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Posts posted by Swissmag

  1. I commend him for his loyalty and his desire to want to play for NUFC. More than can be said for some.


    where would you draw the line between "loyal" and "comfortable"?


    he's here for the pay check and to sit on the bench. if he wanted to play first team football and actually try to prove himself he'd have gone to stoke.





    Wishful thinking, but I'd like to see N'Zogbia (£10m?) and Smith (any £ is good!) moved on and with these coming in...


    Ebanks-Blake or Doyle

    Kyle Naughton


    Jimmy Bullard


    Think these players could offer us a lot and they are realistic targets.


    Are we already in the championship?  ffs


    Did everton say that when they signed Cahill? Did they fuckers.


    Or Jagielka? or Lescott?




    Im not saying dont sign anyone from the championship, Im saying those players with Zog gone would be a championship squad. Bullard and Elano both have premiership experience but man city and Fulham dont want them, both of whom are teams we should be competing with this season (not standing man citys new year spending spree). So buying players not good enough for them doesnt make sense to me. Elano has been good for man city, then again mido was for spurs, yes they can afford to replace him with a top drawer player, but until now they havent had the opportunity, and hes done f*** all to make them want to keep him.


    Disagree with everything you have said.  Our side minus Zog is a championship one already then by your words.  I believe we need depth to our squad and we need it NOW.  We have some of our better players on long term injuries and only kids who are not good enough yet (if ever) to step in.  Firstly, Fulham don't want rid of Bullard, they said he can go if they can't meet his wage demands. Elano has fallen out of favour with Hughes over personal issues (from what I can see) and he was a dangerous player for them last season.  Plus Man City don't have to settle for keeping Elano as they have so much money they can buy whoever is willing to come for silly wages.  Bit different from the angle of "they aren't good enough for them" that your trying to create.


    Mido hasn't been suggested, so again your picking a bad example and trying to pin it on a different set of players with different circumstances.  Also, are you saying you'd prefer to keep what we got instead of adding Elano and Bullard to the mix? - Sorry but I don't see how our current midfield is better than not having Bullard & Elano in it to pick from.


    And please, suggest 4 players you think we can sign like I requested.  If your going to criticise my choices at least have the balls to lay your cards on the table.


    I already did a long way back in this thread and i stick by it. Bullard has gone on record as saying he will take a cut in wages to stay at Fulham. Elano is not wanted by man city, theyve struggled for goals this season with Jo being slow to settle and still he hasnt featured. My point is to improve the squad, swapping zog for bullard or elano is not imo improving the squad, nor is signing untested players for a potential relegation battle. Im saying id rather keep zog than bring in two lesser players.

    You think Zog is better than Bullard and Elano?  Talk about over rated.

    On his day, Charlie could come close to Elano.



  3. To be honest the bare thought of Roy Hodgson as our next manager makes me drool. He's got a fan-fuckin-fabulous CV and the attitude most English people have to him I find rather odd.


    Though bar Inter he's never really proved he's done well for a big club. Though then again we're hardly a major club these days regardless.


    He did well with the swiss national team...

  4. As for delusional, he claimed Kinnear could take us to Europe and to even have a flutter on it. The man isn't the brightest bulb in the house when it comes to football. I wont mention he thinks Kinnear is better than Cappello, I'd like to think he was joking but he does have form...


    Although he was most likely just taking the piss.


    Great...probably not the most intelligent idea atm?!?

  5. Cant believe what Chopra has come out with. I am not expecting him to wear a SMB shirt or oot like that but at the same time I am not expecting him to act like a prize c*** ala Don f*** off die you c*** of a t*** face Hutchinson either.


    Read the quotes & here the prick at:





    The mentally unstable 50% Asian bloke has his facebook open, nutters send him the gambling t*** with marital problems a message, his details are at:




    Although he's a "mentally unstable 50% Asian bloke" I think it's only fair to point out he's also 50% English geordie lass, mentally unstable or not.


    In fact his dad used to go to Rutherford School on the West Road as it happens, it's a technical college or something now.


    :-) Beat me to it. Don't know why his nationality has been mentioned in that case...

  6. Jesus christ! he's dealing with Arabs, we all know you have to start with an insane price and barter away, if he didn't!, he would loose face in front of the Arabs.


    Where you got that knowledge from? From your last holidays in Djerba, Marrakesh or Dubai? It's not a soukh man...

  7. This has never been a question of getting behind the team. We're doing this because the heart of the team has been ripped away by a clueless b******. His input for tansfers has been embarassing and it's time for the fans to stop being the butt of the joke AGAIN. So for all those having a go at the protestors, carry on enjoy the Ashley era but for those who care about the direction of the club, sometimes there comes a  point where something needs to be done. The team will be supported, it always has, but Ashley MUST see the hatred for him.


    I care absolutely about the diection of the club - we were going in the wrong one and now things are looking a lot better, the Keegan incident apart


    so, tell me about the things that are looking better...


    finances, first team squad, scouting system to name three.


    In contrast to: Nearly no spending, a small squad and as many injuries as ever. I think we improved on the field, but think that was down to KK.  Concerning transfers, we'll still have to wait and see to judge Nacho and Xisco...

  8. This has never been a question of getting behind the team. We're doing this because the heart of the team has been ripped away by a clueless b******. His input for tansfers has been embarassing and it's time for the fans to stop being the butt of the joke AGAIN. So for all those having a go at the protestors, carry on enjoy the Ashley era but for those who care about the direction of the club, sometimes there comes a  point where something needs to be done. The team will be supported, it always has, but Ashley MUST see the hatred for him.


    I care absolutely about the diection of the club - we were going in the wrong one and now things are looking a lot better, the Keegan incident apart


    so, tell me about the things that are looking better...

  9. This has never been a question of getting behind the team. We're doing this because the heart of the team has been ripped away by a clueless b******. His input for tansfers has been embarassing and it's time for the fans to stop being the butt of the joke AGAIN. So for all those having a go at the protestors, carry on enjoy the Ashley era but for those who care about the direction of the club, sometimes there comes a  point where something needs to be done. The team will be supported, it always has, but Ashley MUST see the hatred for him.



  10. I'm hoping this silence and lack of appointment for the Managers position is down to Ashley's selling.


    The lack of appointment seems more likely down to the fact that nee fecker will touch us with a bargepole - if Wise can't persuade his best mate to take it, what chance have we got with actual decent proven managers?


    Talk of the likes Hiddink and Advocaat is absolute fantasy island stuff - no manager of any pedigree will be remotely interested in us in our current state : "Aye Guus, forget about the World Cup, come here and work for Dennis Wise instead - he's got 12 million to spend you know!!".....


    sad but true IMHO

  11. Which side was rebrov playing for?




    He missed the match as he got mugged by a black man just before kickoff.


    Ask him. He would probably say, that the Nazis just TEND to be unfair and  that If he goes to the Ukraine then he's NATURALLY more likely to meet alcoholics.


    Why would he say that?  He's not a nazi himself.


    He's not racist, but wouldn't play for any side...

  12. 'A lot of dark skinned people live there. So naturally the crime rate is higher than anywhere else.'


    OK, it's not the type of comment we like to see. But just to play devil's advocate here, what has he said that's actually incorrect?


    Have a look here: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs06/s95race05.pdf


    These are official Home Office figures, and whilst I've not read the report in full it does show that black people account for 2.8% of the population of the UK but yet make up 13.5% of the prison population.


    Now doubtless the PC brigade will say that "Oh, black people don't get a fair chance as the police / justice system is racist" but really that's not going to account for the fact that if you're black, you're almost five times as likely to commit a crime that leads to you going to jail as if you're white.


    Maybe Rebrov has a point, however distasteful people find it?


    Then british people are all alcoholics (same as the germans), Belgians are all paedophiles (sp), Dutch people are all Junkies, and not to forget all the islamic ppl are terrorists. "Naturally" of course... :-(


    No, no, no. You're either being really stupid or else you're using the word "All" to deliberately sensationalise things. Either way, it's just daft.


    Rebrov hasn't said that all blacks are criminals, and neither have I and neither has that report from the home office. The point is though that black people are statistically more likely to commit crimes that land them in jail, and that's an inescapable fact.


    If you then say in return "If I go to England then I'm naturally more likely to meet alcoholics" and statistics back you up (I have no idea if they do or not) then that would be fine.


    Didn't Silvio Maric say something about the women being ugly in Newcastle during his spell here? If we add Fat Fred's comments about Geordie women being dogs does that count as a statistic making it ok to offer the opinion?



  13. 'A lot of dark skinned people live there. So naturally the crime rate is higher than anywhere else.'


    OK, it's not the type of comment we like to see. But just to play devil's advocate here, what has he said that's actually incorrect?


    Have a look here: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs06/s95race05.pdf


    These are official Home Office figures, and whilst I've not read the report in full it does show that black people account for 2.8% of the population of the UK but yet make up 13.5% of the prison population.


    Now doubtless the PC brigade will say that "Oh, black people don't get a fair chance as the police / justice system is racist" but really that's not going to account for the fact that if you're black, you're almost five times as likely to commit a crime that leads to you going to jail as if you're white.


    Maybe Rebrov has a point, however distasteful people find it?


    Then british people are all alcoholics (same as the germans), Belgians are all paedophiles (sp), Dutch people are all Junkies, and not to forget all the islamic ppl are terrorists. "Naturally" of course... :-(


    And the Swiss, they just sit back and watch it all go by without ever stepping in, of course. ;)


    Got me. Wanted to mention that to, but seemded too harmless for the comparison :-)


    But there you go: Swiss People don't have any opinions, except the one about the banking secret... :-)

  14. 'A lot of dark skinned people live there. So naturally the crime rate is higher than anywhere else.'


    OK, it's not the type of comment we like to see. But just to play devil's advocate here, what has he said that's actually incorrect?


    Have a look here: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs06/s95race05.pdf


    These are official Home Office figures, and whilst I've not read the report in full it does show that black people account for 2.8% of the population of the UK but yet make up 13.5% of the prison population.


    Now doubtless the PC brigade will say that "Oh, black people don't get a fair chance as the police / justice system is racist" but really that's not going to account for the fact that if you're black, you're almost five times as likely to commit a crime that leads to you going to jail as if you're white.


    Maybe Rebrov has a point, however distasteful people find it?


    Then british people are all alcoholics (same as the germans), Belgians are all paedophiles (sp), Dutch people are all Junkies, and not to forget all the islamic ppl are terrorists. "Naturally" of course... :-(

  15. I'd like Mancini with Zola assisting.


    It would only be a matter of time before the board pissed Mancini enough to resign by which stage Zola would have at least cut his teeth further in coaching and know the Newcastle set up well enough to take over.


    Mancini? No way...


    why not?


    He has a winning CV. He's my first choice considering Marcelino is unavailable.


    Because of the brand of his football...

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