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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Apparently as in the papers? Did Manuel from Fawlty Towers turn us down?
  2. http://emaramures.ro/UserFiles/Image/Sport/fatih_terim.jpg That doesn't seem like the sort of man who would put up with Dennis Wise doing his job.
  3. We can't know the exact circumstances, but he definitely has left us in the lurch. He could have left in the summer or gritted his teeth and saw out the season. I hope he does an interview soon and lets us know the exact circumstances that demanded his immediate resignation.
  4. He'll go, and I don't blame him. If it were you, why would you want to stay?
  5. Unfortunately this is the opinion of the bulk of the people porporting to be toon fans. This is what the mongs who Sky Sports are apt at picking out will tell the nation we want. Moyes would be Allardyce all over again. The fans wouldn't support him, and at the first sign of a boring 0-0 he would be booed. In fact, much better candidates than Moyes are going to run the risk of getting booed. You need someone who has enough character or reputation with the supporters to stop the revolt that is probably going to happen otherwise.
  6. absolutely no chance whatsoever that Shearer will touch us with a barge pole seeing what Keegan has gone through. the only way he would come is if the backroom team were removed and if ashley was going to do that he wouldve kept keegan. even if shearer did take the job with the idea that he'll change the club from within (unlikely) we'd see the same situation blow up a few months down the line. The board know they are in the shit. This is probably why they spent 3 days trying to get him to stay. Shearer would have a lot of leverage in negotiating the terms of a deal because he would be able to step in and get the fans on his side. Ashley may be committed to the set up he has, but would that be at the expense of a player & fan revolt and the revenue loss that would follow? I don't think so.
  7. The only other name I've read in this thread that might be up for it.
  8. I really don't get this hatred of Poyet. Fair enough if you think he's too inexperienced for the job. But if people are going to hate someone from day one on the basis of the identity of their friends, or the fact that they scored against us nine years ago, or because they played for a rival club, then it is just going to make things more difficult for everyone. All that matters is the individual's ability to manage NUFC. It isn't unfortunately. You have to consider the individual's popularity with the fans, the media and the players. The next man is going to have a lot to do before the football becomes his priority.
  9. Shearer is the obvious candidate. 1. Won't be seen as Ashley & Wise's man, which is the risk in appointing Poyet or Marcelino. 2. Would help to placate the fans (most of them anyway). 3. Would help win over the squad (mates with Owen, Harper & Given, Taylor's idol, well known name with the continental players). I don't know and I don't really care at this point if he ends up having the qualities to make a successful manager in the long term. I just want to get someone in to navigate this mess and get back to the football. I'll nail my colours to the mast and say he is my realistic first choice. If we get O'Leary, I quit.
  10. A more relevant question than who do you want as the next manager is 'what does the next manager (and the board) have to do in order to make this right?' Short of securing a real superstar (which is now even less likely than the last 3 managerial sackings and dents to the club's reputation), I'm just not sure. I can't even imagine what those of you who pay for season tickets and away trips must be feeling. From one shambles of a board to another.
  11. Hughton? Surely he couldn't give it to Wise.
  12. I hate this, I really do. Do we never learn? Gus fucking Hiddink? Have you seen the state of this club? I don't care who gets it. Speaking for myself, whoever it is is going to have to work really hard to keep me interested.
  13. I have never before favoured American style wage or transfer caps, but the time may be coming I'm afraid. Football is being destroyed by an increasing influx of foreign money and a complete absence of sense.
  14. How long can we practically go on in "negotiations". I know media & PR don't seem to be high on the agenda at the club, but a little confirmation as to whether or not we have a manager would be nice after 3 days. Idiots.
  15. If he loves this club, he owes it to the supporters to stay on until the end of the season and make his decisions then. Whether he has threatened to resign or this is some sort of power play, it is stupid, selfish and it needs to stop. Some pride needs to be swallowed by the figures involved and the best interest of the club needs to be the priority - that being stability, stability, stability. I don't want to speculate as to whether Keegan, Wise, Jimenez, Ashley or Llambas are the trouble makers in this crisis but the fact that I had to list out a long chain of people involved in the decision making suggests that we have a few too many cooks near the pot. If they don't have a good working relationship, then that needs to be addressed. The situation demands a press conference where all of the players involved sit down and explain the organizational structure of the club and what steps have been taken to ensure that these tensions don't flare up again. Or if they are so media shy, at the very least a definitive club statement and interview in a local paper. Ashley will probably be realizing that the upside & the downside of appointing a legend like Keegan is that he has enormous pull with the supporters. If he wants to make the DoF/scout/manager structure work, he is going to have to speak to the supporters directly - along with Keegan - and assure everyone of their role and ultimate authority.
  16. The club's PR and communication efforts have been shockingly naive. The media are blood thirsty beasts, and they feed off instability at Newcastle. They can bring down governments, one mid-table football club is no problem at all. They WILL hurt you. It is a question of how you deal with that.
  17. What is the point of all this theorizing and speculation? Just face it, nobody has a clue and for whatever reason the club and Keegan don't feel like making a definitive statement. I don't trust the media, I don't trust the club and I'm not even sure I can believe what Kev has to say at the moment. So I'm going to stop paying attention and ignore it the best I can. Wake me when there is some actual football at this football club.
  18. That statement really does read like "it isn't our fault, don't blame us, please stop burning things" instead of "everything is fine"
  19. I'll support this club in the way you support a deadbeat drug addict friend or relative. They can't help but f*** up, they occasionally lift money from your wallet and steal things from your medicine cabinet, but you love them anyway.
  20. What the fuck? Another sacked manager, 3-6 more weeks of the mongs with their 'OMG HiTzFELD or MoUrinnnHO or SHEARER like' and another god awful relegation battle brought about by our average squad. Honestly, just what's the point? This club is a shambles, top to bottom. Nothing about it is serious. Nothing changes, nothing improves. Let's sink to new depths in order to bring about more false dawns that lead to even deeper depths. And finally, a big CONGRATULATIONS to the ENGLISH MEDIA. You got what you wanted, you vile, disgusting cunts. YOU HAVE YOUR STORY so make the most of it. [/rant]
  21. Disappointed and slightly angry. Where are the 'keep the faith, patience' crowd now? FFS. This squad is ridiculously small.
  22. At the moment I'm bitterly disappointed which could change to completely disgusted if Owen goes.
  23. I think we'll keep it tight in the first half but concede a few in the second. Nicky Butt isn't good for 210 min with just two days rest and I'm not sure what sort of condition Owen is in. But if we start score early and defend well then we might nick a result if Arsenal still aren't on form. Unfortunately, I can't see a repeat of the excellent Man U performance.
  24. Arda is the signing that would excite me the most. How about a double Turkish swoop for him and Altintop? Jonas - Altintop - Guthrie - Arda
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