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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. I like what he's trying to do.  I we're going to plat 433 or 4231 its important the full backs get forward to provide width. Hope Enrique stays but if not he'll need replacing and in my view simpson should be a back-up so a top RB is needed. On top of that we need at least one more striker.

  2. If you get someone class in it's going to cost at least £10m and £50k pw so I don't see where the saving is over the next two years. All that could be gained is signing someone for five years and avoiding the difficult contract negotiation with Colo that needs to occur in the next 12 months. It feels like a change too far for this summer.

  3. Makes no footballing sense - Pardew recognises Colo enables us to play from the back. Also makes little financial sense in that a replacement of Colo's calibre would cost almost as much in wages and probably more in fees. The only angle I can see is if Enrique and Jonas are to be sold and maybe he gets unsettled but we're a long way from that.

  4. I think their is a value thing going on here with slightly lower wages topped up by incentives replacing old style contracts and a good exploitation of contract situations - we've had two frees and a release clause. On top of this I think we've made a footballing decision to base the team around HBA and the players we're bringing in are geared to a pacey, pass and move, retain possession style of play. I don't think we'll score so many from set pieces next season but we will be more effective on the break.

  5. Feel sorry for Best as he managed to rebound from a poor start with the club BUT you just have to back the manager and hope he knows what he's doing with the type of team he wants to build. Personally I think Pardew has earnt his chance to have his own team - I just hope Ashley backs him - especially when Benzema becomes available.

  6. I'm not sure why people are assuming Pardew has signed up to the sale. No doubt he'd have liked Nolan to stay another year or two for stability but if agreeing to a Nolan contract extension meant forgoing player X then he may well have backed the sale. Pardew does a good job in front of the media but don't think he shares all his secrets on film.

  7. Think it's a big risk selling - but only because of his leadership and possibly his goals. If we are to play pass and move football then he is only a fringe player and his leadership value is eroded.


    I also think (and I hate to disagree with Wullie) that both the club and the player know he has to be sold once there is no agreement on a contract extension. Whether the club should have entered discussions with two years on the contract if it didn't see him as central to their plans is another point. Once they made him an offer that was unacceptable to him then it is a parting of ways. I wish him well and can only hope we start spending again soon.

  8. Got my move from SJH to East Stand Block C. Had similar problems to everyone on here - they've lost my forms twice. finally got the seats reserved on Wednesday with the DD forms to be sent out first class that day. When they didn't arrive this morning I took no chances and went to SJP and filled the forms in there after a 45 min queue. Delighted with the end result though.

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