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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. I just find it amusing that people make things up to discredit Shepherd 


    I've trimmed that right down to focus on that one bolded statement.


    I'm not so sure anyone makes anything up, at least not consciously. Earlier today ChezGiven pointed out something to me regarding business decisions that made me think...


    ..or more correctly made me realise something.


    None of us are privvy to all the facts and yet we are all constantly forming opinions and making judgements on them. In my case I had got caught up in all the rhetoric directed against Shepherd and somewhere along the line decided he was a scumbag. That was an emotional decision that I was barely conscious of.. no, I wasn't conscious of it for I cannot find in my memory when that decision would have been reached.


    That emotional decision, totally without basis in fact, led me to view someone in a constantly negative way. It is a rather easy step after that to believe anything you read, negatively, in connection with that person as you want to believe it. It supports your preconceptions.


    So, a bit like Chinese Whispers, a comment here, a comment there, repeated with a word missing, or from a different perception can quickly become a fallacious rumour that others repeat as fact. So for instance, I never made anything up, nor in all likliehood did anyone else, consciously. They just went along with their preconceptions.


    It may be true, in actual fact, that Shepherd is a scumbag. But I have no real basis for that opinion other than one I created myself.

  2. I'm liking the impatience, the honesty and the realism, I'm also liking his confidence and authority. You could never imagine Roeder speaking so bluntly like SA has done today. However like Dave, I think people are reading into things too much. His priorities are spot on too. I honestly don't think he's put a foot wrong since he joined us. All managers speak crap to the media and often contradict themselves, but Sam been bang on the button thus far. The new owner/management have also been pretty much spot on, their priorities are right too. But there needs to be a compromise in between and things behind the scenes will have to take a backseat to funding for a moment or two.


    I'm hoping Allardyce's "they don't quite understand yet" was a ballsy attempt to focus direction. He has my attention every time he talks. But you don't often hear managers openly criticise new owners in public like that.


    Might have to rename the club McNewcastle coz I'm lovin' it. :D

  3. Lots of people reading far too much into this imo. I'm still confident Allardyce and the new owners will deliver before the season starts.


    Yep, Allardyce even admits himself he understands the reasons from the new owner's point of view. We'll sign at the very minimum one quality centre-back and a quality left-back.


    At the same time saying they don't understand, hardly a resonant statement of unity.


    I'm not a pessimist by nature, indeed it's the opposite. I hope this is resolved quickly but that statement speaks volumes regarding a disharmony of objectives at the current time.

  4. Lots of people reading far too much into this imo. I'm still confident Allardyce and the new owners will deliver before the season starts.


    I felt the opposite, that too many people were not attaching enough significance to certain statements.


    “The difficulty for me is that we’ve had a complete change at the club and they [the new owners] don’t quite understand yet that if you don’t move quickly you can be lost.


    Does that sound to you like the sound of a well-oiled machine?


    I have high hopes the situation can be quickly resolved following these statements but todays events may have hindered that process. Or accelerated it. We will see.

  5. :banghead:


    I can't wait until the season starts.


    Or are there always this many s***, pointless threads, regardless of the time of year?


    Not really surprised about all the curiosity surrounding current events leading to new posts about the matters, surely you could have found a more apt thread to launch your attack on. I can see quite a few. :)

  6. I think there might be more to some of these quotes than first meets the eye, I suppose it all depends on what angle you look at it from. I'll quote the OP and add comments of my own, with each comment don't read it on it's own but rather as part of all the comments taken together.


    Allardyce rules out 'galactico' arrival


    He said: "Without any reassurances in that area yet, I am confident if they need any convincing, I can convince them that a heavy investment needs to be made in terms of the transfer market.


    Mort's recent interview did state funds were available, but as I recall the statement was never really clear, it was more like it was being hinted at rather than categorically stated. From Sam's opening comment here I think that atm he doesn't know how much might be available overall but he has a few million guaranteed. (5? 8? 10? who knows?)


    "He made a massive, heavy investment in the first place which is hopefully, in the short term and the long term, great news for Newcastle United and for me.


    He (Ashley) has already spent a lot of money but I don't know what's going on other than that.



    "We are all hoping we can move in the transfer market and bring some good players to the football club. I am not talking about the 'galactico' stars that are being mentioned - that is just a nonsense at the moment."


    Dismissed all paper talk about Galactico type players but later mentions them again.


    "We need three or four solid, very, very good defenders from wherever it may be, and we will be a force this year. But we need to get them first. If he wants to give me a little gift after with a galactico, I won't say no."


    Who is he reminding here what we need, the fans? Unlikely. The press? No way. He seems to be making a public statement to the new owners. I think Sam has been frustrated in his attempts to sign defenders. The further reference to Galactico players could be a veiled reference to the fact that there is some truth to the paper talk. The new owners do want a player of that calibre, and that could also be why Sam doesn't have much money to spend as they are holding a huge reserve for this (?) player. Is Sam reminding the new owners, who, let us not forget, know nothing about running a football club, where the priorities lie?


    He said: "We have other targets, but in terms of top targets, the list is running out rather rapidly now."


    A further public reminder for the new owners regarding priorities?


    He has dismissed suggestions he is in talks with Fulham's Franck Queudrue, and admits his interest in Manchester United's Gabriel Heinze is unlikely to pay dividends.


    Allardyce said: "I wouldn't say we have any interest in Franck Queudrue.


    "Heinze - if I wanted him, I don't think he would come. I think he would have hit sights on a greater club than this one.


    "Certainly, if he got away from Manchester United, I'm not so sure that it wouldn't be another club somewhere else in Europe rather than in this country.


    "It would be nice if he did want to come and we could pursue it, but I don't think we can."


    I don't know what that is about. Strange comments to make regarding Heinze.



    This is just my take on things and could be way off the facts.

  7. Breaking News on SSN:. Newcastle have stunned the rest of the Premier League by signing top stoppers from the Fraud Squad to bolster their defences. These lads let nothing get by them so expect a few clean sheets on the horizon, and with Taylor set to captain the new look squad the Rozzers and Rozenhal should be an effective unit.

  8. IC Newcastle claim we're interested in a Franck Signorino, 26 yr old French guy who apparently has same agent as Quedrue. Could be a wires crossed case all along re: Quedrue; the papers maybe were aware we'd talked to this agent and just put two and two together.

    (Wiki's got nowt on him except an update from a Deportivo de la Coruna fan who suggests he's signing for them in the next few hours :) )

  9. Seeing as some people seem to have had a major lapse in concentration, i'd like to warn everyone that discussion of illegal web streaming of games is not allowed on the forum. Posts doing so will be removed and people possibly banned. This has been discussed plenty of times before.




    It may have been discussed plenty of times before but anyone not privvy to those discussions will know nothing of them.


    Then of course there are the rules that you mention and which even fewer people would have read, I am normally content to rely on common sense to dictate what can and cannot be posted.


    Therefore an innocent question such as I posted could have been answered in forum without actually breaking any rules, or deleting posts in a knee-jerk fashion. You presumably heard the sound of fascist jackboots coming down the corridor behind you.


    The part of your post I've highlighted is an example of answering my query. I never mentioned web streaming, indeed I knew nothing about it, but from that reply I garnered the information I needed. So thankyou for that.


    In the meantime I will attempt to join the masses and quiver in fear at corporate power, although I think I will fail miserably. I am far more inclined to laugh at them.


    It seems the human race will never learn how censorship (or any oppression) actually causes the subject oppressed to flourish in other ways.

  10. I think that's just the paper spouting crap about a Geordie captain, and displaying at the same time that their proverbial finger is nowhere near the pulse of the region. They ain't got a clue in other words.


    Sam - "So Ron, how do you fancy playing for the Toon?"

    Ron - "f*** off"

    Sam - "Mike, told you what he'd say"

    Mike - "Ok Sam; go & buy Queuedrue & then give Messi/ Kaka etc a call & see if they fancy it"

    Sam - "I'd rather try & get Micah Richards or Ledley King in"

    Mike - "Nah, you can ask about Puyol or Cannavarro & if they say no you can go & buy Luke Young"



    That's a Shepherd conversation, Ashley, hopefully, doesn't operate like that.


    Ashley will want a 'star' player to add to the team at some point to raise brand awareness in a global market. Hopefully a list would be compiled that Allardyce would then get a say in. Otherwise it would be as much a cowboy outfit as the last lot.

  12. I think .com win the creative headline story with


    Sam goes on a

    Nice Fanni chase....


    Also add a further quote from the agent saying he is due in England next week and will be talking further with newcastle.


    Who will be in England, Fanni or Six? If it's just that agent why would he need to come to England, they could do all there talking on the phone surely, until such time as a club wanted to meet the player?

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