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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    Just had a brain wave! We should sign back Viana in January!


    Put him in the Lampard role in a 433, tell him he's got no defensive responsibilities so he can mince out of as many 50-50s in UEFA Cup semis as he wants and we'll be laughing! Sam could get Campo to give him a character reference so he knew he wouldn't be mismanaged this time.


    I know he was a total flop but he also did one of the best passes I've seen from an nufc player in recent years. It was a through ball to Dyer in a cup match against Everton, attacking the Gallowgate. Can't remember if we scored from it (probably not) but from where I was, more than 100 yards away in the Leazes, it was pure Rui Costa.






    he's good for one of those every 2 or 3 seasons. must be due another one now, get him on a short-term loan!!


    Exactly! Howay man Sam, get him in. We all thought he was horse plop when in fact he was just ahead of his time... will undoubtedly prove to be the final piece of Sam's jigsaw.


    i think he could turn Marcelino into a defensive rock, as well. Fuck off Rozenhal, the finger is back!

  2. I think Bentley's a top talent - probably the best out of the lot at the moment. Wouldn't dream of swapping him with Lennon though, although he's clearly the more cultured, developed player. As I said last week, Lennon's far more effective AND productive than people realise, and if he maintains a similar rate of improvement this season he should head that list. Probably one of a select few in the league who can tear apart teams, and that's something that can't be underrated. Can't wait to see him back on the right, what with Bale (early days, but possibly another option for the list?) now doing a stellar job on the left.


    When you think about Lennon, you realise how good he is. I dunno why he isn't rated more highly (including by me). He just seems to get on with it, i suppose.

  3. Bring Back Local Hero!!!


    Singing section? Even if it's just for cup games at the moment.


    Young adult pricing. Seperate prices for under 21's.


    Allow larger flags to be waved inside the ground, even if they are club employed.




    Yes, charge them more! With their silly hair and inappropriate ear rings!


    More than kids but less than adults aye.  O0 :lol:


    pah! If your old enough to not be allowed to smoke at the match, you're old enough to pay full price.


    and if you don't like it, go TWOC an old lady, or whatever the hell it is that you young 'uns do these days.


    <gets out pipe and looks over his half-moon glasses>

  4. SWP







    N'Zogbia would have pushed himself higher up that list if it wasn't for the shambles last season.


    i struggle with SWP. Undoubtedly a talented little fella, he just doesn't do it consitently enough (whether by his own fault, or not getting enough games, i dunno).


    I think he was excellent for Chelsea at the end of last season and the beginning of this one (he didn't impress yesterday though) He's someone who needs a run of games to get the best out of him and he's struggled at times to break into Chelsea's line up on a regular basis, for me he's a top player and has everything you want from a wide man.


    didn't like his dive against Elliot a while back, mind. Not like he couldn't have beaten the old timer for pace, was it??

  5. Bring Back Local Hero!!!


    Singing section? Even if it's just for cup games at the moment.


    Young adult pricing. Seperate prices for under 21's.


    Allow larger flags to be waved inside the ground, even if they are club employed.




    Yes, charge them more! With their silly hair and inappropriate ear rings!


    Just had a brain wave! We should sign back Viana in January!


    Put him in the Lampard role in a 433, tell him he's got no defensive responsibilities so he can mince out of as many 50-50s in UEFA Cup semis as he wants and we'll be laughing! Sam could get Campo to give him a character reference so he knew he wouldn't be mismanaged this time.


    I know he was a total flop but he also did one of the best passes I've seen from an nufc player in recent years. It was a through ball to Dyer in a cup match against Everton, attacking the Gallowgate. Can't remember if we scored from it (probably not) but from where I was, more than 100 yards away in the Leazes, it was pure Rui Costa.






    he's good for one of those every 2 or 3 seasons. must be due another one now, get him on a short-term loan!!

  7. SWP







    N'Zogbia would have pushed himself higher up that list if it wasn't for the shambles last season.


    i struggle with SWP. Undoubtedly a talented little fella, he just doesn't do it consitently enough (whether by his own fault, or not getting enough games, i dunno).

  8. Sorry Mr Beckham, little David isn't quick enough with the ball.......




    Sadly many academies now think like this, including our own.


    Just as well the first team bucks that trend :coolsmiley:


    i'm trying to recall if Duff has much pace? I honestly can't recall him opening up much for us, but that might just be a perception thing because he's never played that well overall.

  9. A sound squad player but this is someone we need to improve upon as a first choice if we are to get to where we want to be.


    Well said, long term we should be looking to improve on him.


    there's others needing replaced in the shorter term, though. One thing at a time, i reckon. If the likes of Smith etc were as good as Milner, we'd be a better side.


    Smith is as good up front as Milner is on the wing IMO, neither are top class but both good enough for a midtable club.


    If we're looking to push on then neither should be a regular in the starting 11.



    can't agree there. Smith has shown little aptitude up front for a good while now, whereas i think Milner is still a good enough player for a top 6 club (surely our aim in the short term).

  10. Aye, the likes of Solano, Beckham, Pires, etc. were all s*** because they weren't very quick.


    two of them were the best crossers of the ball i've seen in the premier league, ever.


    But no good for SLK. He'd rather have the likes of Dyer or Des Hamilton out on the wing.

    If you think Dyer was a winger then then I won't waste my time arguing with you because obviously you don't understand what a position of winger is...


    he's not a winger, but he's been played (badly) there in the past. Hamilton, then. You preferred HIM to Milner?

    Why are you so obsessed with Hamilton ? Who was talking ab out Hamilton anyway ? Does he even have the skill and the technique to be a winger ? Do you read other posts before you reply ?


    What is more important in a winger - pace or ability? Because if you think Penant is a better winger than Milner, you haven't been watching either of them.


    your words:I'm sorry but this time you are talking rubbish...Milner is good but not the same class as Young, SWP and even Penant and do you know why ? The same reason you think it is not important...SPEED and lots of it...


    IF YOU ARE A WINGER YOU NEED SPEED...Even silly to discuss this...



  11. £2 million is not exactly a lot of money in football, and even if he is brought in to be a backup, it still improves the quality of our squad.


    he's a cheaper, better squad player than Smith, my far.


    Bollocks! Smiths a great player, would have him first on team sheet every week, yes he may not have the skill and flair of other players but hes got the bottle and the desire not seen by many others in the premiership, loved by leeds fans and Man u fans alike says alot about him imo.


    Erm, no, no ne's not. Man Utd fans who actually saw him play in midfield were in awe of his badness. He is not a very good striker, and poor in midfield. I'd happily not play him again, barring injuries to the other (decent) midfielders.

  12. A sound squad player but this is someone we need to improve upon as a first choice if we are to get to where we want to be.


    Well said, long term we should be looking to improve on him.


    there's others needing replaced in the shorter term, though. One thing at a time, i reckon. If the likes of Smith etc were as good as Milner, we'd be a better side.

  13. the bastards didn't show us Beye being introduced to the crowds.  :rolleyes:


    and they would for why?


    To show us Beye, a new signing, being introduced to the crowd. OK?




    Okay, okay. The actual match is a better use of their time though, no?


    Oh wow. That's few extra seconds the've saved for the match then.


    I'm glad they showed us that square Geremi pass to Smith in the 48th minute. An important and interesting bit of the match, imo.


    Look what match action you could fit in in just few seconds. :D


    No. I'm putting my foot down on this one. No pre-match antics at all. So there.

    Unless the Geordie Dancer comes back, then you'll change your mind  :razz:


    don't take the piss, he's a Scope.

  14. Aye, the likes of Solano, Beckham, Pires, etc. were all s*** because they weren't very quick.


    two of them were the best crossers of the ball i've seen in the premier league, ever.


    But no good for SLK. He'd rather have the likes of Dyer or Des Hamilton out on the wing.

    If you think Dyer was a winger then then I won't waste my time arguing with you because obviously you don't understand what a position of winger is...


    he's not a winger, but he's been played (badly) there in the past. Hamilton, then. You preferred HIM to Milner?

  15. No offence guys, but Oliver has absolutely nothing to do with the club and can't influence whether he is in employment or not.


    There are so many little things that can be changed for the better that it is not worth wasting time on a local hack who has very little to do with the future of our club.


    you're telling me that if the club say to the Chronicle: "you can kiss goodbye to access to our players, manager and club exclusives unless you get that cretin off our stories", that the Chron would let Anal keep writing about NUFC? Would they fuck. He'd be reporting on Blue Star within minutes.

  16. the bastards didn't show us Beye being introduced to the crowds.  :rolleyes:


    and they would for why?


    To show us Beye, a new signing, being introduced to the crowd. OK?




    Okay, okay. The actual match is a better use of their time though, no?


    Oh wow. That's few extra seconds the've saved for the match then.


    I'm glad they showed us that square Geremi pass to Smith in the 48th minute. An important and interesting bit of the match, imo.


    Look what match action you could fit in in just few seconds. :D


    No. I'm putting my foot down on this one. No pre-match antics at all. So there.

  17. Aye, the likes of Solano, Beckham, Pires, etc. were all shit because they weren't very quick.


    two of them were the best crossers of the ball i've seen in the premier league, ever.


    But no good for SLK. He'd rather have the likes of Dyer or Des Hamilton out on the wing.

  18. Schevchenko was record-breakingly expensive, though ? and of course has made all the difference to Chelsea's challenge for the top.


    one season, for a manager who didn't want him, in fairness.


    Still doesn't add up to proof that "record-breaking transfers" are any key to success, however much trophy signings may excite some sections of our support.


    you won't find many successful clubs nowadaya that don't spend big.


    You won't find many clubs that don't spend big. Full stop.


    :lol: aye, you're right enough there, like.


    Big difference between good big signings and bad ones, of course.


    I'd love us to sign some real, real talent, superstar players and break records, to replace the likes of Smith, Viduka etc. But they have to be right for us. For every Shearer/Drogba there's a Luque/Veron.

  19. the bastards didn't show us Beye being introduced to the crowds.  :rolleyes:


    and they would for why?


    To show us Beye, a new signing, being introduced to the crowd. OK?




    Okay, okay. The actual match is a better use of their time though, no?

  20. This is a f***ing stupid thread. It's like asking "Do we need a good squad players?"


    Yes, yes we do. What a stupid question.


    Don't tell it to me, tell it to Kev


    you tell him! You're not the boss of me.

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