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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Aye i couldnt be arsed rewriting what i said so i just quoted it
  2. Yesterday we got a point, fair enough it was at home and was a bore draw, BUT last season with Super Glen we lost our 2nd game against Villa 2-0. I cant stand all these knee jerk OMG WE ARE sh*t NOTHING HAS CHANGED reactions ive seen since the Villa game ended. Actually alot has changed, a new set up, a far better manager and a far better squad. For having I think we did excellent because it was easily a game we could have lost. I never expected our strikers to get much service today due to our midfield but we did have our chances. People need to remember this is just week 2 or 38. Our team needs time to gel and Sam needs time to get our tactics right, once he does that and once we get the likes of Barton, Duff and Emre back we will be banging them in, not to mention once Owen gets full fitness. People need to get a reality check and remember we were getting beat by the likes of Sheffield Utd and Fulham last season at home, we probably would have been delighted with yesterdays result 6 months ago, people kept saying the Mackems will be beating us next season, relegation, doom and gloom etc. Well now we are a confident side so stop complaining and moaning and give Big Sam and the team some time and lets look forward to 3 points next week
  3. We are a team in transition this season, Martins and Viduka are a new partnership and tbh Viduka didnt look arsed. Owen is still getting back to fitness. Plus our strikers got no real service from a midfield consisting of 2 defensive midfielders, a striker and a winger. What did you expect? The whole team needs time to gel and Sam needs time to try things out before he can know what tactics work well for our players. When Emre, Barton and Duff are back we will be far more creative and will soar up the league, we are unbeaten so far after 2 games which has to be one of our best starts in ages, lets not forget we had this fixture at the start of last season and lost it. Also lets not forget our defense consisting of a sh*t RB, a youngster, a defender new to the Prem and a left winger did a f***ing outstanding job considering what i just mentioned and considering how sh*t our defense has been for years.
  4. Guys ignore him Blatantly a WUM, wouldnt be suprised if a forum is watching us right now.
  5. You know what fuck this shit, G Mac why dont you just go fuck off, your cleary a wind up merchant
  6. Maybe you should ask him and not us? Aye, it was truely a ground breaking post
  7. Maybe you should ask him and not us? Did i ask you Kaka? no i didnt, i was asking the people entertaining his comments on his record with hoards of replies.
  8. Aye, it would only cost me a couple of hundred quid, idiot.
  9. What has this guys record got to do with the game FOR FUCKS SAKE
  10. wot crime did you commit to be put inside? I've been in and out of jail all my life,but i have also been a total toon supporter all my life and all i've ever seen is players being paid silly money to do f*** all on the field,i'd do anything thing to be paid that type of money,but these c***s just take it for granted. i've worked my arse off all my life, never nicked from anyone, never looked for the cheap way out, never been nickedp, been a newcastle supporter all my life, and i have watched alot of s*** and watched a bunch of lazy overpaid bastards in black and white shirts, but tonight they wernet lazy or c***s, they just lacked creativity... give them time What has that got to do with anything? what has that got to do with anything? Wow what a great reply ffs, MY post was a reply to a post you made that had no relevance apart from maybe a slight dig at Dr Jeckl. Incase you didnt realise of course. i didnt realise sorry... im a bit slow Obviously maybe you need to be a bit more "obvious" in what you state in future Funny that because you seem to have gotten the point, hence you admitting your slow, i mean you said you were slow, i said obviously which was agreeing to something YOU said, so whats the problem?
  11. wot crime did you commit to be put inside? I've been in and out of jail all my life,but i have also been a total toon supporter all my life and all i've ever seen is players being paid silly money to do f*** all on the field,i'd do anything thing to be paid that type of money,but these c***s just take it for granted. i've worked my arse off all my life, never nicked from anyone, never looked for the cheap way out, never been nickedp, been a newcastle supporter all my life, and i have watched alot of s*** and watched a bunch of lazy overpaid bastards in black and white shirts, but tonight they wernet lazy or c***s, they just lacked creativity... give them time What has that got to do with anything? what has that got to do with anything? Wow what a great reply ffs, MY post was a reply to a post you made that had no relevance apart from maybe a slight dig at Dr Jeckl. Incase you didnt realise of course. i didnt realise sorry... im a bit slow Obviously
  12. wot crime did you commit to be put inside? I've been in and out of jail all my life,but i have also been a total toon supporter all my life and all i've ever seen is players being paid silly money to do f*** all on the field,i'd do anything thing to be paid that type of money,but these c***s just take it for granted. i've worked my arse off all my life, never nicked from anyone, never looked for the cheap way out, never been nickedp, been a newcastle supporter all my life, and i have watched alot of s*** and watched a bunch of lazy overpaid bastards in black and white shirts, but tonight they wernet lazy or c***s, they just lacked creativity... give them time What has that got to do with anything? what has that got to do with anything? Wow what a great reply ffs, MY post was a reply to a post you made that had no relevance apart from maybe a slight dig at Dr Jeckl. Incase you didnt realise of course.
  13. wot crime did you commit to be put inside? I've been in and out of jail all my life,but i have also been a total toon supporter all my life and all i've ever seen is players being paid silly money to do f*** all on the field,i'd do anything thing to be paid that type of money,but these c***s just take it for granted. i've worked my arse off all my life, never nicked from anyone, never looked for the cheap way out, never been nickedp, been a newcastle supporter all my life, and i have watched alot of shit and watched a bunch of lazy overpaid bastards in black and white shirts, but tonight they wernet lazy or cunts, they just lacked creativity... give them time What has that got to do with anything?
  14. I didnt know where the midfield where at times, it felt like we had a defence, James Milner then an attack.
  15. You actually get banned for ASKING for a radio/video stream?
  16. http://home.skysports.com/livescores/football/
  17. Spurs 3-0, cue a hoard of cockneys screaming ZOMG TOP 4 HERE WE COME!!!!!!!11!!!!1!
  18. "England should have appointed Sam Allardyce. It takes him only two months or so and he has converted a very average at best football club to a club well worthy of a European spot."
  19. Had this game down as 1-1 on IKTS so hopefully it stays this way
  20. I would have burnt a £50 note, money well spent tbh to make that cunt look like an arsehole.
  21. http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002390000-2007380322,00.html
  22. You could have spent £20 in different book makers and did £2 in each bookies with that bet but with different outcomes, bound to get 1.
  23. Lot of people havent forgot last season and are waiting to see if things are actually improving on the field rather than knee jerking at our first result.
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