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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. 53 minutes ago, jigen said:

    Barnes is a good player. Very direct and powerful. But he is the same type of player as Gordon (Barnes is better). Why buy both and sell ASM? Now Newcastle lacks a winger with creativity and skills. 

    Sigh, because...


    1. Gordon/Barnes fit the style we play, Maxi doesn't. 


    2.Howe and the scouting team rate Barnes and Gordon higher than they do Maxi. 


    3. Goals are more important than stepovers.  Remember Adel Tarabt?


    4. We need to sell someone for FFP purposes

  2. 2 minutes ago, Skeletor said:

    Livramento is an exciting opportunistic signing. He's going to be a great player in the future and this may be our one shot to get him "cheap". As long as it doesn't impact getting the players in other positions that we need we should all be behind such a deal.

    He's also cover on the right wing

  3. 24 minutes ago, jigen said:

    Sell ASM for 25 and buy Barnes for 38 is a joke. Newcastle has weakened the team and also has lost money. Absurd. 

    Money absolutely isn't an issue for us - all that matters is FFP.  By selling Maxi we have got rid of a player who isnt fancied by the manager and enabled us to sign a few additional players in this window.  I'm not sure if you don't understand this or if you are being deliberately obtuse.

  4. 5 minutes ago, GEFAFWISP said:

    £6 mil? Maybe our dross can fetch some coin after all. Fraser next please.

    I would have taken £6m combined for Darlow, Hendrick, Hayden and Fraser tbh - the rest can go for minimal fees just to get them off the wage bill and the squad filled with players we want and who want to be here.

  5. 24 minutes ago, The Prophet said:



    We want £40 million according to this.


    They'll probably meet in the middle at £30 million to £35 million.

    Smart move to play out the negotiations in public like this - trying to make out that a fee hasn't already been agreed and that negotiations are between two completely separate entities.  From the reactions on here the tactic seems to be working! 

  6. Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:


    I mean, fair enough his fitness hasn't been great. 


    On the other hand, he could easily have had 10 assists last season if anyone in our team could finish. 


    One thing I will look forward to is this debate being over :lol: Don't think it will stop until he's gone. 

    Yeah, fair enough.  If him going means we can bring in 2-3 players to start/challenge for a starting place i think it is good business


  7. Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    In terms of squad building I'm not sure it makes sense, if anything Maxi becomes a better squad member the less we need to rely on him. 


    That's the biggest shame for me, I can see him becoming a really useful weapon next season. Optimism bias maybe. 

    I have to say i disagree.  Its not like he is fit while he is on the bench and then gets injured when playing - he just cant be relied upon to be available regularly

  8. if it is 40-50m for someone who, as good as he can be, is a squad player who is often injured then its an amazing deal.


    For a manager who likes his whole team to press and doesn't rotate unless necessary he is never realistically going to be first choice.  I'll be sad to see him go but it makes total sense financially and in terms of squad building.

  9. 4 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Surely though with that thinking you are basically saying we’ll never build up a quality squad?


    The fact that if you remove our usual first 11 starters he is the only in the squad you’d be confident of bringing in a fairly sizeable fee shows we need to keep him this season.


    I hope he stays an absolutely smashes it this season if for no other reason than I can turnaround to guy sitting behind me who’s your classic wannabe know it all manager that never was filling his son and anyone in earshot negativity when ASM is on the ball and tell him to go fcuk himself ?

    Not at all.  Selling a player who is amortized helps to balance the books even if you are bringing in a replacement for a similar fee

  10. 1 hour ago, Kanji said:

    To not even crack a smile for a photo she's posting when you're on a boat with that woman, is absurd to me. 

    You seen the lads teeth?

  11. I can see the arguments for selling or keeping Maxi - ultimately thought it comes down to finances.  He is our only saleable asset that isn't integral to the team and who is almost fully amortised - it makes sense that he would be the one we consider selling.

  12. 9 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    Does seem as if this one is nowhere near as close as was first reported.




    Same as all of the Telegraph reporting so far this window!

  13. Just now, The College Dropout said:

    I’m not saying that he’s not worth signing. People have posted his PL goals and assists record vs his peers. His is as good or better. You could interpret that, as he is as good as them or better. When you take his overall game, I don’t think he is. 

    On that i think we can agree.  Ultimately what we are lacking from our wide forwards is goals and assists - i think Barnes could add both.  Ultimately we are still fishing in a different pond from Man City, Arsenal et al

  14. 9 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    Well some people are implying that he is because they think the only reason others weren’t interested is because they already have a player of that calibre. 

    Doubts they could do it in the PL. If Bruno played for Leicester he would be sold for more than Maddison. 



    The point I’m trying to make is that Barnes does compare well to some of the best wingers or attacking midfielders  in the league when you just look at goals. You can add Mount, Richarlison, Raphinha, JM to that. He’s going for less money than them all, with a good contract position. He’s also had less international recognition. Why is that? 

    - more 1 dimensional style of play

    - average all round game and wider influence

    - less effective against a low block

    - positionally/tactically inflexible 

    - doubts about him off the ball


    And these are the same reasons some are sceptical of the transfer. He’s an average football player but a good goalscorer. 

    i think he starts for us and could score a lot of goals and be a massive success for us. But there’s valid reasons for ppl being sceptical - he’s not a great footballer.  

    There's an element of that of course, but also other teams have a different vision for what sort of player will work in their team.  To say a player isnt worth signing because another team doesnt want him is to take a very basic view of football at this level

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