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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. Saying it was a mental suggestion when i suggested that Ferguson is infact a backup LB atm, is quite condescending of you, sir.



    No it wasnt. If you are that easily offended i will leave you alone madam.




  2. Ameobi, Lovenkrands, Best, Xisco, Ranger.  They are 5 forwards who have achieved nothing at this level, and the fear is that if we lose Carroll, any 2 of those 5 will lead the line. Two games against perhaps the worst opposition in the league can't hide the fact that we'd be worried fielding any 2 from that lot against any decent team. However, it may be that we have to pray on Carroll's fitness (which is usually fine) and use 1 of this lot to partner him until Ben Arfa returns.


    It is somewhat ironic that we have loads of forwards, that only a few teams have scored more than us, yet we are crying out for another striker.


    Do we really want a 7th forward? And I haven't included Nolan or Ben Arfa in that list. Surely 2 of Lovenkrands, Best and Xisco have to go first (I exclude Ameobi because he's the only one to offer physical presence in Carroll's absence).


    Compare that to the situation on the wings, and I'd argue out wide is a bigger priority. Jonas and Barton is not bad but with only Routledge as backup we are light in a key area. Wingers are known for their lack of consistency and it's good to have another option. When I see Routledge on the bench I don't see someone who can really change a game.


    This is all confused of course by the return of Ben Arfa and where he will play. From the very little we saw I think he'd suit playing up front and drifting out wide when he wants. Therefore, if you add him to our forwards, then we currently have 7! Again, not including Nolan.


    Spend the money on a quality winger, perhaps take a punt on Bentley or someone else and we can deal with the striker situation in the summer. We have a ridiculous number of mediocre forwards and I wouldn't want to see us bring in another average forward. Proven strikers are expensive at the best of times but in January noone will want to let their striker go.



    I agree with that. A quality winger is what we need, however im not really sure on Bentley.

    As you say, we need to push atleast one of our strikers out the door, maybe send Ranger on loan somewhere.

    I would want to see Lovenkrands go actually. Best is still quite young and Ameobi still have a role to play as a squadplayer. Oh, and Xisco seem to be more than happy spending his footballing days doing absolute nothing while picking up his wages so he will probably stay.



  3. Saying it was a mental suggestion when i suggested that Ferguson is infact a backup LB atm, is quite condescending of you, sir.


    However, i do agree we need a backup leftback. I just dont see a point in buying a young and upcoming LB to sit on our bench when we do infact have a very very talented player in Ferguson pushing for a spot. I never said it was easy finding an older, experianced Lb, but i still think that is the better option. I wouldnt wanna spend most of our transferbudget on a backup LB when we have more pressing need elsewhere in the squad i.e a first choice striker to play alongside Carroll.


  4. I would go for a striker on loan, simply because there are not many strikers available within our price range. Get someone like Carlos Vela in on loan and strengthen other areas.


    This. We still need a back up LB, nothing too expensive, a young talented kid who will play second fiddle will do. Cant see us having too much cash after HBA so maybe a loan strker is best we can afford at the present time.



    Isn't Ferguson sort of a backup LB?


    Two games in his career in the Carling Cup is hardly any sort of reason to think we should rely on him for a long period if Enrique got injured. Mental suggestion imo



    Wash your mouth, man.


    I wasnt suggesting he was the backup LB, i was saying he is the young and talented "kid" you are suggesting we would get to sit on the bench rather than him. Ferguson might not be good enough yet to be the backup LB for a longer period of time, but there is certainly no need to get another young and talented player to sit on the bench. Better if we brought an older experienced player instead who wouldn't mind beeing the backup choice.

  5. I would go for a striker on loan, simply because there are not many strikers available within our price range. Get someone like Carlos Vela in on loan and strengthen other areas.


    This. We still need a back up LB, nothing too expensive, a young talented kid who will play second fiddle will do. Cant see us having too much cash after HBA so maybe a loan strker is best we can afford at the present time.



    Isn't Ferguson sort of a backup LB?

  6. FYI... kitbag.com has this seasons shirt with £10 off and free Premier League badges and name and number!


    I've shamelessly impulse-ordered one!



    Woho, that makes two of us.







  7. Keane would be exactly what we need for this and next season, add a decent midfield cover like Stephen Ireland/David Bentley and look at loans for left back.




    S.Taylor Colo Williamson Enrique


    Ireland/Bentley Barton Nolan Jonas


                Keane Carroll


    A side worthy of a top ten finish, genuine attacking threat from all areas of the pitch. Ship out Smith and Best and happy days...







    :facepalm:      Tioté?


  8. I have been reflecting, and if you think about it, we have been pleasantly surprised by Big Mikes transfer dealings (he exceeded our expectations in the summer window), so is there not a possibility that he might surprise us with the next manager, and again exceed our expectations?


    Just a thought :dontknow: :help:



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