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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Oooo, now that is a great goal. Van Persie's finally turned up, it seems.
  2. Good defending that. Decent block.
  3. Dutch defence went AWOL there. Terrible.
  4. Good move and quite the assured finish.
  5. De Jong and Van Bommel are starting in CM again? Yep, definitely a Germany win.
  6. 2-0 to Deutschland tbh.
  7. Great goal, that. Great technique.
  8. Was he ever going to do anything else?
  9. Well done to Cristiano btw
  10. That article in the Journal is quite positive like. *Must not get carried away*. Got to hand it to Douglas though, he does know how to get some people excited (including himself!).
  11. Aye it's alright. Goals seemed to come randomly rather than the result of match rhythm from either teams though. Thanks for that I should really leave work earlier...
  12. Sifu


    I'm really going to have nightmares now!
  13. Yep, that's a thunderbastard.
  14. Match of the Day Classic
  15. f*** off have you seen the rest of them? The phrase no redeeming features springs to mind. BBC is just as bad! The lesser of two evils.
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