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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Owen and Martins.


    Owen is so far beyond the others it's not even funny. And although Lil' Mikey and Obafemi Mitty might not be ideal, its still better than any of the other combinations based on the fact that neother Smith or Viduka are any more than "meh". But as neither of them are Ameobi, they immediately get SOME respect, over THAT pile of steaming donkey shite.


    And the person who put "Viduka and Smith" - idiot

  2. Im dying ta find out if Taylor will be playing,hopefully he will be,be disapointed for him if hes dropped because of his stupid dad!Although looking forward ta see Beye play!

    I think regardless of his dad, a back line including Beye, Cacapa and Roz should be our prefered one.


    no, it shouldn't.

    Yes, it should. (etc etc)


    Yes, i forgot, you can't be wrong. My apologies, with due respect to how much you've wathed all of those aforementioned players.

  3. Harper


    Beye Rozhenal Cacapa Enrique


    Geremi N'zogbia Butt Milner


    Viduka Owen


    The midfield..   :kasper:


    What about it?


    Milner Geremi Butt N'zogbia


    Would be more effective.


    didnt N'zogbia play CM against Juve? We need a creative spark in the center of the park.


    Given played up front once in training, but i wouldn.t play him there in a real game.

  4. Im dying ta find out if Taylor will be playing,hopefully he will be,be disapointed for him if hes dropped because of his stupid dad!Although looking forward ta see Beye play!

    I think regardless of his dad, a back line including Beye, Cacapa and Roz should be our prefered one.


    no, it shouldn't.

  5. Im dying ta find out if Taylor will be playing,hopefully he will be,be disapointed for him if hes dropped because of his stupid dad!Although looking forward ta see Beye play!



    if he's dropped it will be fuck all to do with his dad an everything to do with the fact that we now have roz, cacapa, feye and beye for him to compete with.


    if he's dropped it'll be a mistake.

  6. Anything new about Enrique and Viduka?





    Chronicle says both hav late fitness tests but both could play

    Ok, thanks!

    Anything about Enrique? he is injured to with a slight hamstring problem..


    Are you mental?


    is that a trick question??

  7. Schmeical is the best keeper i've seen.


    Given i woulden't swap for any other keeper in the world, not Buffon or Cech etc. Does that make him the best in the world? Well it kind of does, in my opinion anyway.


    why wouldn't you swap a very good 'keeper for an excellent one?

  8. When did any Premiership games become "easy", by the way?


    Especially ones away from home to a wounded/newly-promoted side with some new signings potentially making debuts?


    I know Derby have made the worst start in the league, but people need to keep their feet on the ground because these were exactly the sort of games that we'd get turned-over in when Roeder, Souness and even Robson were all here. How many of Derby's squad have been jetsetting around the world/playing two internationals in 4 days, an' all? Not as many as ours, I'd bet.


    A draw wouldn't be a particularly bad result, but of course we should go for the win. Remaining unbeaten is as important as anything, if you ask me. 4 points from our next two games and I'll be well chuffed, and I'd prefer to draw at Derby and spank West Ham personally.


    If we draw with Derby, it'll be like the End of Days on here.


    that would amount to a failure in that game, certainly.

  9. why is it that people seem to think that sam will drop viduka - i'm dead certain that he'll start (if i haven't missed some injyry story that is...)


    unfortunatley so. I think Smith will get more games than he deserves as well.

  10. Or just keep or name and let the club get on with what they want to do , and let us get on with what we want to do , as we are going fine as it is as the minute.


    Isn't the point that you should be trying to help the club with what you're doing though?


    You should really be breaking your balls trying to get the club to take your ideas on board and prove to them that you're worth working with.


    I get the impression that you lot don't seem willing to compromise over anything and want to do things all your way, which is laughable quite frankly.


    i thought they wanted flags and singing, therefore atmosphere?


    Seems to me there doesn't need to be a lot of compromise for that.


    Changing the name for one thing.


    As I recall, at their meeting with the club they were told that the club wanted more say in how things were done with the Ultras, but they wer having none of it.


    Obviously it's unfair to expect them to just hand over what they've started, but clearly the club will have more power to move the organistaion in the right direction and garner support. But it seems a lot of the Ultras are just more interested in helping themselves than the club.


    The club has no right to demand anything from anyone. The name argument is pathetic, really.

  11. Or just keep or name and let the club get on with what they want to do , and let us get on with what we want to do , as we are going fine as it is as the minute.


    Isn't the point that you should be trying to help the club with what you're doing though?


    You should really be breaking your balls trying to get the club to take your ideas on board and prove to them that you're worth working with.


    I get the impression that you lot don't seem willing to compromise over anything and want to do things all your way, which is laughable quite frankly.


    i thought they wanted flags and singing, therefore atmosphere?


    Seems to me there doesn't need to be a lot of compromise for that.

  12. Milner is a good player, who can hopefully develop further. He does not have blistering pace, but neither do a lot of fine wingers.


    We have other players in other positions who are inferior to Milner at what they do. Maybe soem fans should turn their attention to THEM, first.

    Who are those FINE WINGERS with no blistering pace ?


    Beckham, Solano, Robert (on his day). There's 3. two of whom were the best crossers of the ball i've seen int he premiership.

    You call those three FINE ? OK because I thought they were WORLDCLASS not just fine...OK if those three are FINE then Milner must be SH*T in comparison to be fair...So your whole argument that fine wingers don't need pace is only valid if you have extra magic and skill and sadly Milner is no where even close to the above and it is a disgrace to even compare him to them....


    Well done misunderstood the word "fine" as used in that context, AND misunderstood the argument. Carry on.

  13. A place to report any player sightings outside of St James' Park or training.


    I just saw Peter Beardsley buying a pink cake in M&S, the big puff.  He refused to sample a biscuit a young lass was offering tasters of too.


    Can anyone beat that?


    yup: i once TRIED the tasters.

  14. never heard of him.. but anyway... RIP


    Scored the only goal in the Sunderland v Leeds 1973 FA Cup Final, for Sunderland. 


    Don't care how old you may be or say you are - how can you not know about that???



    i know who he was, but i don't know who scored goals in other FA Cup Finals before i was born, why would i, or why would anyone else?


    as for the fella dying, sad for anyone who knew/liked him, i'm sure.


    Most people I know who are interested in football tend to know about such things. Things that are part of "football folklore" are well known, and particularly things that are part of local/regional "football folklore" (as in this case) are very well known.


    I and my friends/family always seem to know about things that happened before we were born (in subjects of interest to us such as football and regional-football particularly) every bit as well as we know about things that we have experienced in the years that we happen to have been alive.


    I am surprised by these comments to the contrary!!




    A lot of the younger fans (and some from outside Newcastle) think that football, and NUFC, was invented in 1992 by Sky, though.


    Like i say, i know about him, but only because of the north east connection.


    I wouldn't have a clue about west midlands fa cup heroes of yesteryear, for example - and fans from outside of the north east might well not know about Porterfield.


    Bet everyone remembers Ronnie f****** Radford though. w******.


    That's because it is bl****y well shown on the BBC, every single year when the 3rd Round of the FA Cup starts!!


    i know. Its as if the ONLY ever FA cup upset. :(

  15. Now this is sexy football

    Wednesday, September 12, 2007



    A hardcore Italian porn channel has beaten off its competitiors to win the rights to air Fiorentina's UEFA Cup first-round clash with Groningen.


    ContoTV - whose advert for the game features porn-star and Fiorentina fan Viola - say they want to offer their typical viewer 'something different'.


    Should the experiement prove popular with its viewers, the channel could be tempted to show games right through the competition.


    And who says the UEFA Cup has been devalued these days?




    Italian footballers? At least the regular viewers will still be able to watch a load of fannies......

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