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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    Uefa Cup thread

    FC Mentalist, i kid you not
  2. Ronaldo off, Tevez on, well there goes any chance of another Manure goal
  3. Aye but Ramage REALLY does the same sort of thing after he drops a clanger with his:HANDS UP articles.
  4. What a fucking save by Van Der Sar, immense it was
  5. How many fucking names does Sporting Lisbon have?
  6. Ah Man Utd made me eat my words, ah well, still not one of their strikers who scored.
  7. Watching the Yanited game on RTE2 here, fuck me they are woeful this season, i hope they have this form when we play them
  8. Newcastle's Michael Owen? Who else could it be, dont let Brummie find out, after his Sammy Lee thread he will take your head off
  9. He should never play for us again. Discuss
  10. This thing is I just get the impression he is one of those people who are undropable, if he doesnt make the starting 11 he will have to make the bench solely for his moral, i mean would Sam have ever had the balls to drop Anelka from the 16 man squad if he wasnt performing?
  11. Decky

    Second ball

    Surely winning 2nd balls doesnt need to be taught to Premier League players though?
  12. Tonight was a total shambles, id love to see how many shots we had on target from open play.
  13. Geremi Smith Butt Milner That is diabolical, Geremi im sure was not bought to play in our midfield for a start, Smith, why exactly was he bought? what is his position? £6million? Manure seen us coming tbh. Butt and Milner fair enough, but that midfield is never going to create much so why does Sam play it? Surely with our defenders on the bench someone could have covered LB and we could of had: Milner Geremi Butt N'Zogbia ??? When we get our players fit again this has to be something along the lines of our midfield: Milner Barton Emre N'Zogbia All out attack, with attackers like Martins, Owen and Viduka we should have a midfield full of creative players, my only concern is weither or not Sam will actually drop the likes of Geremi and Smith its quite worrying looking at the midfield performance from tonight. Also WHERE THE FUCK IS EMRE?!?!?!?!? Didnt he play for Turkey recently?
  14. Sorry but i am really pissed off with Big Sam, his taem selection was terrible then he takes off Owen for Martins? WTF?!?!?! then he puts on 2 defenders, again, WTF?!?!?!
  15. Is there anyway i can check if this will be on Sky Three at some point in the near future as i only have Freeview atm.
  16. 1st - Newcastle --------------- 18th - Spurs 19th - Sunderland 20th - Man Utd
  17. Arnt Carling going to be our new sponsers after NR?
  18. Keane is shit. He's as over-rated as Jenas was by some here. How can you say he is SHIT when he has been a starter for a top 5 side for a couple of years? Keane is quality, if he was shit he would be playing in League Two.
  19. Robinson is a good keeper, yes he makes blunders at times but you have to look at the word good, im not saying hes world class or quality, but im not saying he is shit either, he obviously isnt as his club finished 5th twice in a row. Dawson isnt quality i agree but he would have walked into our defence pre-sam. King is quality, if he got rid of his injury problems he would be one of the best in the league. Also i agree id rather our defence.
  20. It makes you laugh tbh, Rafa imo is a moron, i mean who doesnt start the likes of Torres and Gerrard? this draw with pompey is his fault and his alone tbh.
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