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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    Now that we've missed out on Gomis, does that mean we're going to count on the following players as our main outlet of goals: - Gouffran, whose striking instinct has been taken out of him due to Pardew's insistence on turning him into a winger; - Cisse, who is currently injured and his current confidence/motivation to play is shot to bits; - Armstrong, who is untested so we don't know whether he will reach the appropriate heights; - Ayoze, who is an unknown quality and we just don't know if he'll adapt to this league or be given time to adapt. A disconcerting season awaits...doomed is a rather apt description but that could be for the good for the club maybe?
  2. Maybe this will inspire Sammy to declare for Nigeria???
  3. Suarez clearly has mental issues, 3 fucking times FFS! Imagine the many Uruguayan children he's inspiring...
  4. Shola's clearly saving his energy for an inspired performance against Argentina.
  5. Already a much better game than the Nigeria-Iran game.
  6. Unlikely that this will happen now, ah well only £2...
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