardy site selling used motors with up to date links. Someone appears to be operating under that name.


    The level of stick he's going to get at the CoMS will be Gary Chuckle-esque. And he deserves it.  :nope:


    Bearing in mind he flashed his arse once already to supporters, (I never saw it, and assuming it was deliberate), what effect could the entire City support screaming abuse at him have, up his game or lose it completely ala Cantona?

  8. BTW.....see the 2 bold bits ie "never made anything up" and "went with their preconceptions",


    Care to explain the difference ?


    A concept is an idea about something, that concept may or may not be true, so a preconception is an idea already formed before all the information is available and which would most likely not make allowance for any new information, thereby becoming a prejudice.


    A preconception does not have to be fallacious, it may be accurate. A prejudice, at the very least, is never rational.


    Something that is made up is clearly fallacious. Neither accurate or rational.


    We are, all of us, forming preconceptions in our minds all the time. As we read a certain story in a newspaper for example we are forming opinions with limited data. Repeat the story often enough and a blatant lie can become the truth. So if someone comes to believe a lie I wouldn't really say they had 'made things up'.


    I hope this clears up what I was so clumsily trying to say, it was certainly not my intention to argue with you. :)

  9. I just find it amusing that people make things up to discredit Shepherd 


    I've trimmed that right down to focus on that one bolded statement.


    I'm not so sure anyone makes anything up, at least not consciously. Earlier today ChezGiven pointed out something to me regarding business decisions that made me think...


    ..or more correctly made me realise something.


    None of us are privvy to all the facts and yet we are all constantly forming opinions and making judgements on them. In my case I had got caught up in all the rhetoric directed against Shepherd and somewhere along the line decided he was a scumbag. That was an emotional decision that I was barely conscious of.. no, I wasn't conscious of it for I cannot find in my memory when that decision would have been reached.


    That emotional decision, totally without basis in fact, led me to view someone in a constantly negative way. It is a rather easy step after that to believe anything you read, negatively, in connection with that person as you want to believe it. It supports your preconceptions.


    So, a bit like Chinese Whispers, a comment here, a comment there, repeated with a word missing, or from a different perception can quickly become a fallacious rumour that others repeat as fact. So for instance, I never made anything up, nor in all likliehood did anyone else, conciously. They just went along with their preconceptions.


    It may be true, in actual fact, that Shepherd is a scumbag. But I have no real basis for that opinion other than one I created myself.

    just as bad......................and i'm gonna hate myself for doing this,but...TBH


    Don't hate yourself for that, that was exactly my point.


    You don't consciously form a preconception it just happens. What is prejudice but a preconception?


    But in recognising them you can move past them and that is surely a step forward, just imagine that a nation and it's governments could recognise their prejudices.

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