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Everything posted by MW

  1. MW

    Sammy Ameobi

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#Square_brackets_.5B_.5D ah so he said like "it is likely to be a number of months until he returns"
  2. MW

    Sammy Ameobi

    why it "out for" in [ ]
  3. Never knew we almost signed dion Dublin when he left coventry
  4. Young player with potential resale? Doesnt sound too unlikely
  5. Is there away goals in the Madrid game?
  6. MW


    shearer is a wanker was the loudest of the lot
  7. MW

    Other clubs' transfers

    i thought that would happen at some point
  8. thought he looked like cricketer matt prior for some reason
  9. MW

    St James' Park

    Ashley probably said he can have the shirt sponsorship as long as he comes out in public and says he doesnt want the stadium name result: SDA
  10. I wonder if a manager has an interview say at 9am, and he slept in, whether it would matter. would probably fuck you for normal manager job application
  11. how did abeid play against blackburn? id like to see him given a chance, decent game for him too against weaker opposition. might be able to do a job covering for tiote whilst hes away
  12. i would leave out vuckic, go 2 up top with abeid and cabaye
  13. i don't think he'd be a footballer without his pace. was tempted to put that but thought it was exaggerating slightly
  14. he's a lucky bastard he has that pace. wouldn't be anywhere near arsenal without
  15. and his technique and consistency and gets a brain
  16. They had Fabregas, Nasri & Walcott a few years ago and still won fuck all. Such a cynical person. hate walcott, so shit Used to rate him highly but he's just a slighty better version of SWP. swp has a much better final product. gets too much criticism on here, would improve our team (if hba doesn't start playing on the right)
  17. Coach Palestine Jamal Mahmoud Casillas Iker Sneijder Wesley Müller Thomas
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