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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. taken on CURRENT form.....


    1. liverpool

    2. chelsea

    3. newcastle

    4.  everton

    5.  man utd

    6.  arsenal

    7, mancity

    8  blackburn

    9, spurs


    10  westham

    11  portsmouith

    12  villa

    13 boro

    14 sunderland

    15 reading

    16 fulham

    17  bolton

    18  wigan

    19  birmingham

    20  derby



    atmo i cant see manu beating the other big teams, they look very ave.  Doubt this will be the case post rooney return.


    spurs are proving to be a real enigma too.   Very much underperforming; good for us )


    nufc season depends on mickey staying fit (unlikely)  and on barton being a midfield force for us.


    so what is your actual prediction.

  2. 1.  Chelsea

    2.   Man U.

    3.   Liverpool

    4.   Arsenal

    5.   Man City

    6.   Everton

    7.   Spurs

    8.   Newcastle

    9.   A Villa

    10.   Portsmouth

    11.   Blackburn

    12.   West Ham

    13.   Bolton

    14.   Reading

    15.   Beasts

    16.   Mackems

    17.   Wigan

    18.   Birmingham

    19.   Fulham

    20.   Derby


  3. all of this 'we have a very good team' stuff is a bit optimistic. i wouldn't rate more than one of our forwards as very good. another could be very good, and thats it. and if cacapa and the other new defenders don't come good we have taylor and rozenhal, and nothing else.


    we've been burned too often for me. i'm cautiously optimistic, but starting to wank ourselves off over stuff just yet is a bit premature.

  4. bramble or faye. we KNOW they are shit.


    How do you feel about Shola not being allowed to go to Boro, mate? :razz: O0


    disappointed that we have at least one more season of fans latching onto a couple of passable games, whilst ignoring the majority of his performances and play, which are shocking. but not suprised. as a club we've long had a blind spot for this big tall heap of donkey shite, so its all a bit 'meh' now.

  5. martins coming off, ridiculous that viduka is still on.



    Been at the centre of good moves, holding it up bringing people into the game and now scoring a goal. Doing his job properly all game.


    balls. he'd done absolutely nothing till he scored. if this is how he plays against his old club, i may need to retract my 'he will get few more than 10, because he's show nothing that points towards him being capable of that.

  6. far be it from me to question the best manager we've ever had, bound to lead us to 4th, etc, but has he shown once so far that he has any clue how to change a game ? like for like subs? just the ticket.


    oh, and yet another example of viduka showing he's not actualy that good.


    i'm sat watching this shit, and before any cretins watching on tv start, we DO have a better view of the flow of the game.

  7. I never thought we'd get excuses made for him that he needed time to get used to the Premiership. He's been here for f****** years!


    I didnt meant he needed time to get used to the Premiership.Im trying to say he might be a bit rusty and tired from all the games he played with Australia.Other than that,hes a proveng goalscorer.


    he's not going to be troubling the top scorer charts, in fairness.


    He'll probably score a few good goals in fairness.

    he shoudl get double figures, but i doubt he'll do much more than that.


    Only double figures? I see your point then. To rectify the situation we should buy Drogba for £32m without further ado. That's the top goalscorer problem fixed then.






    so i am totally in the wrong wanting a first choice striker capable of getting 1 goal ever other game? How very stupid of me. Imagine me actually thinking we should get a good goalscorer.


    Yes, Viduka is "class", and great, and just what we need. :lol:

  8. I never thought we'd get excuses made for him that he needed time to get used to the Premiership. He's been here for f****** years!


    I didnt meant he needed time to get used to the Premiership.Im trying to say he might be a bit rusty and tired from all the games he played with Australia.Other than that,hes a proveng goalscorer.


    he's not going to be troubling the top scorer charts, in fairness.


    He'll probably score a few good goals in fairness.

    he shoudl get double figures, but i doubt he'll do much more than that.
  9. So based on one bad

    To be fair NM, you can be a bit of a hypocrite at times. You talk a lot of sense at times too but you have a pop at people as being totally unrealistic for wanting player x, y or z, then you demand we sign a RB (and any RB) just to replace Carr. It's not that easy to attract quality players here, as you well know, and if the right-back we sign is just marginally better than what we have then it's a waste of time imo.


    Yes, yes i can. Can't we all, as football fans?


    As for Carr, an AVERAGE right back would be far better. If you are saying that is a difficult task for a competent manager to find, and buy, a better right back than Stephen Carr, you are either as mad as a particularly crazed scotsman, or Stephen Carrs mam.

    I see buying an AVERAGE right-back as a pointless waste of money though.


    i don't. We're an average club, so average players should be our minimum. We currenly have a s**** right back. That, simply put, cannot continue.


    Weren't you whining in another thread about Geremi playing in the middle? If you are happy with an average RB, what was your problem with Geremi assuming you don't think he's utter s***?


    i thought he was utter s*** on Saturday. I don't think he is actually a s*** player, Geremi, he has yet to prove either way whether he is good enough or not.


    Yet based on one performance which wasn't to your liking,  you shouted he should never start in midfield again. If you haven't made your mind up yet, then why make such daft comments?


    no i didn't say that. But carry on.

  10. I never thought we'd get excuses made for him that he needed time to get used to the Premiership. He's been here for f****** years!


    I didnt meant he needed time to get used to the Premiership.Im trying to say he might be a bit rusty and tired from all the games he played with Australia.Other than that,hes a proveng goalscorer.


    he's not going to be troubling the top scorer charts, in fairness.

  11. To be fair NM, you can be a bit of a hypocrite at times. You talk a lot of sense at times too but you have a pop at people as being totally unrealistic for wanting player x, y or z, then you demand we sign a RB (and any RB) just to replace Carr. It's not that easy to attract quality players here, as you well know, and if the right-back we sign is just marginally better than what we have then it's a waste of time imo.


    Yes, yes i can. Can't we all, as football fans?


    As for Carr, an AVERAGE right back would be far better. If you are saying that is a difficult task for a competent manager to find, and buy, a better right back than Stephen Carr, you are either as mad as a particularly crazed scotsman, or Stephen Carrs mam.

    I see buying an AVERAGE right-back as a pointless waste of money though.


    i don't. We're an average club, so average players should be our minimum. We currenly have a s**** right back. That, simply put, cannot continue.


    Weren't you whining in another thread about Geremi playing in the middle? If you are happy with an average RB, what was your problem with Geremi assuming you don't think he's utter shit?


    i thought he was utter shit on Saturday. I don't think he is actually a shit player, Geremi, he has yet to prove either way whether he is good enough or not.

  12. I'd persoanlly have owen up front as our striker as I think defenders are more scared of pace and cunning rather than a "skillfull big man" i.e. viduka, shola.

    Not saying that viduka isn't good but that owen is better therefore....



  13. Viduka is still a class player, just because we had a hard time breaking down Villa's defence last week doesn't mean we have to start writing everyone off. I think we'll score a couple of goals against boro and win come Sunday, hopefully that will quieten down the panic merchants for another week.



  14. To be fair NM, you can be a bit of a hypocrite at times. You talk a lot of sense at times too but you have a pop at people as being totally unrealistic for wanting player x, y or z, then you demand we sign a RB (and any RB) just to replace Carr. It's not that easy to attract quality players here, as you well know, and if the right-back we sign is just marginally better than what we have then it's a waste of time imo.


    Yes, yes i can. Can't we all, as football fans?


    As for Carr, an AVERAGE right back would be far better. If you are saying that is a difficult task for a competent manager to find, and buy, a better right back than Stephen Carr, you are either as mad as a particularly crazed scotsman, or Stephen Carrs mam.

    I see buying an AVERAGE right-back as a pointless waste of money though.


    i don't. We're an average club, so average players should be our minimum. We currenly have a shite right back. That, simply put, cannot continue.

  15. Sam said he is happy with our squad


    im not


    If he's happy, then he's an idiot. If he's just saying it to keep players happy until he finds better,fair enough.


    The fact that he looks to have been attempting to sign Beletti and Faye would suggest he knows it needs improvement.


    we don't know how seriously he's chased anyone, of course.

    Hardly much point in discussing anything to do with proposed transfers if you take that view though. Howay man mate, I think it's fairly likely he's looked at the RB spot. I think it's fair enough he's played Carr there too. Other options are available to him but he probably he conceivably thinks we need Taylor in the middle and Geremi is required there too. Solano is an option too but I think that leaving out a player who has expressed a desire to leave the club sends out the right message to the squad as a whole. And while Solano did well there at times last season (and I like Solano a lot), he wasn't the revelation there some would have you believe. Just my two-penneth and I'm not for a moment saying playing Carr at right-back is anything like ideal.


    in fairness, if he plays liek did on Saturday again, i'd not let Geremi anywhere near the centre of midfield again.

    Who did play well on Saturday, other than Harper. One bad game? Get a grip man.


    Get a grip? He's had one ok game, and one shit one. I KNOW it's too early to say he's no good, but its equally too early to say he's great.


    Milner played ok on Saturday, compared to the rest of them. Rozenhal also did well. And Butt did well at working hard ot fix Geremi's fuckups.

    I'm not saying he's great, I'm having a go at you for saying he's one bad game away from never playing in central midfield for us again.


    What i meant was that if he plays that badly again, i'd have other players ahead of him in central midfueld, and play him at right back.

  16. To be fair NM, you can be a bit of a hypocrite at times. You talk a lot of sense at times too but you have a pop at people as being totally unrealistic for wanting player x, y or z, then you demand we sign a RB (and any RB) just to replace Carr. It's not that easy to attract quality players here, as you well know, and if the right-back we sign is just marginally better than what we have then it's a waste of time imo.


    Yes, yes i can. Can't we all, as football fans?


    As for Carr, an AVERAGE right back would be far better. If you are saying that is a difficult task for a competent manager to find, and buy, a better right back than Stephen Carr, you are either as mad as a particularly crazed scotsman, or Stephen Carrs mam.

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