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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Sam said he is happy with our squad


    im not


    If he's happy, then he's an idiot. If he's just saying it to keep players happy until he finds better,fair enough.


    The fact that he looks to have been attempting to sign Beletti and Faye would suggest he knows it needs improvement.


    we don't know how seriously he's chased anyone, of course.

    Hardly much point in discussing anything to do with proposed transfers if you take that view though. Howay man mate, I think it's fairly likely he's looked at the RB spot. I think it's fair enough he's played Carr there too. Other options are available to him but he probably he conceivably thinks we need Taylor in the middle and Geremi is required there too. Solano is an option too but I think that leaving out a player who has expressed a desire to leave the club sends out the right message to the squad as a whole. And while Solano did well there at times last season (and I like Solano a lot), he wasn't the revelation there some would have you believe. Just my two-penneth and I'm not for a moment saying playing Carr at right-back is anything like ideal.


    in fairness, if he plays liek did on Saturday again, i'd not let Geremi anywhere near the centre of midfield again.

    Who did play well on Saturday, other than Harper. One bad game? Get a grip man.


    Get a grip? He's had one ok game, and one shit one. I KNOW it's too early to say he's no good, but its equally too early to say he's great.


    Milner played ok on Saturday, compared to the rest of them. Rozenhal also did well. And Butt did well at working hard ot fix Geremi's fuckups.

  2. So now Spurs are liars.


    Kingdawson and Martin Jol mysteriously disapeared?


    Ramos now backtracking. Nice conclusion-jumping though, well done.


    "But before midday, UK time, Ramos appeared at Sevilla's training ground to say he was staying despite receiving an offer from Spurs. Although a squirming Ramos initially sought to deny everything, claiming that he could not understand what all the "fuss" was about, he ended by confessing to having had indirect contact with Spurs. He said that he had not met with the secretary John Alexander and the vice-chairman Paul Kemsley at the Alfonso XIII hotel on Friday, despite photographic evidence published by the Estadio Deportivo newspaper on Saturday ."    Guardian.


    ooh, that must be true then.


    Is the Guardian into photoshopping now or was that just an idiotic comment?


    have you seen the photos?


    I took them.


    Well done.

  3. I think he'll go 433 again. And no doubt he'll play Geremi again, unfortunately.


    Just wanted to quote this bit.. unfortunately? Who would you play instead? He had a weak game against Villa but with Emre not looking likely to be fit he's probably the best passer available from our CMs.


    Again, we are judging a player on how we THINK he used to play elsewhere. His passing was awful on Saturday, absolutely chronic.

  4. The latest is that Faye should be signed this week and will be the last of our summer signings according to Alan Oliver, which would mean that Smith is not only Dyers replacement but he was signed at the expense of a right back. Oh happy days...


    Aye, we were far better off under Roeder. Its been one f****** nightmare after another this summer.


    shut the fuck up, you wanker! far better off under roeder???



    Yep, i'm with Northern Monkey and Baggio. Our squad is shit and Allardyce has basically done nothing to improve us.


    You're an idiot. And i mean that with the least possible respect.

  5. Sam said he is happy with our squad


    im not


    If he's happy, then he's an idiot. If he's just saying it to keep players happy until he finds better,fair enough.


    The fact that he looks to have been attempting to sign Beletti and Faye would suggest he knows it needs improvement.


    we don't know how seriously he's chased anyone, of course.

    Hardly much point in discussing anything to do with proposed transfers if you take that view though. Howay man mate, I think it's fairly likely he's looked at the RB spot. I think it's fair enough he's played Carr there too. Other options are available to him but he probably he conceivably thinks we need Taylor in the middle and Geremi is required there too. Solano is an option too but I think that leaving out a player who has expressed a desire to leave the club sends out the right message to the squad as a whole. And while Solano did well there at times last season (and I like Solano a lot), he wasn't the revelation there some would have you believe. Just my two-penneth and I'm not for a moment saying playing Carr at right-back is anything like ideal.


    in fairness, if he plays liek did on Saturday again, i'd not let Geremi anywhere near the centre of midfield again.

  6. So now Spurs are liars.


    Kingdawson and Martin Jol mysteriously disapeared?


    Ramos now backtracking. Nice conclusion-jumping though, well done.


    "But before midday, UK time, Ramos appeared at Sevilla's training ground to say he was staying despite receiving an offer from Spurs. Although a squirming Ramos initially sought to deny everything, claiming that he could not understand what all the "fuss" was about, he ended by confessing to having had indirect contact with Spurs. He said that he had not met with the secretary John Alexander and the vice-chairman Paul Kemsley at the Alfonso XIII hotel on Friday, despite photographic evidence published by the Estadio Deportivo newspaper on Saturday ."    Guardian.


    ooh, that must be true then.


    Is the Guardian into photoshopping now or was that just an idiotic comment?


    have you seen the photos?



    if everyone is fit? Martins and Owen. Viduka isn't really good enough, neither is Smith, and Ameobi is f****** awful.


    The idea of Viduka needing a rest is a joke, as much of a joke as the fellas on here who were saying he's a great signing, he'd score loads of goals, etc. He's a fat, lazy t***, and we've known that for years.


    Viduka has certainly been very poor/shit so far for us. Glad you didn't want to start with him.


    Martins and Owen would be my second choice for Boro and if Shola wasn't getting anywhere i'd certainly be reverting to that combo. No height or physical presence mind, but i suppose we then have to play it on the deck which isn't nessesarily a bad thing, although not the Alladyce way. I know i have no chance of convincing you that its time to give shola a chance so i'm not going to.


    Do you think 442 or 433/451 ? who would you play on the right wing?


    I think he'll go 433 again. And no doubt he'll play Geremi again, unfortunately.


    If it were a 442, i'd play Milner on the rightm every time.


    You're right, you won't convince me about Shola - he's not good in the air, and poor on the deck as well. If he has to play, i'll get behind him, but i'll not be surprised when he's shit.

  8. He's on the right track anyway. Also it seems fairly clear that we are/were trying to sign Beletti, which would indicate that he's not too happy with Carr.


    Again, we THINK we were chasing certain players, and to be fair we don't need to be told the full story.


    I'm not saying he's doing badly (although i don't think all of his signings have been proven to be right yet, time will tell), but it makes me laugh when i see the "he's brought excellent players in" bollocks. I hope he's done the right thing, we'll have ot wait and see.


    But unless we get a competent RB, we're in trouble.

  9. Sam said he is happy with our squad


    im not


    If he's happy, then he's an idiot. If he's just saying it to keep players happy until he finds better,fair enough.


    The fact that he looks to have been attempting to sign Beletti and Faye would suggest he knows it needs improvement.


    we don't know how seriously he's chased anyone, of course.

  10. If 442, Shola and Owen with Martins on the RW v boro.


    Viduka is tired/ineffective at the moment.


    At the start of the season i'd have said viduka and Owen


    Can Amrtins cross the ball? Cos he can only sometimes control the fucker.


    No on Saturday's evidence.


    In fairness, i can't see Allardyce playing a 442 anyway.

  11. So now Spurs are liars.


    Kingdawson and Martin Jol mysteriously disapeared?


    Ramos now backtracking. Nice conclusion-jumping though, well done.


    "But before midday, UK time, Ramos appeared at Sevilla's training ground to say he was staying despite receiving an offer from Spurs. Although a squirming Ramos initially sought to deny everything, claiming that he could not understand what all the "fuss" was about, he ended by confessing to having had indirect contact with Spurs. He said that he had not met with the secretary John Alexander and the vice-chairman Paul Kemsley at the Alfonso XIII hotel on Friday, despite photographic evidence published by the Estadio Deportivo newspaper on Saturday ."    Guardian.


    ooh, that must be true then.

  12. his attitude and work ethic aren't in question, but ability wise he offers no more than Dyer - the diseased little skank offered pace but no real ability, Smith offers graft but no real ability.


    And talk of Allardyce building a squad is ill-judged - again we have a manager who is over-populating some positions, whilst ignoring far more pressing needs.


    Whoo there monkey boy!

    I think the last thing you can accuse Allardyce of doing is ignoring far more pressing needs.

    He's the first manager that has actually tried to strengthen the defence in a long time.


    Just like you I have no clue at this point whether he will be a success but the poor cunt has only been in the job for what three months, let's give him a chance to prove you were right and he's nothing but a long ball, kill the game off expert.

    With all your cynicism you know how sh!te the club must be internally at the moment and in turn how unattractive it must be to ambitious players but slating the manager because he's tried to sweep out some of the rot and replace it with a bit of heart is a joke.

    It's not like we're an attractive option to ambitious players at the moment is it?


    The simple fact that he has not got a RB, and seems happy with Carr, is starting to annoy me.


    I've nothing against Allardyce per se - i don't particularly think he's a great manager, but he's a step up. I'm not saying he's doing a bad job, etc, but he needs to do a number things: some he has done (we know he's got rid of some dead wood), and some he hasn't. If he does more by the time the window closes, he'll be on the right track.

  13. New shirt: meh.


    ALso, does Enrique have moobs?


    Looks like he's got half a boner! :kasper:


    didn't want to mention that....standing, hands on hips, gay earring, a semi on.......not good.

  14. If 442, Shola and Owen with Martins on the RW v boro.


    Viduka is tired/ineffective at the moment.


    At the start of the season i'd have said viduka and Owen


    Can Amrtins cross the ball? Cos he can only sometimes control the fucker.

  15. i'd have no problems with dropping Viduka, he's not fit and should work on his fitness for a fortnight. no suprise he's shagged out after playing in south east asia during the summer. smith has shown he can do a job up front, and even ameobi did more in 10 mins than viduka did in 80 at the weekend.



    Hope we drop Viduka, was very poor against Villa and wasn't that great against Bolton either.


    Christ on a bike.

    Think Amoebi deserves a chance as opposed to Viduka. We actually looked like we might have a chance of scoring when Shola came on.


    agree 100% with johnny and Stozo. sam's already said Viduka needs rest so i' thinking he may not feature/be on the bench. I'd start with the team in my sig and bring Owen etc on as and when needed.


    Jebus. I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that Ameobi is f****** s****.

    i'd have no problems with dropping Viduka, he's not fit and should work on his fitness for a fortnight. no suprise he's shagged out after playing in south east asia during the summer. smith has shown he can do a job up front, and even ameobi did more in 10 mins than viduka did in 80 at the weekend.


    Hope we drop Viduka, was very poor against Villa and wasn't that great against Bolton either.


    Christ on a bike.

    Think Amoebi deserves a chance as opposed to Viduka. We actually looked like we might have a chance of scoring when Shola came on.


    agree 100% with johnny and Stozo. sam's already said Viduka needs rest so i' thinking he may not feature/be on the bench. I'd start with the team in my sig and bring Owen etc on as and when needed.


    Jebus. I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that Ameobi is f****** s****.


    ha ha lauged when i saw you were the last poster and knew it'd be about shola up top.


    Who would you play up top then monkey?



    if everyone is fit? Martins and Owen. Viduka isn't really good enough, neither is Smith, and Ameobi is fucking awful.


    The idea of Viduka needing a rest is a joke, as much of a joke as the fellas on here who were saying he's a great signing, he'd score loads of goals, etc. He's a fat, lazy twat, and we've known that for years.

  16. Still, nah for me. :lol:


    I see Smith as a solid, hardworking player who'll consistently give you a decent/good contribution and can be called upon to play in midfield or up front as part of a two, but with everyone fit I don't see him as being a very good player in any particular position, rather a good player in a lot of different positions.


    Not someone you can build an attack around.


    He's not actually a particularly good footballer though. We should have spent the money better.


    Name me one one Newcastle transfer in the last 10 years that couldn't be said about?




    My point is that we did not need a player in the position Smith plays, or with his limited ability.


    I'll give you he's looking good but yet to be proven really.


    Get your point NM but there are a couple of things about smudger.

    First and foremost SA is building a squad, something NUFC hasn't had in a long time.

    Second, the mentality Smith brings to the club is something that hasn't had since KK.

    Lastly the club has been blighted by players over recent seasons who are very one dimensional in their playing positions and their mentality about that - Dyer on the right for example. Smith although a utility player not only gives the manager options but also is an example to others.

    I'm still out on smudger, I have never been a big fan but there is just something about him that has success about it.


    his attitude and work ethic aren't in question, but ability wise he offers no more than Dyer - the diseased little skank offered pace but no real ability, Smith offers graft but no real ability.


    And talk of Allardyce building a squad is ill-judged - again we have a manager who is over-populating some positions, whilst ignoring far more pressing needs.

  17. i'd have no problems with dropping Viduka, he's not fit and should work on his fitness for a fortnight. no suprise he's shagged out after playing in south east asia during the summer. smith has shown he can do a job up front, and even ameobi did more in 10 mins than viduka did in 80 at the weekend.


    Hope we drop Viduka, was very poor against Villa and wasn't that great against Bolton either.


    Christ on a bike.

    Think Amoebi deserves a chance as opposed to Viduka. We actually looked like we might have a chance of scoring when Shola came on.


    agree 100% with johnny and Stozo. sam's already said Viduka needs rest so i' thinking he may not feature/be on the bench. I'd start with the team in my sig and bring Owen etc on as and when needed.


    Jebus. I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that Ameobi is fucking shite.

  18. Still, nah for me. :lol:


    I see Smith as a solid, hardworking player who'll consistently give you a decent/good contribution and can be called upon to play in midfield or up front as part of a two, but with everyone fit I don't see him as being a very good player in any particular position, rather a good player in a lot of different positions.


    Not someone you can build an attack around.


    He's not actually a particularly good footballer though. We should have spent the money better.


    Name me one one Newcastle transfer in the last 10 years that couldn't be said about?




    My point is that we did not need a player in the position Smith plays, or with his limited ability.

  19. If there is one good thing to come out of this thread it is gonna be the newly acquired knowledge of who not to bother getting into a debate with because they quite clearly havent a clue what they're talking about! Ya can tell who they are because they're the ones bemoaning the teams efforts after 2 games! Couldnt believe it when i heard booing at FT.  


    yes, the kind of football we payed, and the performances of some of the team deserve PRIASE. We should be thanking them for being fucking rubbish, i don't know how we have the nerve to expect any kind of competence or ability.

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