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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Always speaks a lot of sense though.
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Rio getting carried away already.
  3. Sifu

    The England Thread

    As ever, going to be shit scared of what Glen Johnson does at RB, by far our weak link.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    England have been boring for the last decade man.
  5. Brilliant performance from Costa Rica. Uruguay can f*** off.
  6. Just remembered something my workmate told me yesterday - he doesn't see what's wrong with Adrian Chiles and thinks he's a decent presenter...
  7. Missed all the pre-match/half time stuff so here's my question...why have the BBC got Neil f***ing Lennon to do punditry?
  8. Quite gutted I missed the Spain-Holland game, would have been all the sweeter to see Spain's (Casillas') collapse in real time. Ah well, I had a good night regardless... I suppose Spain-Holland made up for that farce of the game that was Brazil-Croatia?
  9. Is the news panel thing in hiatus?
  10. If this is how Brazil are going to try to win the World Cup then football can fuck off really.
  11. Why? Had a dodgy chow mein lately? ... Ask him who his No. 2 forward is. Might let him off this time round.
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