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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    brummie's posts about O'Neill being meh has somewhat made feel a bit better about the prospect of the mackems appointing him. I can actually see O'Neill doing well to begin with. Then when the money does eventually come in, he'll probably waste it all which means that the mackems ultimately won't progress. In the long term, O'Neill probably won't be the best option. In any case, O'Neill seems to be the man who wants money to spend and he'll unlikely to get that at the mackems.
  2. Wish I'd done one of these. Looks like it would have been great craic. Ah well, there's always next year!
  3. Well this season, Jonas' stand out attacking play come in the form of his goal against Wolves and his assist for Ba's goal against Spurs.
  4. Sifu


    Supposedly weaker side? She's been drinking that RTG kool-aid I think. Daft BINT. David, you know what to do with this: http://i.imgur.com/an57A.png Would anyone do her, just for the sake of it? In a Karen Brady kind of way. Karren Brady on the other hand.....
  5. I reckon Berbatov's passion for football is slowly going, what with him being completely out of favour and all that. Must be sick of sitting on the bench like.
  6. Sifu


    It would send them right back down to Earth. But seeing the mackems struggle week in/week out in the PL is a better thing to see really as well as Derby Day.
  7. It's also down to Cech not being the keeper he used to be imo. These days, he's a bit dodgy at times like.
  8. Sifu


    This would be the most perfect appointment ever. Their fans with their delusion, inferiority complex and lack of patience. His arrogance and stubbornness, inferiority complex, not to mention terrible managerial ability. Match made in heaven. Having thought about it, it would indeed be the perfect appointment. Please make it so!
  9. FT. Palace in the semis. Canny. Man U
  10. Sifu


    LOL press it loads of times in quick succession, you get loads of mega NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs! Well that was fun
  11. Only if one of them wins it. Ah right, it's goes to the other finalists in the FA Cup though, doesn't it?
  12. Ah yeah..... But at the same time, it would be funny to see Palace win.
  13. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    He's an angel really :
  14. Sifu


    From .com: http://www.nufc.com/2011-12images/bye-bye-brucie-m.jpg
  15. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Joey man, shut the fuck up.
  16. Sifu


    Biggest mistake Hughes will make is sticking by Cattermole, really is his type of player. Probably aye..... Hughes will play a more organised version of the football they've seen under bruce, it's not pretty, but will get you points. Mon would need fast players everywhere so he can counter attack, meaning a full rebuild of the attacking unit, Curbs would repeat the mid season slump that haunts Bruces career and mcClaren is a joke manager, who'll have the fans on his back from the off. Clark a Geordie - who unfortunately for them is their best appointment but won't happen, dave jones would save the season but wouldn't progress them while Ancelotti, Rafa and the likes are basically fantasy stuff, but may have had a chance this time last year with Gyan and bent and the team looking forward, but not now. Slim pickings. Canny summation there.
  17. Sifu


    Biggest mistake Hughes will make is sticking by Cattermole, really is his type of player. Probably aye.....
  18. Sifu


    Hughes could actually do a good job with the mackems tbh.
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