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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Editing my own posts, not other people's, just in case there's any confusion.


    I'd never dream of doing an "NE5" on someone.


    Anyway, this tangent is getting very steep... we need someone to come and tell us that Luque will be fantastic at Ajax and that he was dreadfully mishandled here by all and sundry to relight the fire... or we need to wait until after the international break and hope for a Luque hat-trick in his next match to REALLY kick things off.


    Luque is the worlds best striker/winger/left player in a 433/bio-chemical scientific pioneer EVER. Fact.


    Haddaway and shite, man. That's blatantly Laurent Robert.


    I thought Robert was a waste of space/lazy cunt/kicker of puppies in their eyes???


    Or was that Bellamy? Oh, i get all confused.

  2. Its called building a squad.


    2 million in todays market isn't a great deal and we are getting a premiership experienced player who as you've outlined can operate at centre-back and central midfield.


    Anyways at the moment i'd say he is better than taylor, edgar and ramage (who is out for most the season anyways), making him at least our 3rd best centreback.


    you're wrong about Taylor.

  3. £2 million is not exactly a lot of money in football, and even if he is brought in to be a backup, it still improves the quality of our squad.


    he's a cheaper, better squad player than Smith, my far.

  4. Aye hes not a starter so why wouldnt he want to stay at Bolton and play in europe? just because of big sam?


    how about a mix of Sam, bigger club, potential to break into the starting XI, and of course: kerching!

  5. Editing my own posts, not other people's, just in case there's any confusion.


    I'd never dream of doing an "NE5" on someone.


    Anyway, this tangent is getting very steep... we need someone to come and tell us that Luque will be fantastic at Ajax and that he was dreadfully mishandled here by all and sundry to relight the fire... or we need to wait until after the international break and hope for a Luque hat-trick in his next match to REALLY kick things off.


    Luque is the worlds best striker/winger/left player in a 433/bio-chemical scientific pioneer EVER. Fact.

  6. Whats the status on viduka now then? How bads his injury?


    nothing a big pie won't fix.


    Don't know what your problem is with Viduka, so far you have been proven wrong. I said he was a class player based on what he produced last season, which you laughed at. For us this season he's scored one goal against one of England's finest defenders and it was a goal that had class stamped all over it. These are the facts, plain and simple.



    You have got to be kidding? Other than score one admittedly good goal he has been very very disapointing. He's been marked out/completely dominated by his markers, he's not created anything or been able to hold the ball up and he'd looked as dangerous as..... pattison. Martins and Owen have to start imo and i'd have Shola in over Viduka


    Not created anything? He set up our best chance against Villa, a great chance for Martins against Boro, set up Owen twice on Saturday - once when he should have scored and then when his goal was wrongly disallowed.


    I have never seen a player as dominated as Viduka was against Villa, same as with Bolton and Boro, I missed Saturdays game so can't comment on that one. Shola would have created/scored more imo although i'd have Martins and Owen atm


    Yet he still slipped a beautiful through ball to Milner, whose lay off was scuffed by Smith when he should have scored. Only time we split their defence.


    I find it amazing that people can just dismiss years of shite performances from Ameobi, and I'm not even one of these people who thinks he's that bad.  You don't think Ameobi would have been dominated by both Mellberg AND Laursen presumably? That's the two who dominated Drogba yesterday - in case you've forgotten.


    so Dorgba had a bad game. Doesn't make Viduka a good player.


    Better than Ameobi, but thats true of most forwards in this league.

  7. Why did we buy him for around £2million was it?

    He can play at centre half when he have got Taylor Rozenhal Cacapa Edgar Ramage

    Centre midfield when we have got far too many to start with!

    Yes he could cover a centre half position if 2 of them were injured but £2million is a waste for someone to sit on the bench?

    unless big sam will drop someone for him which i hope he doesnt! Cant drop roz cacapa taylor or any centre midfielder


    Central defence, we have Cacapa, Rozenhal and Taylor who are good enough.


    Defensive midfield, we have a relatively useful Butt, a can't-pass-no-pace-but-won't-get-dropped Geremi, and thats it, sin't it?


    He's cover for both, but not a starter for me.

  8. But surely the post altering DID make you give a different reply?


    Because you must have commented before seeing this bit:


    (Right I'm finished editing the post now as it's DEAD LATE and I feel I'm flogging a dead walrus.)


    Or, you're just a dumpling and you missed the point completely. Either way suits me fine. Game, set and match. Ithangyou.



    get a room, you two. Then you can naked-wrestle properly.


    Now THAT'S hypocrisy ;D


    Surely this is more interesting than talking about Albert Luque!?


    anything is more interesting than that wanker, but editing posts? Surely you can do better than that.

  9. Decent signings in part, far far improved LOOKING defence (lets not start sucking players off before they bed in), big huge fat head.


    He's a top 10 manager at a top 10 club, simple as.

  10. But surely the post altering DID make you give a different reply?


    Because you must have commented before seeing this bit:


    (Right I'm finished editing the post now as it's DEAD LATE and I feel I'm flogging a dead walrus.)


    Or, you're just a dumpling and you missed the point completely. Either way suits me fine. Game, set and match. Ithangyou.



    get a room, you two. Then you can naked-wrestle properly.

  11. his injury record is absolutely shameful




    Broken Leg  West Ham United  2007 August 28th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2007 April 10th 

    Flu  Newcastle United  2007 February 26th 

    Gashed Leg  Newcastle United  2006 November 28th 

    Eye  Newcastle United  2006 October 29th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2006 April 23rd 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2006 February 23rd 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2005 August 19th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2005 July 18th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2005 April 8th 

    Groin Strain  Newcastle United  2005 February 16th 

    Knee Injury  Newcastle United  2005 January 7th 

    Calf Muscle Strain  Newcastle United  2004 December 21st 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2004 September 20th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2004 September 18th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2004 August 5th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2004 April 9th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2004 March 3rd 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2004 March 3rd 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2003 October 20th 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2003 August 26th 

    Shin Splints  Newcastle United  2003 May 14th 

    Shin Splints  Newcastle United  2003 March 31st 

    Hamstring Injury  Newcastle United  2003 March 13th 

    Shin Splints  Newcastle United  2003 February 28th 

    Calf  Newcastle United  2002 December 30th 

    Back Injury  Newcastle United  2002 October 14th 

    Shin Splints  Newcastle United  2002 September 3rd 


  12. Glad to have Smith here, good/decent player imo


    Might struggle to get in the team once Bartons back as he'll be in competition with Butt, Faye, Geremi, Emre and possibly Zoggy too, for one of two other CM spots. We now seem to have a properly balanced squad with big competition for places which we haven't had in a while!!!  This is BS's 1st Transfer too! The future looks very bright imo!


    talk to some Man UTd fans (ones who actually go to the game) about his prowess as a midfield player.

  13. Whats the status on viduka now then? How bads his injury?


    nothing a big pie won't fix.


    Don't know what your problem is with Viduka, so far you have been proven wrong. I said he was a class player based on what he produced last season, which you laughed at. For us this season he's scored one goal against one of England's finest defenders and it was a goal that had class stamped all over it. These are the facts, plain and simple.



    I'm not on either side of the arguement but I wouldn't call 1 goal in 4 games showing his class. Not to mention in the first 2 games he was pretty much non-existant.


    That goal was class whichever way you look at it. His record last season and everywhere he's played has been class whichever way you look at it. I'm not about to put the thumbs down sign after 4 games here, because I think he's a clever player who holds the ball up well and uses it intelligently. Personally I think he's a much better player when it's played to feet, I don't think the long high ball does him any favours.




    he's far better with the ball to his feet certainly - and i'll avoid the obvious "too heavy to jump" joke there.


    I think he had a good season last season, but i recall him being of very variable use at Boro.


    We can't really afford to only have one goal-scoring striker on the pitch at any given time, in my opinion, which does not bode overly well for him, as i don['t think he will score many at all this season. as a stop-gap, maybe he's worth it (if he keeps Ameobi off the pitch, thats got to be a good thing) but Viduka for me isn't a long - or even medium - term answer.

  14. Whats the status on viduka now then? How bads his injury?


    nothing a big pie won't fix.


    Don't know what your problem is with Viduka, so far you have been proven wrong. I said he was a class player based on what he produced last season, which you laughed at. For us this season he's scored one goal against one of England's finest defenders and it was a goal that had class stamped all over it. These are the facts, plain and simple.




    one goal. How many games?


    And you call that class? And he's been shit in the other games.

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