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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    If they don't secure Sigurdsson then Guthrie would be fit in well with their team/ethos.
  2. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    It's a shame that he's intent on leaving. It's understandable from his point of view, I guess - unfortunately, he's not going to get in the team ahead of Cabaye and Tiote so looks like leaving would be the best move for his career. Has to be said, he's done really well when called upon this season and I really would have liked him to stay. If he does indeed leave, hope he doesn't go to Villa. Really don't trust McLeish to get the best out of him. In any case, best of luck to the lad, whatever his career path.
  3. Diame should have done better there.
  4. Douglas' plug: Regarding the "contract exclusive", I'm going to guess Guthrie/Simpson.
  5. Some fantastic play from Swansea today. A much deserved victory.
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Indeed, we won't know for sure how he is defensively until the lad gets an extended runout at LB.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I know they do, that's my point. It's because they are encouraged to by their manager in my view, not because they've suddenly become much better footballers. You don't think the likes of Richardson, Bridge, Bardsley and O'Shea are better on the ball than 3/4 of our most frequent back 4? If Kieron Richardson can be considered a full back, why not Shane Ferguson? How many times has Shane started at full back for us? Almost on every occasion he's started for us, as far as I'm aware.
  8. Fantastic news! Credit to the medical staff for their quick response to the situation.
  9. Really hope he pulls through. Thoughts are with him and his family.
  10. Aaaaah, s****. Well, at least it's more dropped points for them.
  11. Reading are really making a late push for the Championship title. Fair play.
  12. Seriously, some of the Simpson hate on here is way over the top. Like any other player, he deserves praise for when he does well and criticism when he does bad. Unfortunately, Danny seems to have had more bad days than good this season. Yes, he's a limited player and he has made some silly and costly errors this season (and so some criticism does rightly come his way) but come on, over the top abuse isn't the way to get your point across.
  13. Don't think I've seen two opposing captains in the same interview before.
  14. Well played by Distin. Has handled Campbell well.
  15. Abeid's not really a Tiote-esque player but I do think he's shaping up to be a good CM. From what I've seen, he is quite tidy on the ball, has a good range of passing and does the simple things effectively. He complemented Cabaye well against Blackburn in the FA Cup imo - with Abeid doing the more simpler things such as holding up play (he has decent strength), receiving the ball deep from the defenders, it allowed Cabaye to push up and basically do all the attacking. Abeid has a bright future here imho, will certainly have a bigger part to play next season (especially if Guthrie leaves).
  16. That goal just there (Seriously though, he's been shite this season).
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