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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He regretted it from day one really.
  2. Another thing that could work in our favour on Saturday is Cech being a bit meh these days. Still a decent keeper mind but he makes more mistakes now than he did a few seasons ago. We could very well exploit it.
  3. Huh, first I've heard this too!
  4. I agree that it all depends on how the game's going but say if Simpson or Raylor are having absolute nightmares and what I mean is them being consistently raped all game, Santon could come on and calm the right/left side down.
  5. Replacements for Lovenkrands and Ranger
  6. Sifu


    :lol: :lol: still? they STILL think they have better players!? :lol:
  7. That's the way I see it too. I've said it in the last week or so, as it stands, I can see Santon coming off the bench for one of Simpson/Raylor if either one of them are having a particular rough time on the pitch. Can't see Pardew doing that, myself. Think he'd be worried about the loss in confidence of the substituted player. (Unless it's Cacapa esque). Well he did it with Simpson against Spurs so he could do it again. Mainly because of the threat of Bale against tired legs or something? Simpson had done okay iirc. Bringing Santon on was more of a message to Simpson I thought. Danny was a bit meh that day imo.
  8. There's going to be a minute's applause at all PL games this weekend for the great man. Hope we're going to do something extra to commemorate Gary too.
  9. That's the way I see it too. I've said it in the last week or so, as it stands, I can see Santon coming off the bench for one of Simpson/Raylor if either one of them are having a particular rough time on the pitch. Can't see Pardew doing that, myself. Think he'd be worried about the loss in confidence of the substituted player. (Unless it's Cacapa esque). Well he did it with Simpson against Spurs so he could do it again.
  10. That's the way I see it too. I've said it in the last week or so, as it stands, I can see Santon coming off the bench for one of Simpson/Raylor if either one of them are having a particular rough time on the pitch.
  11. So where do we assume the category C seats are?
  12. Yeah, crazy stuff. Capello is an idiot.
  13. Well now that you've put it that way, it can indeed be a good thing.
  14. I'd say Richards is up there. Aye, well he's certainly the best English RB at this point in time imo.
  15. When he does go on forward runs, they are decent enough. Decent enough crosser of the ball as well imo (probably still needs a bit of work on them though).
  16. I wouldn't believe him for a second. If he does his talking on the pitch at Barnsley, then maybe he could have a future (t)here.
  17. Sifu


    Nah. Well, not yet......
  18. This is pretty much how my mate started supporting Man U too......
  19. Aye, that is quite a worry for me too. He has worked his arse off in all the games he's played so far this season and the fact that he's pretty much going to be first choice in CM for France means he really won't have any prolonged periods of rest.
  20. For me it's definitely a yellow, pretty perplexed with the MOTD lot all saying it was absolutely fine. Also, any chance of a thread title change, cringing every time I see it. Sadly, predictably true. He really doesn't seem to like Colo. More to do with the fact he loves Rooney. Yep, unfortunately so really.
  21. Indeed he is thick but, at the same time, he's quite funny though.
  22. Just watched the Harper and Savage interviews. It's slowly hitting me with the more tributes and interviews I read and listen to.
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