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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. I've been a little shocked that there hasn't been more made of the Nolan thing. Seems obvious to me with him out of form and possibly looking for a move after being booed last weekend.
  2. I don't think Allardyce should be sacked, and I don't think Houllier would be interested. But he would be the best somewhat realistic target if we had to find another manager.
  3. Yet another manager would be a giant disaster in terms of this club's international reputation and future, and I can't realistically see us attracting a serious, accomplished candidate. I don't rate Jol, and I can't see anyone having patience with a foreign unknown. There is no job security and no short or medium term chance of success. It is one of the true poisoned chalices of the European game. So I will say Shearer, assisted by Speed. For two reasons. 1) He can't be worse than Coleman or Southgate, and they haven't done too badly. Good managers have to start somewhere. 2) His legend status should ensure that he lasts more than 20 games before the booing starts. Then maybe our sub-par players will finally get the fans' anger instead of the manager, and we will have a manager with the authority to make the big decisions. Basically, we need someone unsackable, to give him time. And unless he got us relegated, Shearer would be.
  4. I didn't know he was interested. The best and most convincing argument for not sacking Sam is the quality of manager we'd get to replace him.
  5. Aye, I bet binning yet another manager halfway through a season will make us dead attractive to the world's best managers. We aren't attractive anyway. Bullshit. With the exception of money, what makes this club attractive?
  6. I would rather bring back Souness I would rather give up football entirely.
  7. We're losing 2-0 at home to a side that doesn't win away. Yes, we played very well in the first half. But this second half as been as bad as anything else this season.
  8. I never wish to see the following players again: Cacapa, Butt, Milner.
  9. Fuck you, you incompetent shits. They came out for the second half and didn't even try to win this. Just fuck off.
  10. I don't know why we bother taking corners. Just play them short, we would stand a better chance.
  11. I'm getting close to turning off the television. They look like they've given up.
  12. Does everyone know that Richard Dunne is Man City's player of the year? Just making sure....
  13. I think Owen is due one of his annual hat tricks in advance of another long term injury.
  14. What this game does not need is a trademark half hour lull at the beggining of the second half. If the players come out from the dressing room and fail to match the first half performance, then I will be pointing the figure at Allardyce. Don't let their heads drop just because we're being robbed.
  15. Hope it's for Martins. Viduka is lazy, but has had some crafty little flicks. Also adds some aerial ability, when he can be bothered to jump.
  16. There was no need for that booing. Completely counterproductive. Hope it was directed at the bastard referee, clueless shit.
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