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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. Hoping he brings Steve Round back here and Steele. Would be a huge improvement on what we have. Not sure about Paul Simpson.


    Would rather Clark than Stone or Carver. I'd think he would only come in if the other two departed.


    Would rather have none of them. They're all ass-kissing failures who believe they're entitled to work here because they're good Jawdie lads.

    Me too on both Account Dont need Clark, Stone and Carver them Geordie stoogs. His coaching team at Derby are light years a head of us.


    If he doesn't bring his own staff to work with him I won't be giving him the time of day. It will only prove that Ashley's penny pinching is set to continue and the interview he gave was yet more lies.


    I really don't think additional proof is necessary like


    No but it will underline the policy pretty clearly. No coach who serious about the job would come without bringing his own staff.


    true - but there is often a few staff from the previous regime kept around because they know the club and the players, admittedly not many as inept as the clowns we employ.  As long as he brings in his own key staff i can live with Carver and Stone being retained for cone duties.  Not Woodman though - not sure what it is about him but i can't even look at him without gretting annoyed.

  2. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/03/31/14/2455445A00000578-0-image-m-57_1427808182232.jpg

    Darth Vader



    Graham Carr

  3. I hope he gets games central, this season. If Abeid's improved then I think he and Moussa could dovetail each other quite nicely.


    we'll not see him next season like, maybe in an effort to throw away the cups but that'll be it


    Amazing how people thnk he isnt s*** now after a year in a dogshit league. Still 7th choice CM or whatever


    i think quite a few people rated him before he went out on loan.  Not sure he could have done much more than score 10 goals from midfield and help his team qualify for the champions league, even if it is in a dogshit league.


    Who rated him? He didnt look at all up for this league so would take a huge jump to be worthy of a shot no matter what he did in Greece.


    It was quite a while ago so i can't remember who, but the first few games he played for us I thought he looked pretty impressive and had potential.  Pardew seemed to lose faith in him pretty quickly after that but i don't think that is any indication of talent or lack of it.  Obviously it is a big jump from the Greek league to the premier league but unless you can get another premier league team to take a player on loan that is always going to be the case.

  4. I hope he gets games central, this season. If Abeid's improved then I think he and Moussa could dovetail each other quite nicely.


    we'll not see him next season like, maybe in an effort to throw away the cups but that'll be it


    Amazing how people thnk he isnt s*** now after a year in a dogshit league. Still 7th choice CM or whatever


    i think quite a few people rated him before he went out on loan.  Not sure he could have done much more than score 10 goals from midfield and help his team qualify for the champions league, even if it is in a dogshit league.

  5. He'll go for around £10 million. Ashley wins again.


    Until we get relegated.


    No chance he'll kick a ball for us again.


    Don't see why not. We won't sell everyone.


    no, just the players with any quality/market value

  6. The guy from the Express spoke well the rest of them backed Ashley as a good owner who runs the club well

    Sounded a lot like sour grapes after he was banned to me. He then went on to say Pardew was a good coach doing well with his hands tied.  It does make me wonder if these journalists even watch us play.

  7. No reason we shouldn't have a player literally waiting to sign as we've got one going out the door.


    The moment we knew Cabaye was gone for sure, we should've had the next player signing on the dotted line.


    They're all a bunch of c***s and crooks.


    You can only do that if the players club wants to sell and the player wants to come




    No, common sense.


    Ah yes, common sense.  Like checking to see if your only target has any interest in coming to the club before selling the man you want him to replace.

  8. Cabaye has gone for Champions League and you can't blame him for that.


    But this regime spouts on as if we're the size of Norwich or Hull. Their stewardship saw us relegated and we've been made to think small ever since. Even after we got 5th, points away from a Championsleague spot, our transfer activity represented that of a newly promoted club. If we acted like the club we all know we're meant to be, then maybe the likes of Cabaye won't be so desperate to leave.


    He left a club that would have given him champions league football to come to us.  It's money that really matters these days. Although  obviously a club that has a chance of winning trophies helps too.

  9. Moyes will get there with them. Mata this window and a few key signings in the summer and he's on the right track again. Was a huge job to take on and he'll be given the time it'll need to adapt to change in manager after so long.


    He'll be given time but they will only be delaying the inevitable. He'll never reach the heights they want to be at with him in charge. Even with the right signings, he'll not get them back to the top imo.


    Would Pardew? Genuinely interested.



  10. Just out of curiosity, a mackem i know, has just said after HBA's latest comments, ‘Cazorla/Ozil/Walcott/Mata/Hazard/Oscar/Eriksen are all better than Ben Arfa’, how many of them would you agree with?  Or is there anyone else in the league that is better who he hasn’t said?


    Don't forget James McLean.

  11. [pointless repetitive post]


    I mean, just because you don't rate Pardew it doesn't mean that nothing he says can be a positive sign. We've all been saying that we need a striker and someone to provide better service.


    I know Pardew hasn't been managing to implement anything good recently, but it's still positive that he's thinking the right things.


    [/pointless repetitive post]


    It isn't really anything to do with rating him or not though, is it.  It's all down to nothing he says about player recruitment meaning anything.  He can say all he likes about needing player x or y but you just know that at the end of the transfer window if we have got no one in he will pronounce himself happy with what he's got.  By the way, I am aware tgat this has all been said before and probably constitutes a pointelss repetitive post, but your eternal optimism seems to demand it.

  12. <b>“We’ve had to put up with some absolute rubbish.”</b> “The people who said there were rifts were stupid.” “You can’t get draws at teams like West Brom and West Ham and a win in London against QPR with that sort of thing going on.”


    yup , chuffed to get 5 points out of 9 against the mighty west ham, wba and qpr - massive teams who were battling for champions league places.


    at least now he knows how we feel.

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