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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Alan Oliver's career should be on the line over this. If it is bullshit, he should be through.
  2. I don't know how to respond here. Are you clear on the concept of journalism? You do realize that it isn't supposed to be made up? So, you are saying that Oliver has to tell his readers who his sources are mackems.gif Fantastic. Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. This isn't Watergate. Nobodies lives are at stake, and I doubt anyone's job is either (probably because he MADE IT UP). I at least want to know the agent's name, if not the person he spoke to. Especially if we end up appointing Harry Redknapp. Because I'd be very surprised and interested to learn that Harry Redknapp's agent was "friends with the Jose Mourinho camp".
  3. I don't know how to respond here. Are you clear on the concept of journalism? You do realize that it isn't supposed to be made up?
  4. Mort & Ashley are not journalists. Oliver is. He is under a professional (and legal) obligation to print the truth, or as close to the truth as he is able to get with available factual information. He has said he was contacted by a top agent, and has speculated that it may be Lippi or Jose Mourinho. This isn't an old boy's club. A nudge and a wink don't suffice. As his reader, I am expecting one of those two to enter contract negotiations or I am expecting some concrete information as to why they changed their minds. I am not expecting Harry Redknapp who, as far as I know, is not managed by one of the world's top agents. It is not acceptable for Oliver to print this story without revealing his sources or following up. If I was his editor, I would sack him. Are you personal friends with Alan Oliver? Because it is the only reason I can imagine for making this personal. We don't know yet what the outcome will be. But do you agree that if he lied (and he was not, in fact, contacted by a top agent of a top manager interested in managing Newcastle) then he has to go?
  5. Face Value? Utter horse s***. That isn't how it works. This was an uncorroborated assertion from someone who is supposed to be a professional journalist. He isn't your best mate, I don't have to believe a word he or any other journalist says unless they can prove it. That is how it is supposed to work. He could be telling the truth, but the burden is now on him. So let's wait and see. Credit to him if one of the two names he mentions actually arrive, or if we end up with someone managed by "one of the top agents in the world". But I want Marcello Lippi or Jose Mourinho at SJP by this time next week or I want to know why he lied (and I want him to disclose it in his published resignation letter). End of.
  6. Good idea. Also Alan Oliver for being a lying, evil cunt. I wonder if US customs have rules about that. Might try a FedEx envelope.
  7. Not a bad punt. Experienced, successful, available. Also bug eyed, boring and with a dodgy ticker though. Houllier is probably the best we could realistically hope for. But he's foreign and defensive minded. I'd give it two months or two consecutive losses before the newspapers could start with their "discontent and unrest" stories and the booing.
  8. I will say this much. If it did happen I would love, LOVE to see the looks on the faces of the journos who make it their professional goal to discredit, question and undermine our team. But this is just wish thinking on the part of supporters who - to use the television's favourite cliche - are "long-suffering" and utterly fed up. I don't blame people for dreaming, however outlandish it may be. Because the reality is shit.
  9. If/When Oliver turns out to be full of shit, as he has so many times before, do you think he will resign?
  10. I hope this comes back to haunt you. Me too. Feel free to tell me I told you so. But step back and think about it. Do you think Jose is really interested in this job any more than he is interested in managing Bolton? Or do you think a mean spirited journalist lied in a local paper in order to start a rumour that successfully undermined the man who cut him out of the loop?
  11. Is this some sort of inside joke or are their actually people taking this seriously? And if so, how many of you are over the age of 15? Some of you need a reality check that can only be received through clinical, professional treatment.
  12. This club is a joke and may be past saving. Brace yourselves.
  13. He calls Geremi his second daddy in that video. He's signing for sure.
  14. I keep forgetting. This tie wasn't scripted as an upset by the media. You think if a Stoke player makes that challenge later today that any referee is going to show a red?
  15. Stoke 0 Newcastle 3, and a big middle finger to the national media who have started writing the upset story of the round despite Everton losing to League 1 opposition, and Blackburn losing to a worse side than Stoke. All of this bollocks has to get our side motivated. Shove your banana skin you twats.
  16. Referee spoils Burnley game by red carding a late tackle.
  17. Was just thinking the same thing. I wish our delivery on set pieces were as good.
  18. Cocknobs. I've got them down to draw in my accu, they'll do well to hold pompey now. Reminded me a bit of the Jenas sending off at Highbury. Two feet, so technically a red. But no malice, no injury, no real danger. Just badly timed. I don't know why refs can't show any common sense.
  19. Liam Trotter of Ipswich sent off by Mark Halsey. Ruins game.
  20. hihi, for a 4-3-3 that Big Sam favoures i think both would be very good. Carew used to it from city and from playing with Norway, and agbo does quite well at villa with a 4-3-3 I'm not saying they wouldn't, there is absolutely no chance Aston Villa would swap Agbonlahor for Martins Strange how this time last season we would have been the ones laughing at that deal.
  21. Selling Speed without a replacement of quality was a massive, massive mistake.
  22. http://sport.independent.co.uk/football/premier-league/article3310047.ece The words in bold need more http://www.heinz.com/images/HP-Sauce-products.jpg. English football journalism is a joke. Why are they allowed to continue "reporting" as if every manufactured piece of tabloid bullshit is Watergate? If you have a story, tell me who said it or tell me why I should believe you. Fucks sake, do these people go to school? I don't care if he ends up at Villa tomorrow morning. As the story stands, it is pathetic journalism.
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