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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. While in Sheffield, some randomers (who had spotted me wearing my colours) decided to chant "New-astle" in my direction. Weirdos. (Cool story methinks).
  2. Why would you spend 15 seasons (or whatever it is) sitting on the bench and then leave to get games just before you're retiring? So that he is able to finish his career on a high.
  3. To some extent he should. Ah. Yeah, fair enough I guess......
  4. What did he say? Having a go at Tiote for being elbowed in the face. Oh, not cool Jeff, not cool
  5. So, as mentioned before in the Football Things on TV thread, if QPR go down, will they need another Four Year Plan?
  6. Looked like a classic 'what have i done' face. Yeah, a bit of that too.
  7. Barton looks like a player who knows that QPR are down.
  8. Regarding the actual thread btw, of the players mentioned in the OP, I would like the following to stay: Harper - sentimental reasons more than anything, I do think he's still competent for a number 2 but would understand if he decided to leave; wouldn't mind him as a goalkeeping coach actually. Guthrie - fantastic squad player, can easily slot into CM when necessary but again would understand if he wanted to leave. Perch - Can be useful at times and we do need a squad so would like him to stay. Simpson - Okay, we do need a new RB/LB in the summer but I really think Simpson would be competent backup (despite his flaws). Whether or not he would accept a bit-part role is another matter. Best - Again, another great option for backup imho. His goal record this season hasn't been that spectacular but he does give his all and certainly has some strengths which can be beneficial to us (holdup play, decent body strength and all that). Elliot - Well, as unconvincing he may seem to be to some (myself included), he is the only backup keeper we've got (bar Harper). The new young'uns we've got in the reserves are definitely not ready yet. Also Forster is definitely off to Celtic imo. Having said that, if we manage to find a better backup keeper, then won't be too bothered if Elliot is let go.
  9. Speaking of Marveaux, has anybody any idea how his recovery is progressing? Should be back for pre-season.
  10. Forgot to change my team this week. Meh.
  11. Santon has mentioned that he feels comfortable enough on either side. Having said that, it could very well be the case that he's actually more comfortable in one position than the other. We won't know for sure until he gets a run of games at RB really. I have no problems with him starting at LB in the meantime (or even for the medium/long-term).
  12. Sifu


    Awesome additions there
  13. Sifu


    Watch out/unlucky oldtype:
  14. Sifu


    Yep, absolutely brilliant
  15. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    His performance was underwhelming but thought his passing was decent overall. Some decent set pieces too.
  16. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    So, has Pardew finally turned the corner? Hmmm. Guess you could also give credit to Hatem for stepping it up in training as well. Either way, this article does sound positive
  17. Canny. Know nothing about him like but best of luck to him.
  18. Sifu

    Derek Llambeezy

    It could be horrible but within a few games, if the newer, cheaper signings perform well and Graham Carr pulls some worldies out of the bag, people will be saying Cheick who? Fair points but I'm struggling to think of a player who will be as beastly as Cheik. Graham Carr might be able find such a player but then again, he might not. Best case scenario is Tiote staying. tbf what did you know of the twente bit parter before we signed him ? i'd like him to stay as we cant be sure any replacement would be as good but he's not been what he was last season. Hmmm, indeed. Yeah, it's safe to say that most people (including myself) knew nothing about Tiote before he signed for us. So if he is let go, I suppose the scouting team will be able to find a suitable replacement - they have been shown to be trustworthy. Will be gutted if Tiote does leave (I guess such a sentiment has clouded my judgement a bit).
  19. Sifu

    Derek Llambeezy

    It could be horrible but within a few games, if the newer, cheaper signings perform well and Graham Carr pulls some worldies out of the bag, people will be saying Cheick who? Fair points but I'm struggling to think of a player who will be as beastly as Cheik. Graham Carr might be able find such a player but then again, he might not. Best case scenario is Tiote staying.
  20. Sifu

    Derek Llambeezy

    Well then, summer will be fun.
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