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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Hang on, where the f*** did the Mirror get that £50,000 a week figure from?! Must be a ploy to wind the Newcastle fans up even further. Sensationalist journalism.
  2. I'm all for knocking the club, but the window hasnt even opened yet man. Even when the window opens, are you confident that we'll bring in someone actually decent (and won't be ruined by Pardew)? Personally, I reckon we'll piss about like we always do and end up signing no-one of note.
  3. So, this is the height of our ambition...signing a c*** who seems to have a complete lack of respect for Newcastle fans despite being "one" himself. Seriously though, I don't care if it's peer pressure or one's eagerness to appease the mackem supporters, any self-respecting Newcastle fan should never in their life take the p*ss out of their own club's fans (and indeed the city) in the manner Colback did - it's incomprehensible and shows cuntedness. He'll have to come up with something really good to redeem himself but somehow I doubt he'd celebrate if he scored against the mackems. This is what I hope to see happen: 1) He offers to explain himself for making those gestures (maybe an apology somewhere down the line...would that be too , Jack?), 2) He never sees the starting lineup. From a footballing perspective though, he's as unexciting as it gets. Should be a squad filler and no more...
  4. Come to think of it, what does he actually do? How is he a "celebrity"?
  5. Now that ROW are in the lead again, bring Richman back on.
  6. Old Trafford has never been any louder.
  7. Very much looking forward to that. He's not fat anymore, Spurs fan n all. Aye, saw some photos of him a few months back looking very trim.
  8. Very much looking forward to that.
  9. That penalty shootout all those years ago for one thing.
  10. Good on him, Wilkes is a cunt.
  11. Don't think it's surprising that there are more likeable people on the ROW team...
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