Sorry, but that is a load of shite. I sit in the row in front of the bloke who was assaulted at the Spurs match. I could hear what was being said and the bloke had asked why they didn't ask those in front to sit down first as he wouldn't be able to see. A very reasonable question and not impolite or agressive in any way. The steward (bouncer) then launched himself over about 4 seats and lamped him. The difference is a Police officer wouldn't have reacted like that so don't even try and suggest you should have the same respect.
As for bellends in L7, the biggest bellends I see are the stewards/bouncers. Are they just thick or do they decide to start telling people to sit down 12 rows back on purpose so that when people quite rightly say they can't see for the people standing in the rows in front, they can be thrown out? It must give them a power kick or something.
I am fully aware people shouldn't stand at the match and have no problem at all with people being told to sit down. It's the way it's being done that's wrong.