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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. Don't forget that it took Enrique at least a year to become the player he is so don't judge too early.


    More like it took a year for him to get a game because our managers couldn't see he was a class player when others spotted it much earlier.


    Good old Sam - but initally he made mistakes even if we all saw the promise that he later fulfilled


    They've finished above us what, 6 times in the last 20 years? :lol:


    Thats almost a 50/50 split  :frantic:


    they still hold the record for lowest points total in the prem ever dont they?


    SAFC have dominated games with less than 30% possession so Bruce might be happy with 6 out of 20

  3. Kinda liked Joey but can't help but feel he had to go as soon as the club  didn't offer him a contract extension.


    As regards him as a player I don't think he is as good as he thinks or as good as the player we originally signed. He will be missed but I'm happy to try Gosling or a genuine winger in RM. I hope this enables us to get the LB and striker we need.

  4. When Joey was stamped on by Song the officials didn't see it. When Gervinho slapped Joey who can blame him if he helps the officials run the game properly. A  decent set of officials would have sent of Song and booked Gervinho for diving and then Joey wouldn't have had to help them officiate the game.

  5.             Krul

    ?      Saylor    Colo  ?

    ?    Tiote Cabaye  ?




    Happy that between Barton / Marveaux / Jonas Obertan / HBA we can cover the wide slots. Ba / Best / Shola are OK for the central striker role but we need the option of a prolific pacey striker. Simo is OK at RB but I'd like an upgrade. We need a LB. After that it is about squad depth and the difference in quality between finishing 7th and finishing highr. Being kind to Saylor I think the five I've highlighted are on the basis of a team that could compete with the top 6.

  6. Just as Arsenal can't play Fabrecas and Nasri tomorrow we couldn't have played Enrique due to frame of mind and risk of injury. So we sell as soon as we have a decent offer. It may have been sensible to sign the replacement ahead of Liverpool bidding but I'm guessing we didn't want to take the risk that nobody came in for Enrique or that we might not have been able to get the £6m if Liverpool knew we had to sell. The club's strategy is the same as for AC last Jan; take the money and muddle through. The only thing I'd say in defence of the club is that unless you're a CL team re-building is a messy business.

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