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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I respect the family's wishes to have the tribute postponed. I can understand the reasoning for doing so. We, as fans, can still commemorate Gary tomorrow.
  2. Sifu


    One journalist's view on O'Neill in terms of his dealings with the press: @GrahamSpiersLucky Sunderland if they get Martin O’Neill. The most fascinating, engaging and infuriating manager I have ever dealt with. Great times.
  3. Sifu


    I'd like to know what he's basing this on. Same here. I guess he's basing it entirely on Martin O'Neill being the mackems' manager. I like Stan, but he's a fully paid up member of the MON arse licking club. The president of which is Henry Winter. Vice President, Patrick Barclay. Oh. I just thought of something that affects you lot. MON is the most bewilderingly popular manager going amongst the non-tabloid press. Unfortunately for you, that means you can expect an awful lot of the above (although usually not quite so in yer face). For Sunderland fans, they can expect years of the press implying they're extremely lucky to have him as their manager, and for said press to belittle the club. Great, I look forward to it.....
  4. Just seen Ambrose's goal from last night. What a goal.
  5. Sifu


    I'd like to know what he's basing this on. Same here. I guess he's basing it entirely on Martin O'Neill being the mackems' manager.
  6. Sifu


    Not a chance McGeady will leave Moscow for Sunderland. Heskey it is.
  7. Sifu


    I feel sorry for those 24 people who follow Wireside.
  8. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Deadwood is probably harsh in describing Milner but don't think he should be starting England games.
  9. Sifu

    The England Thread

    It's all about a fresh start really. We need to rebuild which should happen as soon as Capello leaves. That is, get rid of the deadweight in the England team atm (Barry, Milner etc.) and start picking the promising youngsters (Cleverley, Welbeck, Sturridge etc.) as well as having some decent experience around (I'd still have Lampard, Terry and Gerrard around tbh). Capello has been choosing some of the promising youngsters, granted, but he also continually picks players like Barry who are not the players to take England forward. Time for the new generation to come in.
  10. On the flip side they're super gash in the league after European games. Yep
  11. Will be interesting to see who'll play on the left wing. CM will be Cabaye and Guthrie, RM will be Obertan.
  12. So he leaves NUFC to join Liverpool to ultimately get called up to the Spain squad, but ends up being given the idea to play for England instead. There's a meme in there somewhere He's only saying that, or somebody close to him is saying it, to try to force his way into the spain squad. Judging from VI's post above, as it stands, Enrique won't be in the squad any time soon.
  13. Sifu


    Nah. Can you imagine if he did get a big transfer budget, he would waste it all signing players like Heskey Can see him spending big big money on the likes of Zamora, Jarvis & Sinclair. All sound players really..... In any case, he'll no doubt attempt to raid Villa.
  14. Sifu


    Nah. Can you imagine if he did get a big transfer budget, he would waste it all signing players like Heskey
  15. Sifu


    So will O'Neill actually be given a £40 million transfer kitty in January as rumoured?
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