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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. Now for Sweden to openly pee on England  :smug:





    Englands been shite tbh, but the swedish defence has been way to friendly when defending from corners. General play, swedens been better. But the game is gone anyways. Congrats, England.

  2. Pontus Wernbloom and Emir Bajrami(great talent, should be a target for a team of our calibre), two of the best Swedish midfielders with no real replacements, are missing today. Martin Olsson from Blackburn will come in for Bajrami and a much less contributing DM called Andreas Landgren will come in for Wernbloom.


    I think England will struggle with only Agbonlahor upfront against Bengtsson and Bjärsmyr, although Walcott and Milner will have great advantage over Swedens realtively poor fullbacks.



    I just cant see why Lennartsson/Söderberg doesnt choose Harbuzi instead of Landgren? Its beyond me really.


    Lennartsson and Söderberg hates black people





    And that is why Martin Olsson: http://www.fansfc.com/UploadedImages/Players/martin_olsson_633567427678593750.jpg is starting, and Harbuzi http://gallery.myff.org/gallery/247790/Labinot_Harbuzi.jpg isn't.


    Not starting Harbuzi really is weird, but they like two holding midfielders and Harbuzi certainly isn't defensive minded at all.


    I'd agree with you on Harbuzi not beeing a def midfielder, he is certainly more of an offensive minded player. However, he has been playing as one of the defensive midfielders next to Daniel Andersson, when playing for Malmö FF, a number of times. And, might I add, he's been doing it well thanks to his eye for the game. Nice distribution of passes, skill and actually quite good at retrieving the ball. He would do the job against England next to Gustav Svensson, and Sweden wouldn't be as predictable with him in the starting eleven. But hey, that is only my opinion.  O0

  3. Pontus Wernbloom and Emir Bajrami(great talent, should be a target for a team of our calibre), two of the best Swedish midfielders with no real replacements, are missing today. Martin Olsson from Blackburn will come in for Bajrami and a much less contributing DM called Andreas Landgren will come in for Wernbloom.


    I think England will struggle with only Agbonlahor upfront against Bengtsson and Bjärsmyr, although Walcott and Milner will have great advantage over Swedens realtively poor fullbacks.



    I just cant see why Lennartsson/Söderberg doesnt choose Harbuzi instead of Landgren? Its beyond me really.

  4. My money is on fat Fred and at this stage I would welcome him back with open arms!


    i dont think it will be fat fred buying the club because he could probably not afford it, but he is definately involved one way or another.

  5. Kruls time has come, no doubt. The over-estimation of Harpers ability has been painfully revealed to us since he became first choice.


    When people realise the same with Krul (that is, realising that Krul isn't Edvin Van der Sar), what then?


    Well, Krul is young and has bags of potential to become a really great goalkeeper (based on various sources of information) and Harper is a good, english goalkeeper, but he isnt goint younger, is he? We need a major overhaul of this team and we need that in every part of the team.

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