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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 50 minutes ago, Dokko said:


    I'd like to think Howe is open to learning, and he'll be reviewing every decision and be self critical. If he doesn't address his early season approach to rotation then we'll have this issue over and over, lessening as we go on as quality will improve and options will be better. If you don't think it's an issue then fine, doesn't seem many do, but if he has nothing to learn from this season and how to manage additional games and expectations, then experience is over rated at this level. 

    I don’t think your argument works - the lack of rotation early season has only become a problem because a severe injury crisis means he can’t now rotate. November and December were always going to be months where we needed to rotate: he hasn’t been able to. If he was able to and didn’t, you’d have a point. 

    I think he always has stuff to learn improve, in particular on conceding on the counter and a lack of formation options, but I don’t really think what happened is caused by his views on rotation. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Dokko said:


    Recently is not the issue. Hands are tied now. When he has options he didn't use them, now he doesn't have them he can't. 


    It’s partly down to quality, and him liking to take a while to bed players in, but I think you have to rotate it to early detriment for long term benefit.  

    Not for me, Clive. He’s had his options either severely limited or obliterated for 2/3 of the CL games (Dortmund 1 onwards). Don’t forget that the 2 big assets purchased for this season (tonali and barnes) have not been available. Same squad as last year minus maxi and plus tino, essentially, plus a lot more injuries. I think he has limits and flaws but this is so obviously not on him.

  3. I don’t understand the reluctance to change the team criticism - who could he have brought in recently? The players we signed and needed to rely on for this tournament weren’t available. Barnes didn’t play a minute; tonali played a big part of 2 matches, Isak missed a few, Botman missed all but one… 

  4. 15 minutes ago, toon25 said:

    A fucking capitulation.


    Sorry Eddie, this is on you.

    It’s on all of them sort of but it’s mainly on the literally unprecedented injury situation. We play a physically demanding way and our calendar has been as physically demanding as possible, then we lost a squad for 2 months without anything getting less physically demanding. 

    It’s unpleasant but it’s so obviously contextually justified.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Erikse said:

    Just feels a bit like we blame almost every loss on fatigue right now. Fatigue is surely a bit of a factor, but other teams has to play a lot of games aswell.. It's not like we ever say "good game by us, but they were so tired" when we win against a team who is playing a lot of games.


    Not that Everton plays a lot of games, but generally.




    But they don’t have to play all the games with the same 11 players, one of whom is 17

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