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morpeth mag

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Posts posted by morpeth mag

  1. We just need to get Champ Lge ahead of Spurs an Chelski so we canned these rumours. If someone offers £25m for Tiote then I'd sell but everyone else is off limits.

  2. I've got a quote ready from Derek Llambias


    'Yeah Arry Redknapp we could ave ad him. We scouted him extensively but we went elsewhere. In the end is he at better than what we've got? Probably not, at least with Pards we don't need to bung Rosie and his bank account is on Gosforth High Street. Do we have any regrets? Yeah we have a few but none about this particular Cock(ney).'


    Just waiting for him to say the words.

  3. We're about 100-30 at present to finish top 4. I think we can top Chelski, especially if we avoid defeat there, but can't see Spurs dropping many points unless they continue to implode. Arsenal are too far ahead if they win at Wolves tonight. Would 'Luv it' if we qualified but glorious failure is our more normal friend. Think we might need to win all five.

  4. I was at the Portsmouth game when Beardsley scored that goal. The train line to Portsmouth was closed and we had to travel via Brighton. We were so late that we had to get off the free bus and get a taxi for the last 20 miles. When we got to the ground the away turnstiles were shut (about 15:40) and we had to go in the home end. We were told it was 0-0 when we were actually one up. Beardsley scored said wonder goal, we cheered and were promptly chased by Portsmouth hard lads until we found the law who saved us. Keegan and Beardsley both scored doubles, Mark Hateley for them with a young Neil Webb in their line up. A good day out in the end.

  5. I think he's looked sluggish the last three games on top of the non scoring run - it's clearly affecting him. In fact you can go back to the pen miss / ACN as the start of his woes. Without looking up the stats I wonder if a full season in the PL is starting to tell. Even if he played that number of games in Germany I doubt they were with the same intensity, Just hope the 12 days rest does him good and that something easy drops his way against Stoke. Personally think he's suited to 433 in the centre or on the left.



  6. Massive summer


    If we strike while the irons hit we can cement our place in the top 8.


    2 centre halves

    Left back



    And keep the rest would do it

    Like your thinking. Think it will be pieters and Mbiwa and as both can play cd and fb then two will do when coupled with Santons versatility. Personally think Tiote will be sold on the basis we can get the same ish quality for a lot less money. Think Best and Lovenkrands will go but maybe we promote Sammy and Vuckic and invest in youth.

  7. Great first half performance. OK in the second given the Colo injury and the early goal back for them. Obviously the fron three shone but I'd like to mention Jonas who played in a semi holding position to great effect allowing Cabaye to get forward.


    Think the end of the season can't come soon enough for Ba - he's looking knackered and we haven't the squad to rotate. Hope he gets a goal soon to keep his spirits up.

  8. Nailed on this one after his comments pre-derby. He spoke like he was already part of the squad. It's the way we do business now - agree a xfer with the player and then p!ss his club off with a really low cash offer that doesn't ever increase much. If we don't win in round 1 we wait for round 2. In the end we win.

  9. Give the guy some time. He has 2goas in five Ames and will be finding his feet for the remainder of the season. IMO has shown enough already to know he will come good.

  10. Think we need to go back to 433/451 to get he best from HBA and expect us to go this way against Arsenal. For now Ba up top but Ba can play other roles to accommodate Cisse. Agree that playing Santon on the right would allow him to cut in and Santon to overlap.

  11. I don't want him to be first choice rb but have no problems with him as a squad player. As a defender he's reasonable and certainly did ok today. It's his use of the ball and our general ineffectiveness on the right that annoys me. I was surprised that Santon was taken off at HT as we needed a goal and his pace and attacking play is certainly superior to Simpson and in my view Raylor. That decision was compounded by their sending off when Simpson was the wrong full back to have left on the pitch.

  12. It was a yellow card because the refs have been told to clamp down on any lunge tackles. He was just angry as he'd mis controlled it. If he hadn't got the ball cleanly he'd have been off.


    When we have everyone fit RB is the biggest weakness of the team. I wonder if he will try Ferguson at LB and switch Santon to the right? Makes offensive sense but as our success this season has been built on a tight defence and scoring the first goal I'm not sure Pards will go this far.

  13. Personally like the formation and think it is the way forward. Plenty of time for Pards and what he is doing but what boils my piss is the inability of successive managers to see that Shola is sheet. And for that matter is Simpson. Play Best in the middle until Cisse is ready, play Jonas as the left striker ( or else HBA), Ba as the second striker ( or Vuckic etc) and buy a centre back because without Colo and Taylor we look vulnerable. Santon on the right and Ferguson eft if we can't afford a LB.


    Also, if we are going to have HBA feed him the ball. He gt so little he tried to do too much. Attack should be about getting the ballot him around their box.


    Unlucky to lose today but was totally avoidable.

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