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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    "Cockney Mafia Out"

    Why? Whats the difference between it and any other form of protesting?
  2. Decky

    "Cockney Mafia Out"

    Some people are seriously over reacting to this, you would swear the banner went infront of Given's eyes for their 2nd goal.
  3. At least you knew it'd get better when Souness left. There was hope at the end of the tunnel. We just had to wait a while for Freddy to realise what the whole fanbase did, but he got there in the end. Where do we go from here? No money to throw around, tiny squad, no manager, seemingly indifferent owner and board. What happens now? I think we need to keep a calm head and just wait and see what happens. Speculation only fuels doom and gloom, this is Newcastle and our past would suggest things wont work out, that it will all go to shit, but we dont know yet, so like i said, calm head and sit it out, for now.
  4. Really hope Shearer is on MOTD tonight, really want to hear his stance
  5. The talk of the season being over is just garbage, 34 games left so its all ahead of us. We will get a new manager in and we will start to get the ship steadied again. Today was grim but its only game 4. Bring on the new manager, lets get behind the lads and lets just get on with it. The doom and gloom tortures no one but ourselves so why bother?
  6. There will defo be protests afterwards, the anger after this will make it worse. The charvas will be there until like 11 tonight though so they can get on SSN
  7. http://cache1.asset-cache.net/xc/82801695.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF193F1A54CE2C4AF7C23E9F78FC6C0D0F41DE30A760B0D811297
  8. People leaving the ground already ffs, must be trying to get a good place infront of the cameras for the protests outside the reception
  9. Who gives a fucking shit about Hull and their hotel, fucking nobodies
  10. The worst thing about the last 2 weeks has to be Collymore commentating our game.
  11. Collymore reckons talks are on going, change the title man: Stan Collymore: Talks between KK and Ashley "on going"
  12. Collymore is a fucking mong isnt he: "its unusual to see away fans so high up in a stadium" Aye because thats a new thing here
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