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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Not a clue, that's what he's just told me so...
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    According to my mate: NFL policy to halt games during lightning, stadium may not be insured for it
  3. I wonder what lies Pardew's been spouting into this lad's ear..."we like to play an attacking game", etc. All the best to Perez though...he'll need all the luck he can get to not fall foul to being Pardewed.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Foster's a good keeper. He's certainly not overrated. In all honesty, I've never rated him...
  5. From having a squad of somewhat likeable players to a squad full of cunts. It's all going to plan for Pardew.
  6. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Lessons learned from tonight: - Never start Milner at RB ever again. - Barkley should be a starter (always a threat imo). - Ben Foster is still an overrated goalkeeper. - Our reserves are very underwhelming (apart from Oxlade-Chamberlain).
  7. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    My Nigerian workmate didn't know that Shola got selected until I told him this morning, oh the look on his face when he knew I wasn't taking the piss, hahaha.
  8. Sifu

    Players in public

    Really strange place for an out of area footballer to socialise. Why would you pick out Jesmond? Nice place, but just don't understand why they would be anywhere near. The clunge.
  9. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    :idiot2: :idiot2: Shola Ameobi Amazing Goal vs Italy Confirmed Just watched said goal and I'm well hyped up now!
  10. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Against Argentina
  11. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Won't be missing any of Nigeria's games now...
  12. Looking past his cuntness, he'll be acceptable as a squad player, anything more...oh dear. Actually, fuck that, he can fuck off.
  13. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Amazing. Quite chuffed for him tbh (I'm laughing in joy, haha).
  14. Will be one of the greatest senses of justice in the governing football world.
  15. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    The excitement...
  16. If the mis-management of Ben Arfa isn't enough evidence of Pardew's ineptitude, then look no further than the treatment of Yanga-Mbiwa - again we've got a situation where we've ruined a good player through sheer mis-management. Pardew's blatant favouritism in starting that c*** Steven Taylor, has really been of a detriment to Yanga-Mbiwa's progress. Anyone who's seen our games should/will have clearly seen that the CB partnership of Yanga-Mbiwa and Williamson was one that was solid as it can be (and it can be argued that it was better than the Coloccini-Williamson partnership) and it was really unfair on Mapou to be dropped as soon as Coloccini became fit again. Yanga-Mbiwa should have been the future but as ever that c*** Pardew sees fit to get rid because he doesn't know how to manage a player of Yanga-Mbiwa's calibre. What a fucking shame and what a fucking shambles from everyone within our management. Pardew's management style knows no bounds - "oh I see you've played well...in that case, you're dropped". Pardew sure does know how to ruin players' confidence, man management skills you say...he has fuck all.
  17. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    The anticipation is rather high...hope he makes the cut.
  18. Sifu

    Remy Cabella

    To be fair, that's approximately what we paid for Mbiwa from them. True but I expect attackers (highly rated ones, that is) to be worth a bit more money than £6.5 million...
  19. Sifu

    Remy Cabella

    No wonder the Montpellier president/chairman (as crazy as he is) hates us, £6.5 million is an absolute pisstake. (Plus looks like he's going to be proven right about Yanga-Mbiwa...).
  20. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    This is quite amusing, haha. Go on Joey.
  21. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Dressed for the occasion, Joey.
  22. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    What could possibly go wrong...
  23. Anyone who still continues to defend this horrible c*** is just as clueless and disrespectful to the club/fans as he is.
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