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Posts posted by Theregulars

  1. 1 minute ago, NufcJ said:

    A shame we couldn't hang on for the W but a decent result considering we went a goal down and the injuries we have. From international break to this one a very good run of results and a very winnable game when we return. I sense a much needed break and rest for some of the lads not on international duty and get some back from injury. All good in my eyes. 

    Absolutely. What a squad and coaching job since losing at Brighton and with all the injuries and new challenges. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:




    He's actually a rather intelligent footballer imo. He's getting better and better each game on the ball, his ball carrying is good and going up, his vision and passing is good and going up, his touch and ball control is really improving with each game. He can run with it with confidence against most and he looks to play people in. Also looks for 1-2s. Goi in the air, looks to have a decent shot and has been very unlucky.


    A nothing player is a wildly exaggerated negative summary imo jd I'll be honest suggeats you're not really watching him. Sorry.




    Fair enough, I’ll keep those comments in mind next time I watch him and review my opinion. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    How did i lie? You yourself told Pata that it was reasonable to think that. If anyone is now lying here…

    You’re lying because you repeatedly state as fact things I neither think or have said, and invite people to scorn / join in on that basis. 

    Have I misread the comment about thinking im better than everyone else? If so, I apologise. 

  4. Just now, Vinny Green Balls said:

    Many of whom appear to think that you are as tiresome as I do. Nope. It’s everyone else. Not your behavior. The man who starved to death looking at his own reflection would tell you to get over yourself.

    Can you find the part where I criticise anyone other than you? All you have is lying and then turning around looking for approval. Quite a limited existence.

  5. Just now, Vinny Green Balls said:

    I bet he wonders why everyone around him is a jackass.

    No, primarily you. 

    Again, seeking to impose thoughts and falsehoods on me. It’s such low level wanker behaviour. It’s ok, you’ve shown that you’re ready to speak up for what you see as the popular opinion, you’ve been accepted. 

  6. Just now, Theregulars said:

    My fundamental issue with him is too much backward passing, slow in transition sometimes and lack of end product. He is good at running around in the formation, has quick feet with the ball and is an adequate tackler and “safe” passer. 

    When I say nothing player, I mean that he is not memorable and doesn’t really contribute loads. He’s replaceable without us getting any worse.

     And, to avoid any goalpost related accusations, I don’t think he’s good enough for us, no.

  7. My fundamental issue with him is too much backward passing, slow in transition sometimes and lack of end product. He is good at running around in the formation, has quick feet with the ball and is an adequate tackler and “safe” passer. 

    When I say nothing player, I mean that he is not memorable and doesn’t really contribute loads. He’s replaceable without us getting any worse.

  8. 1 minute ago, STM said:


    Taking a wild stab but I'd bet that you've called Longstaff a nothing player at some point too.


    You do understand that you don't have to score or assist to contribute to a game? I'm fairly sure 54 posted a nice group of stats that showed at the very least he's contributing to the side.


    He's also got incredible footwork. I've seen that with my eyes.

    Not sure - Longstaff looked better when he broke in than Anderson does now. 

    Sure - but do you also understand that I can still think he’s just not the one?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    Dude, this is what I got out of it as well. I didn’t lie. Perhaps you should at least consider how you worded it at first if I’m not the only one. 

    it’s still a slightly odd take to me, considering the squad we have (which you did concede iirc)

    I’m drawing a line under it now because it’s dispiriting to be told you’re having a meltdown or that your underwear is in a twist etc for expressing an opinion that isn’t popular or shared (one I’ve been really happy to debate and attentively so).


    I can see how phrasing it differently or with more caveats would have helped, but isn’t this the point? For me, I come here to express my thoughts on NUFC and debate them. I don’t come to “win” arguments, I am often wrong and really happy to say it when I am. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Pata said:


    It's pretty clear that we'll be having a lot of big occasion games in the future and questioning Howe like that very much implies Howe isn't good enough for us and has to be replaced. :lol:

    No, that’s your extrapolation or an inference you’re drawing. It’s a logical or reasonable one, but it’s not what I think. 

    At that point I thought there were games against big sides or big occasion matches where we looked a bit sheepish or where I think we didn’t give a good enough account of ourselves, and I just wanted to consider whether it might be an issue going forward. Hopefully it won’t be.

  11. 1 minute ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    “Me not surviving a job” is bending the truth a bit more than what I said. Add all of theregulars posts up then, and  it was clear that he was implying that Eddie wasn’t the right man. He did the changing the goalpost thing later.

    Still at it, I see. Fair enough, last resort and all that. 

    I think if you go through the posts you’ll see that my point was to question whether he is the man for the big occasion games. I also said, very clearly, I hope he proves me wrong and will hold my hands up and say so if he does. If you then read through my posts over last few weeks in the Howe thread, you’ll see that I compliment him repeatedly.


    But don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative. Bellend.

  12. Just now, MrRaspberryJam said:

    Did he actually lie or has he misremembered or misinterpreted what you said? There’s a huge difference. 

    One thing is for sure though, saying you’re glad he can’t hold down a regular job and saying you take satisfaction in the fact he’s struggling to keep a roof over his head is disgusting. 

    More of the same - never said I’m glad, said I’m not surprised; no idea about anything else in their life. 

    do you always struggle this much when people don’t agree with you?

  13. Just now, 54 said:

    There is a bit of a difference from saying "He said Eddie Howe should have been sacked a few weeks ago" and "Youve not had a job longer then two years, you're attached from reality" like, even if the former may be incorrect. :lol:

    I’m sorry but I don’t agree, trying to get people to round on someone based on something they have never said is really nasty behaviour.

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