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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky

    Today's Games

    Because they have OShea
  2. Decky

    Today's Games

    Last 10 mins Manure goal written all over this tbh
  3. Its brilliant, we didnt score in the 2nd half because we didnt need to, we just defended our league. Whats the point in playing for goals when you have a 3 goal lead? well done Sam i say.
  4. Cant believe, 70 minutes till another Prem season, brilliant stuff.
  5. Surprised at Solano tbh, not too long ago he said he wanted to retire at Newcastle.
  6. Hard to believe we havent scored at home since Liverpool in febuary, just when we are on goals and Lawro comments.
  7. £1000 on 700/1 is very inviting, considering theres a very good chance of getting nearly 3 quarters of a million.
  8. Cant you buy it off a season ticket holder and then get them to give you the card?
  9. Decky

    I know the score

    Nice one Chapel, cheers
  10. Just heard on SSN that Lita could miss the start of the season after straining a muscle when trying to get out of bed Whats the strangest ones you have heard of?
  11. Having said this Owen will prob come back and be fit all season making me look like a reet twat when someone bumps this in May.
  12. Last season alot of people said Owen will never return as the player he once was, i laughed it off saying it was bollocks, but was it? Sure he will be a good player when playing, but has he gone from injury prone to EXTREMELY injury prone? The knock he picked up recently seemed like it came from nowhere and by the time he is back he will have been out for a month! That to me is ridiculous for a guy who claimed to be "fitter than ever". I know its not his fault but with a month long injury coming so easy to him what the hell will he be like in a Prem game with tackles going into him? Starting to think the year and a half in the treatment room has really done his fitness in, its hardly a case of getting match fit now like is it? Its a case of avoiding the next injury with him.
  13. FFS whats wrong with Shay? our injuries are just as bad this year and we havent even started yet!
  14. Decky

    Lawro is back

    Appearences, how many was he fighting for fitness in ffs.
  15. They can score goals all they want, we just need to score more
  16. Is he really that good? surely a team like Arsenal would badly want him? Also if the lad has sense he wont join Sunderland, although it looks like he will.
  17. Really is a shame we dont have Owen, Duff and Barton for this.
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