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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. In my limited view we all seem to be missing the reason for what we all perceive as human rights abuses in saudi, is their religion which requires medieval punishments, i.e removing hands for theft etc.  Radically altering the punishments for transgressors would be tantamount to denying the validity of their religion.  In that circumstance the religious leaders would almost certainly stir up the populace to oust the House of Saud which would then in all likelihood be replaced by even harder line rulers opposed to western influences.  The western government view seems to me to be it's basically better devil you know!




    link=topic=104153.msg7214256#msg7214256 date=1588748048]

    In my limited view we all seem to be missing the reason for what we all perceive as human rights abuses in saudi, is their religion which requires medieval punishments, i.e removing hands for theft etc.  Radically altering the punishments for transgressors would be tantamount to denying the validity of their religion.  In that circumstance the religious leaders would almost certainly stir up the populace to oust the House of Saud which would then in all likelihood be replaced by even harder line rulers opposed to western influences.  The western government view seems to me to be it's basically better devil you know!




    You could also argue similarly for the role of women in society. Seems to me like the West likes to eat cake; treat women equally AND be free to worship how you want. Tough to modernise SA to Western standards when you are the centre of Islam.


    Additionally I'm not sure the EPL is going to get far with owners / sponsors coming to the table with snowflake ethics and a transparent and virtuous moral history. As well as as Arab states we'd probably have to exclude Chinese and Russian money for democratic reasons. Half of Europe for flirting with fascism / colonialism. Alot of UK and US wealth for historical links to slavery / colonialism etc. We'd be left with recently self made people, but then have to exclude those with £300m to spare who got that money in a totally immoral way. Haven't mentioned only allowing sponsors that are not selling vices.


    IMO the nufc bid will go through because the EPL has built a greenhouse.

  2. I think footballers are just an easy target. Their salaries are no more or less obscene just because we have a pandemic. If the government wanted to do this fairly they could introduce a high end income tax, say 90% if you earn over £2m pa. If they wanted to they could introduce a wealth tax or a land tax but then what's the point of voting Tory if you don't look after your own.

  3. The problem isn't the distance you are measuring but what you are measuring. It makes no difference if you set the rule as a striker being level or clear daylight if there is no consistent and speedy measurement available. Even if FIFA say clear and obvious then what is 'clear and obvious' to one set of eyes will not be the same as another. I would suggest a gps tracker in the shirt (or boots) so that a computer can quickly say if a player was onside or not. Use goal line technology to track whether a ball is in-play or not and then you don't have to have linesmen, but maybe additional referees. The problem isn't the technology but the humans using the technology.

  4. A buyer is in a better negotiating position without Benitez there.

    In a dream scenario then BZG have agreed a contract with Rafa should they purchase the club. Rafa not signing a contract puts pressure on MA to agree the sale. We all live happily in the ever after...

  5. How long does the fit and proper test take? And when did it supposedly start?

    It takes a week. My understanding is that the process needs to be instigated by nufc. It could be that BZG have submitted paperwork to nufc have not sent it on to the EPL.

  6. Totally agree. Take Colbeck for example and assume he is on £2.5m pa. The 2016/17 accounts made provisions for players with no economic value. He had two years of his contract left so they may have written down £5m in the 2016/17 accounts, inflating wages in that year. In 2017/18 we actually loaned him to Forest; say for £1m fee. His wages are already written off so we then make a surplus of £1m on wages in that year. In short, the write down not only inflated wages in the promotion season but probably reduced the wage bill in the last accounts for all the players on loan.

  7. If LC wants to include the total costs of a player purchase he needs to compare this to the total savings from player sales, transfer fee and saved future salary. Notwithstanding that it is difficult to make true year on year comparisons with the way they put provisions in the 2016/17 accounts I see that the wage bill has fallen considerably from £112m to £93m pa.


    In the clubs own words we have a very low wage to turnover ratio (52%) and enough spare cash to pay back MA £33m so there is no excuse for saying we don't have the financial clout to back Rafa going forward.


    Also note that LC's pay doubled from £150k to £300k between the two years.

  8. I'm a teacher in a Nottinghamshire school and I'm currently at Parent's Evening. Looked up at my next appointment and James Perch sits himself down. Turns out I teach his daughter in Year 7  :lol:


    Hope you had a yellow card handy.

  9. In a depressing time for the club it's hard to think of a better centre back pool than the five we have at the moment. I like the look of the three we started today but it is harsh on Fernandez who has been excellent. Clark has had his moments and goals too. Added to this we have an excellent keeper. Praise to Rafa too for moving away from his preferred formation and playing to our strengths with 343 / 541. A couple of signings and we will be a good mid table team that may even be worth £300m.

  10. Aside from the obvious "Hurr, durr, I was just pretending to be an idiot, I got you good" are BT happy that he;s using his pundit position not to give insight, but to say things which are wrong just because lol, got a reaction?

    Just put my complaint into Ofcom about BT Sport. I can handle Ferdinand being an idiot but what is unforgivable is BT paying him and giving him airtime to spout his wisdom. They have a responsibility to society as a trusted broadcaster.

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