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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Not liking this mackem dominance. Sort it out, Moyes Neil.
  2. Missed the deadline this week. Was going to make Hatem captain this week, oh well.....
  3. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Cissé will be fine. Not worried at all.
  4. Sifu


    Well, that's a surprise See ya Stephane! Seriously though, without Sessegnon, the mackems could very well struggle next season. O'Neill won't sign another player like him, the man will probably sign an overrated English/British based player. Who needs Sessegnon when you can have Shaun Maloney, Aiden McGeady or Steve Sidwell? Maybe N'Zogbia will finally sign! Oh my, ready-made replacements right there - those players would comfortably get the mackems into the Champions League! FTM.
  5. Sifu

    Dan Gosling

    Gosling really hasn't had a chance to force himself into the first team (you could say that he somewhat fucked up his chances when he got sent off at Carrow Road) but you could say that's down to the players (Cabaye, Tiote, Guthrie and even Abeid) in front of him in the pecking order. Really not sure if he's ever going to get a chance like. From what I've seen, he's an average player in the Nolan mound. A loan would probably do him some good mind. He would be decent for squad depth like but if he moves on, then fair enough.
  6. Sifu


    Well, that's a surprise See ya Stephane! Seriously though, without Sessegnon, the mackems could very well struggle next season. O'Neill won't sign another player like him, the man will probably sign an overrated English/British based player.
  7. If Simpson is out, wouldn't mind seeing Santon at RB and Ferguson at LB on Sunday (in fact, I would very much like to see it happen!). If Fergie's having a rough time (I'm sure he'll be fine though), then we can easily bring on Perch for the second half.
  8. Just to add on to this, the deal Arsenal had with Monaco was apparently a 3m initial fee with an add-on of 9m if Park could at any point get out of his national service. So Arsenal are about to fork up an extra 9 million Euros. For a player who never plays Nice transfer negotiations, Arsene (+ the board), ha!
  9. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    i was thinking that but after reading snippets from an interview with ben arfa saying his head wasn't right and how much sharper he looks now, i'm not so sure. can anyone link to the interview btw, i can't remember if it was in quotes or from pardew or whatever, it was while i was at work very early in the morning but made me put my thoughts on the matter on hold a bit. Think this is it: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91227.msg3562130/topicseen.html#msg3562130
  10. Hmmm. Really don't mind Hart like.....
  11. What's wrong with Hart? Tagging him as John Terry MkII is a bit extreme like.....
  12. Interesting, very interesting.
  13. Some good work tonight, Manchester.
  14. If this is true, then what a farce this has been from the Wolves board.
  15. Bye Man U. A much deserved win for Bilbao. Completely outclassed the Mancs.
  16. Oooo, that's a great strike from Rooney.
  17. Game over for Man U. Much deserved goal for Bilbao.
  18. That would have been a great goal there. Did so well until the finish.
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