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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. What about our imminent signing Neil Taylor
  2. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Getting rid of Willie McKay would do everyone a lot of good.
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/london_2012/13830342.stm
  4. I could live with that, £20 million is bit too high for my liking tbh.
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Wouldn't mind Chelsea receiving a points deduction tbh. (Not going to happen mind).
  6. Hope he sued whoever did his operation though. Sounds proper Dr Nick Riviera! http://www.thesharkguys.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/dr-nick-riviera1.gif He should really, nearly cost him his career.
  7. Well, his appearance record is pretty good for someone who has a dodgy knee. Good news really.
  8. @dannysimpson12 Danny Simpson Not football related 6 minutes ago via UberSocial That puts any current rumours to rest I reckon.
  9. Yeah some people were being ridiculous! Can't understand comments of "he's good enough for where we are now". How is the worst starting right back in the league good enough for us unless we're hoping to finish bottom? Have you been taking crack?! Worst RB in the PL? Howay man, take yer heid for a s****. Have to just echo this, crazy statement. Me too, completely absurd thing to say. Who was a worse starting RB in the PL last season? Steven Carr Not a chance. He was f***ing gash when he was with us like but was far from being as bad as Simpson last year. Don't know why we're even discussing this, Simpson had a good season by all accounts. Aye. Tailed off towards the end of the season though but definitely exceeded all expectations and had a decent season.
  10. Maybe I should change my avatar into a French theme too....
  11. What an avatar you've got there Skeletor!
  12. Indeed, but Twitter sorted it out so he's on that account again.
  13. Yeah some people were being ridiculous! Can't understand comments of "he's good enough for where we are now". How is the worst starting right back in the league good enough for us unless we're hoping to finish bottom? Have you been taking crack?! Worst RB in the PL? Howay man, take yer heid for a s****. Have to just echo this, crazy statement. Me too, completely absurd thing to say. Who was a worse starting RB in the PL last season? Steven Carr Tbf, he did have a decent season for Brum.
  14. Sifu

    Dimitar Berbatov

    , £8 million tops for me tbh.
  15. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Chelsea paid £50 million for one tbf. And? Look how well that turned out. That's not really the point though is it? You can't write a player off after a poor season. Alternatively Darren Bent looked poor in the first half of the season for Sunderland, only managing 5 goals from open play in 20 games for them yet when he went to Villa his game picked up completely and it was his goals that not only kept them up but had them finishing top half. You seem to be down on this guy TT for some unknown reason. No you can't, but is £10m a gamble worth taking (for us especially)? You mention Torres but do you think that was a good gamble and do you think he'll be back to where he was two seasons ago next season? I really am struggling to see where Torres comes in to this to make a point for out of form strikers and why we should buy one, if anything its an advert for not to buy. Bent fair enough, but really that was down to him wanting to be away and playing in a dog awful team riding its luck. I've been through this a few times with others, I really do not get what we see in him, especially at this price. At £6m it was a gamble for me, at £10m its not even worth thinking about. That Al Arabi looks a much smarter player, something to compliment Ba if we play two up front. My point was that other clubs don't seem to have a problem spending £10 million+ on an out of form player so why should we? Bent completely turned himself around at Villa and we'll have to see how Torres does when a new manager gets there but early days don't look too promising, that works both ways though and in form players have moved clubs and struggled to settle at all so I try to look more at ability rather than form, for instance what price would you put on Rooney since he only managed 8 league goals from open play last season? For me it seems the club have tracked him for a long time now and I'm guessing they've seen plenty more of him than either of us, they don't seem to be put off by his poor season so why should we? While not being an out and out goalscorer he seems to have all of the attributes we've missed in a striker since Bellamy left. It's hard to say what Torres will do until a new manager gets into Chelsea Yep, the fact that Graham Carr and co have watched Erdinç for a while and seem to rate him is, for the time being, a good enough reason (well for me anyway) for us to sign him. Carr has a good track record with signings, see Tiote so I'm confident we'll be signing a good player (if we ever get that far).
  16. Not the best news to read........hope we are actually still interested! If not, then it's a massive shame - he would have improved the team dramatically.
  17. Sifu

    James Perch

    Bye bye Perch, you definitely won't be missed!
  18. @dannysimpson12 Danny Simpson U lot r funny haha 58 minutes ago via UberSocial
  19. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Well what do you know, no quotes by the man himself , f***ing NOTW - I shouldn't be surprised though.
  20. We'll certainly sign him before the end of the month imo.
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