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Everything posted by Decky

  1. look at you with your conspiracy theories
  2. Anyone think Big Sam is waiting ages so we will end up keeping Solano? maybe even Solano is in on it too, i mean his family wants him to go but he doesnt as he said he wants to end his career here. It sounds abit out there but i wouldnt rule it out.
  3. Allardyce is our manager, get used to it ooooooohhhhhh
  4. Looking at Wiki for: Senagal Faye wears 12, Beye 21. At club level Faye wears 25 & Beye wears 23. Someone bought that.
  5. Cheers for the editing Dave mate, im not even watching the game anymore.
  6. One of my ITKs have told me that the reason its taking ages is because Faye and Beye are at each other's throats over a shirt number.
  7. What did they do? Pointed up to the sky
  8. Both teams are wearing shirts with Puerta on the back, there will be a minute silence and one of his best mates at Sevilla will have the captains armband.
  9. ITV4 now, anyone gonna be watching?
  10. TBH this should be the end of his first team future here, we have alot of new defenders in now who should never be dropped for Ramage, living without knowing we can use him as a backup might see the end of him, and no offence to the lad but im glad.
  11. This was like the Enrique deal wasnt it, just out of nowhere. So he has signed then? wont be here till January though?
  12. Wullie editing the title to put a capital letter in Arsenal
  13. What happened to the other awards?
  14. Petr Cech?!"?!?! wtf he was injured for like 5 months
  15. Cant wait till the day we return to this competition, i miss it dearly
  16. Tell you what, lets name a Spurs/Newcastle 11: Given Cimbonda Faye/Cacapa/Rozenhal King Enrique Milner Barton Steed N'zogbia Berbatov Owen IMO
  17. I think we have better cover now, tbh i think its time to change, i fear that he has got a reputation as a fans favourite and for that reason Sam wont drop him. People say he needs experience, i think we will see a better Taylor if he isnt a guarenteed first teamer and has to work to be moved up to that place in the team. IM this should be our defence: Beye Cacapa Faye Enrique With Rozenhal in rotation or either in the place of Faye and Cacapa. Obviously if/when Faye and Beye sign
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