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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 4 minutes ago, Matt1892 said:

    We might not and there might be no case at all; however you can bet that the club will be exploring the possibility and if there is a potential case that they will throw a lot of money at it. 

    I think they’d only throw money at it if there was a good prospect of success, which I don’t think there is. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Matt1892 said:

    For example if he has a document that says he has been diagnosed with a gambling addiction and he has shared that with Milan before they decided to sell him.

    And what’s the legal process for obtaining that document in multi-jurisdictional litigation? Especially in a local court system which is monumentally corrupt? 


    Let’s say we get past that, and Milan argue “as we were told it was a medical condition, we didn’t think it would result in a ban” - you’re back into trying to persuade a court as to their state of mind at the time. How do we get round that? What if they argue they thought the system in England was different re: betting bans?


    Lastly, would there not be some mileage in Milan arguing that it’s up to NUFC to do adequate due diligence? 

  3. 6 hours ago, Matt1892 said:

    If Milan knew then there would be serious repercussions from this in terms of what we will throw at it from a legal point of view.


    I can see someone else coming from there at a lower fee as some sort of settlement.

    How do you prove it? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Mahoneys Tache said:

    One of the directors of a company I worked for told me that Ashley is a great bloke to work for. Mind he was a cunt too and I nigh throat punched him but I had bills to pay. 

    Weirdly I heard the exact same from my friend who worked for one of Sports Direct's panel law firms (Reynolds Porter Chamberlain). She was seconded there for 6 months and to this day says it was the best experience of her professional life. She's now like living in a hippie commune in Brighton and works in osteopathy and "energy healing", so she isn't at all the type of person who likes businesspeople. She maintains he's the most supportive, time-generous, and motivational manager she's ever had.



  5. 13 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    I cannot tell which was a darker time for the club, Mike Ashley or Steve Bruce, i think I hate Bruce more which shouldn't be the case, but it's a gut reaction thing.


    Mike was capable and had us barely surviving on a shoestring down to a fine art, the thin skinned cunt.


    Bruce is just absolutely shameless, only out for himself. Using his mates in the media to position himself towards his next severance package. 

    As far as I remember they were here at the same time...?

  6. Ginger Pirlo touches down; he surveys the misty scene.


    The ground is wet - is it rain, or the tears of opponents vanquished and future? 

    He crouches, squints - looks for the moon. It’s invisible; he howls anyway. 

    The city shudders: it has been warned.

  7. 1 minute ago, Heron said:



    Anticipation continues to build ahead of this weekends Lockwood Cup finals, as we finally hit the triangle, but this time there'll be no Pink as the three sides run out in Black, White and Blue respectively.


    Much discussion has taken place in the weeks leading up to this tantalising tournament finale and the taste buds of many fans are being tickled with the prospect of such an exciting set of encounters.


    The games, scheduled to be played on the morning of Saturday 21st October, lend themselves to the morning larks as they start early, at 09:30 with the Whites playing host to the Blues at Estadio PowerLeagio.


    The Daisies have made many a change to their squad from last time out with Lockwood Cup board member @LFEE leading the line up and no doubt keen to make his mark from deep, languishing between the defence and midfield as the Whites anchor. Opposition fans seemingly opting to shorten this position in their unsavoury rapport. Meanwhile, all isn't changed whilst there remains @Theregulars. No doubt looking to pick the lock, @Nees will be the midfield monster.


    Moving onto the Blues, rumour has it that @Sewelly is under fire following digging up the penalty spot during training in an act that he thought was Purely Belter and likewise @Danh1 and @IanW are under review for illegal betting on the height of @NEEJ, who apparently wore studded boots last season so to fix successful punts for his fellow Bluepers. Whether they manage to field a side remains to be seen, but if they do, the Blue Tits will be looking to fly to victory.


    And finally, we have The Black's. They'll be looking to capitalise on fatigued opposition when they first run out in front of the vocal Lockwood crowd. Will The Dementors steal the trophy with @Slim pickings against superior opposition? Who knows, but what we do know is The Daisies and Tits will have to enter the dark side to snatch wins with @Yorkie performances and prove that their sides are not for girls.

    Get this man a platform 

  8. 20 minutes ago, ChrisMcQuillan said:

    Would there be any chance that this would constitute a breach of contract and he could be released?


    Just wondering, as obviously would have significant FFP implications if the wages could be freed back up again.

    Absolutely. In a normal employment contract there would be an express clause allowing termination for illegal activity / adverse court rulings; if not it could be implied in or argued under case law that it's a fundamental breach of trust in the relationship. 


    I've no idea what a footballer's contract looks like though: following supply and demand logic and their value, I can see a scenario where all risk on this front is loaded onto the acquiring club.

  9. I'd like to think that, until we know anything concrete, in public fans can get behind him. If he's innocent, and he sees that his new city and people are on his side, useful bond forged IMO. Really important to emphasise that nobody here knows, or can know, the facts.

  10. 56 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    No reputable sources have suggested he’s bet on football games.  

    Nor are any of us really in a position to know the facts. 



  11. I see a player who isn’t confident that he knows what he’s doing or where he fits, so he’s second guessing himself instead of playing his natural game. Being generous, it’s a sign of a good player that they’re able to fit in well enough despite that. 


    I also reckon the training is on a different planet to what he’s experienced before (I think Eddie said that he wasn’t training at the start as otherwise he’d be gassed?)

  12. 4 hours ago, Unbelievable said:

    Have you reached out to JP mate? In the other thread @AyeDubbleYoo has said he wanted one for his brother and I have indicated I could take the other two for my wife and daughter, but sure they will cede if yous can find a third person to take it from @JP assuming they’re still available and is happy to sell to separate individuals.

    Yeh I did man, nothing yet.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Scoot said:

    Whenever we don't win, it's as if certain people on here and on social media just can't handle it and have to blame someone for us not winning. Tonali? Longstaff? Anderson? Burn? Even Eddie Howe a few weeks ago. 


    Proper self-entitled crack!


    People need to realise we're not going to win every single game and when we don't, it isn't the end of the world.

    I’ve repeatedly said that it was a good result. My view on Anderson would be the same had we won the match. It just seemed a timely observation as he’d made 3 pretty glaring mistakes which, in my view, had a significant impact on the outcome.

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