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Everything posted by MW

  1. Booooooo Atrocious this viewing. Screen keeps fucking up
  2. Quite refreshing just having the atmosphere. Gunna be sad when its over
  3. Why did all.the man city fans just get up n start applauding?
  4. Did anyone else see a nun behind the goal after rooneys shot replay?
  5. Can see them trying to avenge the 6-1 here
  6. First time iv seen netting in front of the away fans in England
  7. Holy shit..this game is gunna get messy
  8. MW

    Away fans location

    what about the SOL station?
  9. MW

    Away fans location

    maybe thel force everyone to get the bus
  10. MW

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    reckon he could cause a lot of damage cutting in from the right. should try it against qpr. if he doesnt wont be happy. should at least give it a go vs them, then if it doesnt go well, i would understand leaving him out at fulham ( i would leave him in but meh, babysteps ey)
  11. MW

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    i cant stop watching this goal. so pleased for the lad, must have taken out a lot of frustration, maybe even anger at the lack of chances he's been given. hopefully this lays rest to pardew's persistance with fuck all producing obertan and at least gives HBA a chance, whether it be on the wing or behind the CF
  12. MW

    Away fans location

    The police do a great job on derby day. Been to the SOL 5 times, including 3 on the metro and the cops have it watertight. I'll be annoyed though if it prohibits fans going via the metro as the official buses are shite. yeh they do very well with the stopping off at st peters. be interesting to see what they do next year. easy way out by having us that end is not there now (not that I've been to the other side just assuming it will be more difficult with the segregation etc
  13. MW


    probably agree tbh. gardner's fk was ridiculous and cabaye's free kick was a lot easier to save that vaughan's goal Cabayes free kick curled away from the keeper and went in off the bar, Gardener's free kick curled towards the keeper and well inside both post and crossbar (then again it was initially heading away from goal which makes it unlikely for the keeper to even move for it). In reality neither was savable no matter who was in goal, only a petty moron would claim otherwise (not saying you said either was savable, I'm referring to the original inbred comment). i think the top keepers in the world would have saved cabayes tbh. it was pretty far out and lindegaart got a hand to it, stronger hand would have saved it. imo gardner's was not quite, but almost up there with ronaldo vs pompey. you cant save them. though i only saw it twice so will need to see it again, but i remember being wowed by it which I wasnt by cabaye's. no one is a moron by claiming cabaye's would be unstoppable. people would be complaining if krul had let that in i have no doubt. despite what i've said ^^ cabaye's free kick was class, but gardner's was another level of "unstoppable"
  14. MW


    Do you have long grey hair randy? I see you as the bad French guy in johnny English. Agree with interpolic, hasnt said anything out of line
  15. MW

    Away fans location

    Disappointed tbh with the move as Sos. Always love seeing our fans go mental behind that goal.
  16. Pm me if someone wants a 1st class ticket to London after the game, £20
  17. MW


    To be fair the post he called bitter was nonsense
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