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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. We can criticize MA for not getting a winger and an attacker. However, the fact that they did not sign one, does not mean that they didn't try. But unlike before, they were not prepared to pay more than what the player is worth. The price of Carroll proves how ridiculous the January-prices are. Within a month we will have a shitload of players returning: Ben Arfa, Gosling and Ireland. And to be fair, the injury to Sholadinhio was a freak accident that came at an awkward time. I pretty sure that we will stay up. And the fact that we're frugal now, indicates that we're able to spend some cash in the summer, when the market has cooled down. We're actually one of the few mid tables club that has not splashed the cash and have some money to use. Consequently we can be in a very good position before the next season.


    good post.  :clap:

  2. Backup LB

    First choice RB

    Backup DM

    Creative CM

    Two main strikers.





                                New RB/Simpson                    Colo              Willi                  Enrique





                        Barton                        New creative CM                                          Ben Arfa



                                                                New main ST            New main ST





    Pointless post this but Ive got fuck all to do..

  3.                               Tiote




    Johnson               Nolan                Jonas


                            Ben Arfa








  4. I have consciously never posted in this thread, but I'm going to say it...


    I feel f***ing sorry for the guy. he's got bigger balls than most, I won't ever forget how much of an important figure he was in sorting out our team when going down and contributing to the effort and commitment shown for our Championship season.

    The heart and dignity he showed was outstanding. Us going up last season had a lot to do with him and others.


    I admit, obviously, his football now leaves a lot to be desired, but I don't think what he did that pre-season should ever be forgotten








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