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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I can't remember many Italian teams winning in England. My memory isn't great though. Only 1 I can remember in recent years was Inter @ Chelsea when they won the CL. Did Milan win at Old Trafford a few years back? I don't want to mention what Inter did to us. Man U won that game. Last minute winner from Rooney iirc.
  2. Good ball and good header tbh. 1-0 Chelsea.
  3. Which is why the coach should be sacked but seriously that lad who kicked the other's head should be expelled. Instructions or not, you can't be doing that whatever age you are. That kid has to face the consequences as well as the coach.
  4. Roy Keane's done well to tolerate him......
  5. That coach needs to be sacked. That kid who kicked the other kid's head should be expelled from the team too.
  6. Presumably visiting family.
  7. Hope Chelsea get a hammering tonight. Would be fun to see.
  8. Aye, I say don't risk him now. Just let him get ready for pre-season.
  9. I seem to remember him being signed primarily as "competition" to Jonas. I pretty much expect that to be pretty much the case next season too, though I would really like to see Marveaux in the team - he has looked good from what I've seen (good crossing, good technique, canny passing). You never know, he could even take Jonas' place (not that I want Jonas out of the team btw).........we shall see. Really hope his injury problems are now properly behind him and I also hope he gets a chance next season. Definitely not writing him off (like some of mates have done).
  10. Complacency does come into it a bit really. It does seem that he constantly makes the same mistakes and that the fact that he hasn't really learned from them demonstrates a somewhat complacent mindset - that is, it's probably the case to his mind that because his position isn't really under threat, he doesn't have to learn from his mistakes. He knows he's in the team week in, week out so really, he plays as he's always known (backing off the opposition player and float in the occasional (bad) cross. Btw, I swear his crossing wasn't so bad last season). It's a shame to say that I've seen no improvement in Simpson this season, was hoping he would step it up.
  11. There probably is that little bit of complacency on Simpson's part. He's started 60+ consecutive games at RB and I really think that the lack of competition for that position is potentially a reason for some of Danny's shite performances this season. A little competition is probably the kick up the arse he needs. As it stands, he is the first choice RB and there really isn't anyone to challenge him for his position (reasons being: Raylor is terrible defensively, Santon is the established LB in Pardew's eyes, Perch is a squad player). Regarding the young lads, hope we give Tavernier a new contract and steps up to the plate (if we don't sign a new RB/LB). A bit of healthy competition can be a good thing like. I also hope Ferguson is heavily involved in pre-season so that we can see whether or not he can make LB his own position. I actually would like Simpson to stay, but his role next season should be a backup one to a new RB (a quality one that is).
  12. Sifu

    James Perch

    It was only last season when Simpson was (comfortably) miles ahead of Perch in the pecking order for RB. Nice change in attitudes eh? EDIT: This isn't me slating Perch btw, if need be (injuries/suspensions), I wouldn't mind him covering at RB/LB. He's a big no for CB though.
  13. He'd been injured for months and has 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 weeks training, that's nowhere near enough for a premiership footballer and it's showing the more he plays because he's been much much better than he currently is. The only difference is his lack of training before he was thrown into the team and he's playing with players who are mainly the same as or better than he's played with before. There is some substance to what you're saying imo. I'm starting to think that maybe he hasn't really got over his injury yet (he was out for some time after all) and I reckon that has somewhat affected him mentally. He was essentially rushed back and had next to no recovery time. Having said that though, it has been three months since he's been back so he should be back at full match fitness. Got to be said, his performances have been declining ever since the Fulham game. Guess his confidence is pretty much shot (Pardew pretty much hinted this after the derby) and as a result, it's really looking like he's prone to a (costly) mistake in each game he plays. A little support from the fans is what he needs (pretty much what TT said on the last page). Like it or not, Williamson is our best option for CB alongside Colo.
  14. Who the f*** said that? Sky bloke heavily implied it was still a possibility. As I've said before, mongtastic as their fans are I can certainly understand why they continue to believe they're a big hitter in this league. They're spoon-fed it on a daily basis by the entire media. Oh dear. Aye, the media wankfest over Dalglish and indeed Liverpool (when things go their way, ie. wins and all that) is so cringeworthy.
  15. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    4-3-HBA-2 ? That's the formation I would really like to see us use in the future. I really do think that we have the players to make it work. One can hope..... Without quality fullbacks that formation is destined to fail. Indeed. Hopefully summer will be a busy one for us in terms of incomings...... In terms of the full back situation, I would like to see one of the following: - Sign a new RB and keep Santon at LB. - Sign a new LB and move Santon to RB. - Sign no-one but do this: Move Santon to RB and start Ferguson at LB or keep Santon at LB and start Tavernier at RB. (I'm going to assume that Simpson is going to stay as back up btw, can see him being decent cover for a new RB/Santon). I would hate to see option 3, that would be terrible That option would be the last resort btw. Don't really want to see it but if we had no choice (as in, we fail to sign any of our targets and all that), I wouldn't mind seeing it....
  16. Moyes going for it (or rather a final throw of the dice).
  17. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    4-3-HBA-2 ? That's the formation I would really like to see us use in the future. I really do think that we have the players to make it work. One can hope..... Without quality fullbacks that formation is destined to fail. Indeed. Hopefully summer will be a busy one for us in terms of incomings...... In terms of the full back situation, I would like to see one of the following: - Sign a new RB and keep Santon at LB. - Sign a new LB and move Santon to RB. - Sign no-one but do this: Move Santon to RB and start Ferguson at LB or keep Santon at LB and start Tavernier at RB. (I'm going to assume that Simpson is going to stay as back up btw, can see him being decent cover for a new RB/Santon).
  18. Urgh. Do we assume that's that then?
  19. Moment of our first half performance was arguably him skinning Enrique. Wow! I've got to see it to believe it!
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