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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. Out of Anita, Colbeck and Tiote I'd start Anita to go with Sissoko and Wijnaldum in CM. I agree he was poor yesterday and we need a player like Matic (last season's version) in a future transfer window. I think part of the problem yesterday was the pairing with Tiote. Anita seemed to come to RB as Janmaat pushed on. I don't recall him splitting the CBs like he has for much of the season.

  2. Who gets these emails? I'm a season ticket holder with a registered email address but I get nothing!

    I do think the club has edged in the right direction with the new coaching team, new players and better attempt at communications. Of course eight years of hurt can't be forgotten in three months but they've won some space from me.

  3. Trying to sell my Arsenal tickets as we're away on Viagogo but nufc events are no longer listed. Anyone know if there has been a change to this service for 2015/16?

  4. Expect Sissoko to start on the right of a 433. I think he needs a permanent role as opposed to the variety of positions he's been tried in previously. I hope some decent signings and some proper coaches can turn his attitude round.

  5. I think what he means is that if Mourinho is the mystery 4th candidate and MA backs him in the transfer market then Moussa will indeed play in the Champions League

  6. Putin talking out his arse, saying the US should've stayed out of it given nowt happened on their soil. Obviously needs to read up on US law.




    Completely affects them if bribes were being made in US dollars, which presumably they were.

    He's worried that his kick backs might be in dollars, in a Swiss bank account, and that the next visit abroad might require a US visa extension.


    It is understood no appointment is imminent, with Lee Charnley, the managing director, being prepared to wait a few weeks to secure the right man. The plan is to have him installed by the time the players return to pre-season training in early July. Along the way Charnley is expected to reconsider the credentials of John Carver, the interim head coach, as well as those of McClaren, Garde and Laudrup.


    Yeah, no rush pal.




    "In a rare interview last Sunday Ashley pledged to invest heavily in new players next season"


    I may have to listen to it again but I don't think he pledged any of the sort, did he?


    No, I think his wording was he will continue his policy of investment... which to my mind means he'll be putting in bugger all and selling anything that he thinks will make him a profit.  :hmm:

    I think it is also the section where he admits we may need some luck today (last Sunday) but that we won't be in this position again. I think an admission that the quality of the squad, and hopefully the coaches, isn't right.


    I wonder if the new ambition of the owner has caught Charnley on the hop and maybe he has to find a bigger budget for the new coach than he originally planned.


    Apologies for the optimism in the comments, I do think it will be McClaren but the problem with the summer months is that small ray of hope that usually lasts until 1st September.

  8. Could he have been speaking, not to the fans, but to potential managers. Long term backing from the owner, promise of investment and an aim of glory.....apply within.

  9. Movement off the ball, ability to retain possession and generally be able to pass would be good too. Oh, and score when three are through against the keeper.

  10. I had to laugh when he mentioned "the football board".


    Anyone who isn't a total retard knows that there's only one man on this board, and it's Mike Ashley. I think even the press have figured it out.

    No doubt he has a veto but I do think he relies on Charnley et al on football issues. I read the TV interview as saying that Charnley is going to survive and get a chance to bring in his own man. I think there was an admission that the squad is too small and lacking in sufficient quality. Also a move to compete in the cups. What was also significant was that Ashley /Bishop arranged the interview independently of NUFC. He's looking after his personal reputation and distancing himself from the Carver decision. I thought the interview was a positive thing yesterday, not so much for the content, but that he felt the need to give it. As many have said we'll all know more once a coaching team is assembled.

  11. 7th richest club in the league. Punching above our weight implies finishing 6th or higher. Get a proper manager and coaching team and give them two years to punch our weight before we aim higher. Like the idea of trying to win cups in the interim though.



    5-1 odds looking very attractive


    I'm hoping that Arsenal win tonight and they'll improve.

    Still 5-1, but feeling better odds as every news storey emerges


    As bad days at work go this must rank as one of the worst ever, I genuinely believe he's too scared to make a management decision

    It's too late. Not enough games to turn around this tanker. Not even Steve McClaren biting! It's Carver or Stone or Watson or Beardsley.

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